Hi bros.

Height: 181 cm
Weight: 205 pounds
Bodyfat: Around 11%
Trained for about 7 years, 4 cycles before.

Starting a new cycle now, little different from my others ordinary cycles with short+short ester or long+long ester.
I have done 3 test prop cycles, one cyp cycle.

This cycle Im going to start with to do Test Enth with NPP.
Test enth 1 gram EW (500 mg Monday/Thursday) (For 14-16 weeks)
NPP 150 mg EOD (For 8 weeks)

After this full PCT with nolva, clomid, aromasin

I always use test as base. I was thinking of Deca , but I choose NPP becouse I dont want to hold to much water this summer.

My question is:

Becouse I dont frontload with test prop, shall I start with the NPP after about 3 weeks when the Enth is stable in the blood?

Or can I start both at the same time. I dont want to get a deca dick crash before the Test enth has started to kick in. Never tried Nandrolone before!

Please help me with this, havent thought of this before, last time I did Prop/tren ace, and it was more easy
