Apologies if this has been covered, as I'm sure it has. I just can't seem to find any specific information about my specific problem. I’m 35 and male. I typically weigh about 175 although now down to 165.

I hastily and without much research purchased AMS 1AD, 4AD, and NorAndro and jumped into a four week cycle without any of what I was doing. My daily dosage for the four weeks is below. I used the same regiment a year ago without any adverse reactions, hair thinning, etc.

AMS UTT 4-Andro – 40mg 3x
AMS UTT 1-Andro – 20mg 3x
AMS UTT NorAndro – 12mg 3x

I didn’t see much of a gain nor did I have any noticeable side-effects during the cycle. I went off and also had to move for a job at about the same time. The cycle took place from March 1st until April 1st. I failed to educate myself on what these supplements actually were and shamefully didn’t do any PCT (of which I’m well aware of now after a lot of reading.)

Because of the move, I stopped working out – I lost quite a bit of muscle. I haven’t been to the gym since the beginning of April. During my 8th week away, I thought I noticed my hair thinning. It’s difficult to tell as I have Dreadslocks and hair that I lose simply finds its way back into my dreads, it doesn’t just show itself on my shirt or in the shower or sink, etc.

In the last two weeks, I have lost a LOT of hair. A lot. Just on the front and top. No one in my family has been prone to MPB. I’ve always had thick hair. I’m paying a lot of attention to it now so I can’t tell if I’m continuing to lose hair or if I’m just overly stressed about it. I went to my doctor today and he wants to say it’s thyroid. I asked about a test for hormones and he said it wasn’t necessary. I find out about the thyroid tomorrow.

I guess my questions are:

1) If this is due to my cycle, how long will this hair loss continue at this pace? Will it all fall out? Has anyone else had this experience with no hair loss during a cycle and then a sudden lost post cycle?
2) Is it too late for PCT? If not, what should I be doing? What dosage, what type, etc?
3) Is this hair loss most likely permanent? Will the Propecia I’ve been prescribed today help at all? Either immediately or down the road? Should I be using Minoxidil?

I apologize again if this has been covered elsewhere. I don’t know where to turn, who to ask, or even where to seek help. I feel like I’m running out of time and can’t think about much else except my dilemma.

Does anyone have any experience, insight, or advice? I feel like such a fool for not properly researching these compounds before using them, researching PCT, etc, but at this point I just really need some help. If you have some to offer – please. I’m all ears.