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  1. #1
    Oucheeeeee is offline New Member
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    50 year old first timer with dodgy knee - Take 2

    Hi all,

    About 6 hours ago, I was 5 minutes from jabbing myself with 250 mg of Testosterone Enan for the first time in my life and heading down the gym. Luckily, I posted a pretty crap post on this forum and some kindly folk replied pretty quickly. What that showed me was that I needed to research this topic before I dived in.

    Reading hundreds of threads over these past few hours has hopefully helped me to articulate my questions a little better and, more importantly, ask more pertinent questions.

    I think the most fundamental is: Do you need to lift heavy weights for any aas to be effective?

    I certainly can't lift even close to what I pushed 20-25 years ago when I was playing semi-pro ball and had a proper training plan mapped out for me by the team strength/speed coach. But that was all free weight deadlifts/squats/cleans/leg press. Nowadays, all I have acccess to, is 'Techno Gym' Leg extensions/curl machines. (I'm talking just legs)

    So, if answer to above is 'NO', aas can and will help?

    Then you need my stats:
    H = 183
    W= 260
    BF=25% ?
    Age = 49.9

    My past:
    Sprinter at school. Started boxing at 14. At that time, early 70's there wasn't the sort of information around as today. However, I read plenty of articles and understood how to train, what to eat and really enjoyed my gym sessions. Even, sad to say, the ones that really hurt. I switched my excercises around, shocked my system, peaked and plateaued, etc, etc.

    Mid '80s - My playing weight was 245 with about 6% BF and, as a mesomorph, I achieved this weight naturally and found gaining and maintaining muscle mass fairly easy - It was just as easy to pile on fat though, especially in Winter. But as soon as the days grew longer, I only had to look at some weights for the fat to disappear pretty quickly. That was probably true up until a few years ago.

    I trained with power lifters so I knew my way round a gym pretty well. Unfortunately, as I never used aas, I never really asked any questions about them. Hence my naievety now.

    My Present:
    A chronic knee condition has affected the amount of training I can now do on one of my legs. I really need to strengthen the Vastus medialis (and was about to start what I now know to be a cycle) hoping to build up my quads by using chemistry. What concerns me is that I may end up strengthening and building mass on all areas EXCEPT the quads which would be the exact opposite of what I require. That would be more weight for my bad knee to carry.

    So, over to you guys. What would you do? You want to build up a specific area (Quads) but can't lift massive iron. You can use good form on a machine and hopefully as the cycle progresses, would be able to do more? What would you suggest for first and hopefully ONLY cycle? Fat loss would be a hugely beneficial side effect as less weight for the knees to carry.

    Am I considering (with using injectable test) starting higher up the ladder than I need to. Would other combinations produce better results. Can I use something milder (a milder steroid , is that like being slightly pregnant?).

    If sticking with Test - what PCT - what do I need to get?

    Thx for any all responses.

    Sorry my posts are still crap

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  2. #2
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    Sorry man, I diddnt see your post till now. If you want good answers PM marcus300, I think he can be the most help to you. All I can really tell you is you will need clomid, nolva, and probably hcg for pct. I would suggest that you read the stickies at the top of this forum and alot of your questions will be answered. Find marcus at the bottom of the main forum page where all the members names are.

  3. #3
    AlphaGenetics's Avatar
    AlphaGenetics is offline Senior Member
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    I diddnt notice your post count is too low. You need 25 or 50 posts to pm anybody. I would suggest going to the lounge and comment on some of the threads in there to up your post count a bit. gl

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