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  1. #41
    Jaakoppi is offline Junior Member
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    May 2010
    That benchpress result sounds umbelievable! I thought if you're as strong construction worker as you can be, you can't lift that amount of weight in benchpress IN FIRST TIME. If you haven't been benching before you can't lift much cause of technique etc or joints breaking.. Seems that it it possible.

  2. #42
    joeronomo is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    I have no reason to lie. Puting green alfalfa bails to your check and throwing them on a wagon every summer since I can remember I'm sure didn't hurt anything. I write the truth because I am after truthful answers that could have large negative or positive effects on my life. I'm here for advice because yes when it comes to body building or gear or diet and routine I'm clueless. I'm just a small town worker who grew up on a farm so all of this is new.

  3. #43
    ThatGuyYeahHim's Avatar
    ThatGuyYeahHim is offline Associate Member
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    Joe: Check out the lifting section. They'll give you good advice on reps sets etc.

    If youre lifting more than guys who are bigger than you, awesome! Just take it a little easy on your first month or so otherwise you can cause yourself injury. Even if you *can* it may not be advisable for you to do the absolute maximum straight away.

    There is no set time frame before you can start juicing. However for maximum results its best to probably work out for a year. Give your body a chance to have a go at it naturally, and also give the tendons joints etc some sort of idea what theyre in for

  4. #44
    juicyfruit71's Avatar
    juicyfruit71 is offline Junior Member
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    I would seriously recommend getting your diet in check (go to diet section and post it to see where you're at). And also, though you may work hard at work, I would recommend working out in the gym for at least a year before you decide to juice. Somthing you may also want to think about, is what are your goals?...what would be the reason that you would even want to do steriods ?

  5. #45
    joeronomo is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    OK I will do that. I don't think I can achieve the size and build I want naturally. My goal is to feel and look better. I want people to be jealous of how I look and what I've done. I now this sounds greedy and maybe I shouldn't post it but I want all of this as soon as I can.. I'm perfectly fine with putting in the work and committing to the diet but I want all the results as fast as I can

  6. #46
    awms is offline Senior Member
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    May 2008
    I gained like 25lbs in my first year of working out...honestly its pointless you will have steroids like results if you eat well and train hard.

    6 meals a day
    Lots of protein
    train hard

    I didnt even have that great of a diet and I still gained alot my frist year.

  7. #47
    joeronomo is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010
    Wow I just read a bunch of posts on the diet forum. I guess I'm going to clean out the fridge tonight and go grocery shopping. I will try to see what works best for me. I was surprised at a lot of foods I can still eat. I just shouldn't eat two huge meals a day.

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