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  1. #1
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    tired of getting messed with.

    Hey. I'm 20 years old 6' 165 pounds and I look like a rail. I'm in the military around a lot of guys twice my size and I'm tired of getting punked. I want to gain as much mass and strength as I can in the next eight months(I'll be deployed and have PLENTY of time for the gym). I'm not a stranger to the gym but I'm not an exercise guru(I run and lift low weight high reps about twice a week) I'm also not great with diet/supplements. I am not opposed to doing anything that will make me bigger as quickly and efficiently as possible. I also want to keep my gains. Any advice?

    Drive and motivation are no problem. I'm tired of being regaurded as a tiny little *****. I just don't know where to start or where to go once I've started.

  2. #2
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    Let me get this straight, you want to start using AAS because you get picked on?

  3. #3
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    If you don't want to be small then eat. When you are deployed, you can eat as much as you want, and the dining facility is open 4 times a day. Eat 4 times a day there, and fill the spaces with protein shakes and bars here and there.

  4. #4
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    I want to start using steroids because I eat as much food as I can from the dfac I even come back for seoconds on lunch and dinner usually. I've been on an intense workout regiment for an entire deployment with shakes and bars and have never been able to gain any size.

  5. #5
    nwjt's Avatar
    nwjt is offline Associate Member
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    You can't use and be in the military. Not worth a dishonerable discharge and possibly federal jail.

    Size isn't everything, learn to fight and start fighting back.

  6. #6
    t-gunz's Avatar
    t-gunz is offline MONITOR~ ~ RIP ~ Gone never Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by savagefck View Post
    I want to start using steroids because I eat as much food as I can from the dfac I even come back for seoconds on lunch and dinner usually. I've been on an intense workout regiment for an entire deployment with shakes and bars and have never been able to gain any size.

    steroids won't help if you cant grown without eating mate.

    get the idea of gear of your head cause if you do take it you might get a bit bigger. but chances are you don't even know what you take for recovery and cause you cant diet you will loose what little you would of gained.

    post your diet up mate people will assist you hear.

  7. #7
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    I'm not worried about a discharge. I'm exempt from drug tests due to a drug waiver and a constant level of lsd in my system

  8. #8
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    Youre on LSD and trying to gain weight?

    Im not sure how you eat seconds, or even a mouthful. Or function in the army.

  9. #9
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    I'm not currently using lsd it however does not leave your system. I used a lot as a teenager and its still all in my system. I eat high protein, low fat, but its hard to have an accurate count due to a variety in what is served. Breakfast is always two packs of plain oatmeal three hard boiled eggs and a bowel of special k all with a protein shake. And dinner is usually red meat or fish with a salad and side of rice. Lunch is high carb followed by a workout then seconds, same thing.

  10. #10
    wanabeMASSIVE!'s Avatar
    wanabeMASSIVE! is offline Senior Member
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    Try using Foodarol, with the right doses you will get fvckin huge!

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    LMAO Big. Will spend the day reading that thread. Funny+

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by ThatGuyYeahHim View Post
    LMAO Big. Will spend the day reading that thread. Funny+
    that's without a doubt the best thread on any board anywhere.

  14. #14
    wanabeMASSIVE!'s Avatar
    wanabeMASSIVE! is offline Senior Member
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    lmao that was tooo funny......

  15. #15
    Big's Avatar
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    OP- you should look up the fight between Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock from the early UFC days.

  16. #16
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    Look. I really need help. The shit I put up with has to stop. Any of you guys ever been locked in the nastiest portashitter and then had it knocked over? Been lit on fire while you sleeping, just because you aren't as big as the other guys? It has to stop quick or I'm gonna neglegent discharge about 180 rounds right into the skulls of every piece of shit that ****s with me. I'm more concerned about going to prison then getting kicked out or having small balls. I have a strong liver, strong kidneys so I'm not too worried about those, they'll receive more damage from prison food and getting raped in my skinny little asshole than from using gear.

  17. #17
    wanabeMASSIVE!'s Avatar
    wanabeMASSIVE! is offline Senior Member
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    Dbol , Test enanthate and Deca durabolin .Do some research before tho..

    I actually feel sory fr this guy...


  18. #18
    Big's Avatar
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    I have 2 nephews about your age, both in the military, and both are skinny stick-boys. I talk to them often and no one has ever messed with either of them, in fact when they go to bars and such the big guys have their back. maybe people don't like you for reasons aside from your size.
    regardless, we don't advocate steroid usage for anyone your age, and none of the members here will feel you are mentally ready for them, you have issues.
    if you are intent on taking them, read the educational threads, all your questions have already been answered.
    good luck.

  19. #19
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    You have issues bro. Stop being a ****ing pu$$y. Knock somebodies teeth out. Steroids do not teach you how to fight.

  20. #20
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    I'm smart enough that I know the risks I also know I need to use some sort of anti estrogen after each cycle to keep from getting man tits. I know how to work out I just have the metabolism of a hamster. I'm not weak I'm just small. How long should I use them for, what kind of stacking(if any), and what dosage?

    The reason I care so much is I want to provew these guys wrong, they think I don't belong because I'm small. They're trying to break me down. I don't bow to anyone though so I need to adapt and overcome. Its not about girls, its not even about wanting to kick ass. Its about a desire to not get punked every day.

  21. #21
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    I'm smart enough that I know the risks I also know I need to use some sort of anti estrogen after each cycle to keep from getting man tits. I know how to work out I just have the metabolism of a hamster. I'm not weak I'm just small. How long should I use them for, what kind of stacking(if any), and what dosage?

    The reason I care so much is I want to provew these guys wrong, they think I don't belong because I'm small. They're trying to break me down. I don't bow to anyone though so I need to adapt and overcome. Its not about girls, its not even about wanting to kick ass. Its about a desire to not get punked every day.

  22. #22
    LatissimusaurousRex is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by savagefck View Post
    Look. I really need help. The shit I put up with has to stop. Any of you guys ever been locked in the nastiest portashitter and then had it knocked over? Been lit on fire while you sleeping, just because you aren't as big as the other guys? It has to stop quick or I'm gonna neglegent discharge about 180 rounds right into the skulls of every piece of shit that ****s with me. I'm more concerned about going to prison then getting kicked out or having small balls. I have a strong liver, strong kidneys so I'm not too worried about those, they'll receive more damage from prison food and getting raped in my skinny little asshole than from using gear.
    Use your chain of command to report any incidents. I think you're exaggerating a lot. If you are deployed and GET TO eat at a dfac every day then you are either lucky as fvck or a pog. Talking about NDing makes you sound like a dumb little punk. I'm sure they don't pick on you because your small, they probably pick on you cause you're a doucher cause you totally sound like it. If you're lifting and eating right then you'd be making gains past 165lbs, I'd get either your lifting or dieting (maybe both) in check. What it sounds like though is if you were to get bigger, you'd just be a bigger douche. I hope your better meet your fitness goals; however, don't use drugs, especially in the military.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    if you are intent on taking them, read the educational threads, all your questions have already been answered.
    good luck.
    Quote Originally Posted by savagefck View Post
    How long should I use them for, what kind of stacking(if any), and what dosage?


  24. #24
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Just fight back and they will respect you. If I saw some 165lb guy gettin punked I would stand up for him. If I saw him fighting back I would respect him, and watch out for him. Some of my best friends are small guys.

    Even if you get your ass kicked, people will remember that you stood up for yourself. Bro, don;t go snitchin on people unless you are really getting your feelings hurt and you want to hurt yourself.

    You are in the military bro, you gotta toughen up.

  25. #25
    vaders4 is offline Member
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    I feel bad for this guy too, especially since I was once 6ft 155lbs..

    I'm currently 185lbs and I did it all natural in 2yrs..

    First I did a dirrrrrty bulk and gained some size..

    I was taking mass tech 2x a day and eating right

    Don't fill your stomach up with crap (pizza, junk food, etc)

    You have to lift heavy bro.. Squat a lot and deadlift too! Don't skip your legs!!
    You can probably gain 15-20lbs in 8months if you eat like an absolute pig and lift real hard. Obviously we aren't talking all muscle but @ 6ft 155lbs you can afford some fat.

  26. #26
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    I agree just get a good punch in the jaw to one of the bigger guys and they will drop like a rock.

  27. #27
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    And never kiss ass either. that doesn't help at all. LOL.

    best of luck though, really.

  28. #28
    LatissimusaurousRex is offline Senior Member
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    I think we all read the book "The Outsiders" in like 7th grade. The moral is fighting doesn't solve anything, after the fight the Socs will still be Socs and the Greasers will still be Greasers. The point is you could get into a fight, and despite what these guys say, you'd probably lose no matter how bad ass you think you are and no matter how many tap out hats you own. The fight won't change anything becaues they're giving you so much $hit cause of who u are as a person, not just cause your tiny.

  29. #29
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LatissimusaurousRex View Post
    I think we all read the book "The Outsiders" in like 7th grade. The moral is fighting doesn't solve anything, after the fight the Socs will still be Socs and the Greasers will still be Greasers. The point is you could get into a fight, and despite what these guys say, you'd probably lose no matter how bad ass you think you are and no matter how many tap out hats you own. The fight won't change anything becaues they're giving you so much $hit cause of who u are as a person, not just cause your tiny.
    Yeah you are right....


    OP, keep getting your porto-shitters kicked over. Keep getting picked on. Don't take a physical stand, and everyone will live happily ever after.

  30. #30
    LatissimusaurousRex is offline Senior Member
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    the point was he can take as many stands as he want, it won't change anything. they'll keep giving him shit if he's a tool

  31. #31
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    A.) I refuse to be a bitch as snitch, they win if I snitch.
    B.) I refuse to kiss ass to get out of my unit, they win.
    C.) I refuse to give up, they win.
    D.) If I bulk up they no longer have a little guy to weed out, everybody wins.

  32. #32
    savagefck is offline New Member
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    A.) I refuse to be a bitch as snitch, they win if I snitch.
    B.) I refuse to kiss ass to get out of my unit, they win.
    C.) I refuse to give up, they win.
    D.) If I bulk up they no longer have a little guy to weed out, everybody wins.

  33. #33
    Jbert22's Avatar
    Jbert22 is offline Associate Member
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    OP I'm not sayin u need steroids but I think it's rediculous when people say u shouldn't use until ur 200 somthin pounds. Or when people say u need to eat if ur only 170 lbs. It's like most people on here think everbody is bodybuilding material when they have no idea about personal genetics.

  34. #34
    Kibble is offline Anabolic Member
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    Steroids will not change your mentality. You will still get picked on. Just grow some balls and tell them what's up. If you are emotionally unstable, and start ****ing with your hormones, you are asking for trouble my friend

  35. #35
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    really, I would said roid the **** up if you weren't so young.

    everybody has different reasons to take steroids . bodybuilding, personal health, getting the ladies, ect. yours, however, seems more important to you than the other ones.

  36. #36
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    Dude are you seroius? Who gives a fvck how small you are. Sucker punch one of them or something. You will probably still get your ass beat but it's better than taking shit! Just cuz you are smaller doesnt give them the right to fvck with you. Nothing a swift kick in the balls wont fix.

  37. #37
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    be a smarter man a walk away from that shit.

  38. #38
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    OP, you have established yourself as BETA and so they bully on you. You need to use this as rage and start lifting and getting into shape, I wish I had someone to pick on me a lot so I could stay motivated.

    You just need to start throwing punches. Maybe you'll lose but they won't mess with you again. They'll know you won't take it.

    BTW, the military does not/cannot test for steroids . Its too expensive. However, what you have to worry about is getting caught with the gear. IF you think these guys are bad, just wait until you go to a federal prison....
    Last edited by nwjt; 05-29-2010 at 09:13 PM.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by savagefck View Post
    I want to gain as much mass and strength as I can in the next eight months(I'll be deployed and have PLENTY of time for the gym). I'm not a stranger to the gym but I'm not an exercise guru(I run and lift low weight high reps about twice a week)

    WTF dude. Stop doing cardio, lift HIGH WEIGHT LOW REPS.


  40. #40
    dec11's Avatar
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    take up a martial art, it will help your confidence but more than all you need to just dive in and tear into the c**ts who are bullying you, trust me they wont bother you again. all bullies are cowards period. theres a well know english bouncer called geoff thompson, his first book is 'watch my back' read it, great insight to facing up to 'hardmen'

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