Hey guys...

Im on week 5 of a 2cc Test-C and 3cc EQ cycle.

So 500mg TEST and 750mg EQ a week.

I havent really used much anti-estrogens yet and I was anticipating needing too by now. I got a little fluid in my nipples last week which is how I usually gauge when its time to start something, so I started some arimidex .5 EOD and 20mg noval a day. No increase in gyno.

However the issue is my sex drive shot up beginning of cycle and has since dropped well below precycle levels. Ive run a lot of cycles however this is my first just test/EQ.

When I run Deca /TEST I loose my sex drive so I wanted to try Deca instead as a 2ndary compound.

Ive done 6+ cycles

I just want to get my sex drive back and normalized... I know EQ doesnt convert to estrogen so no use for cabergoline or B6, however I havent noticed any increase since adding in the arimidex and noval. My arimidex is from AR-R who I havent used before but they were recommended as good. (just concerned because Ive gotten fake research chems before).

I'll drop the EQ all together and just go back to test if I have to I want my sex drive during the summer and so does my wife, haha.

I was cruising on .75CC of Test-C a week pre-cycle and my sex drive was awesome the first 2 weeks on cycle.
