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Thread: steds

  1. #1
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    i'm 18, 11st 6lbs. male

    will 700mg of d-bols and 600mg-750mg deca a week be good for major gains, size and muscle ?

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    LOL,you're joking right? Do you lift weights? How tall are you?

  3. #3
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    yes, been weight traning on and off for 2/3 years now, i'm about 5"10 / 5"11. i've been on d-bols before and deca but not on the dose i asked about before, i've just finished a course of, 500mg a week of test-enthanate, and 50mg a day of anabrol (oxy's)

  4. #4
    Matt's Avatar
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    Your 11st and you've just finished a cycle???

    Post your diet??
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  5. #5
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    i was 9st 11 and now gwith the test-enthanate and oxies i'm up to 11 stone 6lbs, i have no real diet realy, just eat healthy. i was on the cycle for 12 weeks, now i'm off for 6 weeks on just protien, which i have, 300grams protien, 600 carbs and 4500 calories a day.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
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    You need to stop using aas, your far to young and have no idea what your doing...

    You say your not on a diet then give exact figures, that doesnt make sense. How tall are you???
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  7. #7
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    give figures about what ? i'm 5"10 / 5"11

  8. #8
    Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kieran24 View Post
    i was 9st 11 and now gwith the test-enthanate and oxies i'm up to 11 stone 6lbs, i have no real diet realy, just eat healthy. i was on the cycle for 12 weeks, now i'm off for 6 weeks on just protien, which i have, 300grams protien, 600 carbs and 4500 calories a day.

    Quote Originally Posted by kieran24 View Post
    give figures about what ? i'm 5"10 / 5"11
    Those figures...

    What are you running for pct and what ai are you keeping on hand???
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  9. #9
    Matt's Avatar
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    I must of upset him, he's logged off...
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  10. #10
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    pct ? ai ? use english, i'm just a lad from england, thats been weight training for about 2 years on and off, im into it proply now, i just asked if 700mg of d-bols and 600mg-750mg deca a week be good for major gains. thats all i want too know.

  11. #11
    Matt's Avatar
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    I rest my case, your a naive young man who is putting compounds into his body without fully understanding the risks..

    Do you realise that you could be causing yourself real serious long term damage by using aas at such a young age???

    How dose being in hormone replacement therapy for the rest of your life sound?? What about knowing that you could be causing damage to your growth plates??

    You may think that your fine now, as most do, its when you hit your mid 20's when you'll start to suffer...

    If you need these dosages now imagine what you'll need in then years to come....
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  12. #12
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    ok thanks, thats all i wanted too know. i just want too be big thats all. but maybe the protien will help. it does give me 300grams protien, 600 carbs and 4500 calories a day.

  13. #13
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    Concentrate on hitting your natural potential by dieting which should be your number 1 priority. Then continue to train hard, there are many good training routines in the training forum that you can follow. The slingshot training system being my favourite.. You will also need to make sure you rest correctly, sleep and rest are so important, we don't grow in the gym we grow when we rest..

    In the mean time spend as much time as you can reading through the educational threads in this forum.. Theres so much information which will be beneficial when or if you do decide to cycle years down the line...

    Good luck..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  14. #14
    kieran24 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the info and advice.

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