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  1. #1
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Adding Fina to my Current Cycle

    Whats up dudes, looking for a some input on when I should start my fina, and when to start my clomids. Let me give you some info. This is my first cycle, I started it in the first week of December. Iam running ** sust and EQ, and i am not impressed with the results. Since this was my first cycle I start with some perty low dosages, but what I didnt take into acount was **'s underdosages. Currently I have worked up to 600mgs a week of sust and 350mg EQ (** scale) a week hitting the sust 2 times a week and EQ once. Since i upped my dossage on my sust from 450 a week to 600 I am gonna be cutting the cycle short. I have some fina that I want to add to keep the cycle a little longer, but I am not sure when to start, as in how long after my last sust/eq shot, and then when should I start my Clomid.
    One more question, say I was to start getting Gyno symptoms when I come of the sust/eq while on Fina would you assume its from the fina or sust? I guess I ask this because I just dont know when to start the clomid one I start fina.

  2. #2
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would run the fina up until three weeks after the last sus/EQ shot. I would start clomid two days after the last fina shot. Have bromo or B6 on hand in case of fina related gyno problems.

  3. #3
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    three weeks of fina is a waste in my opinion.

    You have to give tren time to work,min of two weeks but i see best results at the start of week three for sure.

    Im leaning on telling you to hold off on fina. I know the disapointment but give your body a break for a while and hit a solid fina cycle and you will love it.

    You have to take way to many shots for tren so wait until your going to get the best out of it.

    Just my 2 cents

  4. #4
    LIBeef is offline Junior Member
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    I personally would scratch the cycle and take your clomid and maybe start another in 8 weeks. If you think the gear was the culprit buy pharmacutical grade stuff next time. Also check your diet and training because I blew up off my first cycle of 500mg of sustanon a week. I have done ** winny and dbols and loved them, never tried his oils though. Next time do:
    1-10 500mg/w test
    1-10 400mg/w eq
    1-7 75mg/eod fina
    Get real pharmacutical grade stuff next time and make your own fina.

  5. #5
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I'm not telling him to only run three weeks of fina I am telling him to run fina for three weeks past his last sus shot. I have no Idea how much fina he has or how much longer his initial cycle has to run. I do agree running fina less then six weeks doesn't seem to be worth it in my opinion.

  6. #6
    Buddha_Red's Avatar
    Buddha_Red is offline Senior Member
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    doh sorry about that bro, i see what you are saying after a second look.

  7. #7
    Ryanhallmark's Avatar
    Ryanhallmark is offline Senior Member
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    Rickson I think that you may have miss understood me, I havent started the Fina yet..I was asking if I could add it in for the end of my cycle, but I am thinking that you guys are saying that I should run it for a full cycle, and not at the end of the cycle.

  8. #8
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Well I think me and Buddha are both saying just running fina for a couple of weeks won't work. If you still have three weeks left on your sus/EQ cycle then you could start fina now and run it three weeks past your last sus/EQ shot (6 weeks total) and time the esters to all taper at the same time. If you are through with your sus/EQ cycle don't bother throwing the fina in now.

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