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  1. #1
    RonCarlston is offline New Member
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    First cycle, lower than normal dose

    I'm just starting my research into what will be my first cycle. basically i am not looking to get huge. I'm 25 years old, 5'10 195 pounds (not fat i have abs) and just looking for a light strength/mass increase and to kind of boost my jiu-jitsu/kickboxing/weight training lifestyle.

    i see you guys recommending a 500mg/week test with dbol as a first cycle. What if i did this without the dbol and just ran test? would it be pointless to use LESS than 500mg a week?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    nice first post, good info.
    many make great gains at a lower dose, around 350mg/week, provided diet and training are in order.

  3. #3
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    I'm doing a 500mg of test only for ten weeks plus pct...
    results are starting to show bro!

  4. #4
    DOM6's Avatar
    DOM6 is offline Member
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    Just keep on reading, good info here

  5. #5
    DOM6's Avatar
    DOM6 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    I'm doing a 500mg of test only for ten weeks plus pct...
    results are starting to show bro!
    What week are you on now?
    sorry for hijack

  6. #6
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    What week are you on now?
    sorry for hijack
    end of fourth... tomorrow 5th week starts

  7. #7
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    end of fourth... tomorrow 5th week starts
    kool, week3-10 was awesome for me

  8. #8
    RonCarlston is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    sorry for hijack
    By all means! i'd be interested in hearing about the cycle

  9. #9
    RonCarlston is offline New Member
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    Did any of you have any kind of minor injuries/muscle strains that you noticed healed faster while on cycle?

  10. #10
    jbm's Avatar
    jbm is offline "3 stars and a sun"
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    kool, week3-10 was awesome for me
    when did your gains peak? what week?

  11. #11
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RonCarlston View Post
    Did any of you have any kind of minor injuries/muscle strains that you noticed healed faster while on cycle?
    explain 1st what you injury is?
    juice wont heal your injuries - rest does
    my bros are hardcore mma and there really only into prop, tren , winny, eq
    test e has water weight as a side, well all tests do just some more than others, but theres also ways to fix that to,
    whats your goal with juice? your 195 now whats the bf%like?
    training? howlong?

  12. #12
    RonCarlston is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    explain 1st what you injury is?
    juice wont heal your injuries - rest does
    my bros are hardcore mma and there really only into prop, tren , winny, eq
    test e has water weight as a side, well all tests do just some more than others, but theres also ways to fix that to,
    whats your goal with juice? your 195 now whats the bf%like?
    training? howlong?
    No injury just normal muscle strains from jiu jitsu mainly. i used to have shoulder and lower back pain but i straightened my posture and did a lot of core work and i've just about corrected it entirely. I do seem to get a nagging pain underneath my left shoulder blade when i really push myself in sparring.

    i don't know my exact bodyfat % but like i said i have abs and no lovehandles so i assume it's pretty low. i've been training since i was 18. my main goal with the juice is a strength increase and to allow myself to train more often. i guess i feel like i've hit a plateau.

    my diet is pretty damn good compared to most people i know. chicken/broccoli/protein shakes and tons of water

  13. #13
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbm View Post
    when did your gains peak? what week?
    truthfully, i had no clue what i was doing then, i was 21 then doing a gram a week of test e, after wk 3 til wk10 i grew like a monster everything i ate i grew.
    But i gain alot of everything really, muscle and fat, had to shred a bit when i was done cause it was a poorly planned diet

  14. #14
    Matt's Avatar
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    To answer your original question, yes run the test without the dbol this time...

    Do you have your pct figured out???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  15. #15
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    I ran test alone at 350mg/wk for 10 weeks for my first cycle and kept 15 lean pounds of muscle from it. I did notice that I felt I recovered faster, and that a nagging sore left shoulder sort of disappeared. I do agree with DOM though, that time heals any real injuries a lot better than AAS ever could. Granted, I also did not train hard outside of my 3-day split at all. Certainly didn't do anything as strenuous as you do with all the MMA stuff. Diet was good, though I got sick during and therefore did not train quite as well as I could have. Take from my experience what you will... Welcome to AR!

  16. #16
    Jaakoppi is offline Junior Member
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    I've been on test e 400-500mg/week like 6 weeks now with Methanox 20mg/day and only results I've seen is barely five pounds more weight and some more strenght. I've been eating like before cycle, trying to keep protein high. Anyway I'm going to be happy, specially if I can keep those results.

    Looks like this short cycle doesn't make so much to me.

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