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  1. #1
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    Prone to get acne

    If I am prone to get a few zits now and again am I more prone to get them if I take some test? I get just 1 or 2 a month at the most. Nothing too bad. But I am wondering. I am 31 years old.

  2. #2
    ga_boy is offline New Member
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    Southern GA
    Well im 26 and about like you I get a couple every now and then. Done a couple test cycles, 10 weeks each, and never got acne during the cycle but when I went to post cycle my back, arms, and face broke out at the same time. Cleared up and when back to normal in about two weeks though. I was taking 600mg of sus the first cycle and 500mg the second one.

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I broke out 4 weeks into my sustanon 250 cycle. Covered by back an chest. It sucked. It's been almost a year and most of the blotches are fading. I don't think anyone can really tell if they're going to break out until they breakout. Good luck bro.

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Alot of the time acne is caused by unstable blood levels, injecting daily or EOD can help alot and even pyramiding the dose if your really prone.

  5. #5
    setian's Avatar
    setian is offline Associate Member
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    I saw this on another forum about using a scent guard body wash. Hmmm I may want to buy some to keep on hand just in case. Anyone ever use any kind of this stuff that hunters use?

    "A person gives off a scent that animals can smell, that smell comes from oils on an under your skin. This stuff works by drying those oils up. Imagine how strong it has got to be if makes a deer blind to your sent after one wash before a hunt. So if you use it every night an mouring you are going to completely rid your body of that oily shit that causes these bumps."

  6. #6
    theorignalanimal is offline Junior Member
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    Sep 2008
    i found i break out real bad on deca ..... then i found out about roaccutane, cleared it up in a few weeks....... wouldnt reccommend it untill you have tried every other thing out there tho is some pretty strong stuff!

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