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  1. #1
    cmcguirk28 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    Winstrol (Oral Form)

    Im new to this forum, and this is my first thread, so if you guys could cut me some slack

    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 175ibs

    Previously been training for 3 years.
    Healthy diet. Workout 3-5 days per week.
    I have never taken anabolic supplements, but i intend to.

    I am considering a short cycle (4-6 weeks) of Winstrol orally.
    10mg/3-5 Daily/6 Weeks

    I know im too young to be taking, and im well aware of how dangerous it can be. I rarely drink alcohol and i dont smoke. I know this wont reduce any risks, but some would say these cause more damage than steroids .

    I understand that injecting anabolic steroids can "possibly" stump growth under the age of 21. But what of orally taking winstrol ?

    What is your opinion of oral winstrol as a product?
    Will i still gain from a short cycle?
    Will short cycles reduce overall risks?
    Will taking orally reduce any risk of stumped growth?
    What would you recommend?

    Any feedback would be great. Thanks.

  2. #2
    azz10's Avatar
    azz10 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2008
    u gotta really ask urself what's the reasons for taking aas at such young age mate. ur body is stiill growing and the natural production of test is still in full swing. u said u have been training for 3yrs, but to start weights training at the age of 14 is way too young imo.

    u got a long way more in ur training to reach full potential.. dun deny ur body and the opportunity to grow naturally and see where that takes u.

  3. #3
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    AZZ10 is dead on. But besides that your suggested dose and is too low to realise any benefit. The truth is you will mess your bodys natural balance. Everyone here does but you need to be physically and mentally mature enough to understand the risks you take.and if you chose to take the risk anyway, look into injectable test-you might as well do it right. Why don't you worry about getting as much strange ass as possible. F*ck aas its not going anywhere but your time table for drunk girls and bad decisions is just starting.(Oh if I could do over...)

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmcguirk28 View Post
    Im new to this forum, and this is my first thread, so if you guys could cut me some slack

    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Height: 5'10
    Weight: 175ibs

    Previously been training for 3 years.
    Healthy diet. Workout 3-5 days per week.
    I have never taken anabolic supplements, but i intend to.

    I am considering a short cycle (4-6 weeks) of Winstrol orally.
    10mg/3-5 Daily/6 Weeks

    I know im too young to be taking, and im well aware of how dangerous it can be. I rarely drink alcohol and i dont smoke. I know this wont reduce any risks, but some would say these cause more damage than steroids .

    I understand that injecting anabolic steroids can "possibly" stump growth under the age of 21. But what of orally taking winstrol ? The side effects from oral to injectable are all the same. Don't even think twice that orals are a safer alternative then injectable.

    What is your opinion of oral winstrol as a product? It's effective. Even more so at a low BF and compliments any test cycle well.
    Will i still gain from a short cycle? Come back when your old enough and we'll be glad to answer this for you.
    Will short cycles reduce overall risks? No.
    Will taking orally reduce any risk of stumped growth? No.
    What would you recommend? I recommend spending the next 4 years researching, reading books, focusing on your diet and training, and holding off on any product that can potentially alter your hormones.

    Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
    If I'm not mistaken, you have to be 18 to be apart of this forum. Soak up any info while you can on here, and other sources in the meantime. Then come back with any questions you might have when your old enough.

  5. #5
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    u have to be 18 to join the forum.....

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