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  1. #1
    Gun_slinger is offline New Member
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    ••••>HELP? 1st cycle in a couple years, and extra gear was shipped with my order??

    so my plan was to do a 8-10 weak cycle of sus 250, so i have 11 amps of that, and to stack it with nandrolone deca 200 and i have 10ml vile of that, (cause thats all i could get/afford). i hoped to make some decent gains...

    i don't have a ton of cash and this was perfect for my budget... maybe test 400 ( 10ml vile)& deca 300 (10ml vile) would be better (i tried that before and really like the gains i made and i kept alot of it too) but sus 250 and 200 deca was all i could get.

    1. will i gain less and slower with this cycle compared to my last?
    2. what would be the best time frame to take what i have, shots every 5 days or every 7?
    3. before i would just rotate between my shoulders and cheeks and i tried to offset my shots so i didn't have to take 2 shots in one day, is that ok or the best way to do it.

    ok so when my gear came in they send me an extra 10ml vile of stanobolic (stanozolol ) 50 mg/ml and 20 pills labeled Oxyanabolic (oxymetholone) 50mgs.

    can i use or work the extra stuff in to the cycle i want to start, i am not to familiar with what ether one of them are used for and what gains i would get from taking them.. please anyone who can help school me would be great... i know i'm really new and stupid with this stuff but i going to take the sus and deca cycle regardless of what anyone says, any info anyone feels like sharing would be great. i know i need to read and i will hang around a while but please help me now with this and i will one day be able to answer these things with out having to ask for help

    oh yea i'm 6' 1" 255lbs prior military...i got injured in the army (my disc's in my back) and i have gotten a little soft around the mid section "cough cough" but have pretty decent arms and shoulders but i want to be where i use to be... more bulk then cut is more of what i want
    Last edited by Gun_slinger; 06-21-2010 at 07:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Might want to edit that lab name out first, before someone gets on here and yells at you. It's against the rules to post lab names.

  3. #3
    Gun_slinger is offline New Member
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    done sorry about thanks i really can use the help and don't want to mess up my stay here

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I personally wouldn't use the winny or the drol in that cycle.
    what's your current body fat%?
    what do you have planned for pct?

  5. #5
    Fetch is offline Member
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    First thing I notice right away is that the Sust part of your cycle seems a bit short. I'd go at least 12 weeks, up to 15 or so. Also, people usually go higher on the dosage than 250Mg a week, though I don't really know much about stacking Deca with it. If you are going for 500Mg/Wk, you would shoot twice a week... like Monday and Thursday. If you have never done Sust before, therte is no way to tell if your gains will be any better than the Test E(I assume E)/Deca cycle you took before. Sust uses several blends of Test instead of just the Enanthate , and you may well respond better to it.

    Oxymetholone is Anadrol . There is a profile of the drug in the profiles section. It can be a pretty harsh oral, and generally not recommended as a stack if you arent' very experienced.

    Stanozolol is Winny. Again, there is a section for that here. I wouldn't really use it in a cycle like what you have planned, it has a home more in cutting cycles IMO.

    To the basics though, what are your general stats? You may not like to hear it, but it may be beneficial for you to work on some things naturally until your body is ready for the boost. What is your BF%? Age? Are you prepared/able to eat properly? (May not be what you expect.)

  6. #6
    Gun_slinger is offline New Member
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    i'm 29 and yea i was just reading about the other guys thread about being fat and waiting to do the juice if i didn't wait does it just make you fatter.. pct i just plan on working out as much as i can i want to say as hard as when i'm on the cycle but will probably slack off to working out 2-3 times a week and will probable plan another cycle as soon as it is safe to do so

    is there anything you guys suggest taking to help burn the extra lbs off while i work out... i think alot of the problems with my back are weight related bigger stronger lower back muscles help lighten up the pain some too. i don't take any pain meds and i'm trying to avoid surgery...

    my body fat is bad maybe in the low - mid 20%'s but i was around 16-18% when i took the test 400 and deca 300 and it turned out great...

  7. #7
    Gun_slinger is offline New Member
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    eating is not an issue for me i eat alot less then people around although i don't count anything yet... i'm looking into that as well. i just don't seem to loose weight easily i see people eating all the time and i eat like 1/3 less then them and i stay the same.. also i should mention i had/have sleep apnea cause of a face injury i got in the service. i tried getting surgery to fix it but they messed my sinuses up and it messed up my sleeping. it made me very tired for a whole 2 years every day i would just fall asleep/pass out if i sat down for a sec. i was very in active and gain my weight then.. i just recently got that under control i can sleep all night with out a c-pap and i feel 100% better now this is what motivated me to get my body back. i think things will happen fast for me i just have to get the ball moving

  8. #8
    Diamond*K's Avatar
    Diamond*K is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gun_slinger View Post
    eating is not an issue for me i eat alot less then people around although i don't count anything yet... i'm looking into that as well. i just don't seem to loose weight easily i see people eating all the time and i eat like 1/3 less then them and i stay the same.. also i should mention i had/have sleep apnea cause of a face injury i got in the service. i tried getting surgery to fix it but they messed my sinuses up and it messed up my sleeping. it made me very tired for a whole 2 years every day i would just fall asleep/pass out if i sat down for a sec. i was very in active and gain my weight then.. i just recently got that under control i can sleep all night with out a c-pap and i feel 100% better now this is what motivated me to get my body back. i think things will happen fast for me i just have to get the ball moving
    u prolly dont eat enough.. eatin less wont make u leaner...

    get the diet thing figured out.. coz doin steroids wont get u into better shape if u dont kno how to diet.

    i always look better when dieting (properly) on or off steroids.
    but i can be on a cycle, not diet and look like pooh. steroids wont give you the results u want wit out a good diet. learn how to eat 1st..

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