i recently started a cycle of sust at 500mg/week, i've never had problems in the past with any infections or anything as im very cautious using rubbing alcohol and pinning after a shower ect. but after pinning in my right shoulder the 3rd time varying from 6-12 days since last shot in that area i have a large swollen, red and hot to touch lump under the skin just below my delts. since icing it for a few days its gotten better, i pin 1cc...is this deffinetly an infection or could it be irritated by the prop ester like i've been told? usualy the first two shots in an area hurt for a week then every shot after hurts less..as was ther case with my shoulder untill now ....so my questions are, if it is..what can i do about it? is there anything i can do without going to the hospitol and if not how long can i wait before it gets bad? thanks for any imput i appreciate it!