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  1. #1
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    what might work to keep the bloat down on deca aside from anti-es?

    do water pills work? what even is a water pill? what about the sauna

  2. #2
    asto_86's Avatar
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    Cardio and diet

  3. #3
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by asto_86 View Post
    Cardio and diet
    um thanks for the quick response but im doing a lean bulk right now that features plenty of cardio and a clean diet....still getting bloat....any other suggestions?

  4. #4
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    if this is going to help anyone my cycle is this
    deca -300mgs/wk

    not looking for a cycle critique just looking for the bloat advice

  5. #5
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    If you don't want bloat you shouldn't have run deca . Surely you knew going into it that that water retention is guarenteed with this compound.

  6. #6
    jordann is offline Associate Member
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    Also, the test is low. I would suggest upping it, unless you enjoy not having a boners.

  7. #7
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordann View Post
    If you don't want bloat you shouldn't have run deca. Surely you knew going into it that that water retention is guarenteed with this compound.
    1) Agreed. BUT, he can run letro if it's that big of a problem because it inhibits ALL estrogen, not just breast tissue receptors like SERM's do. But id recommend some adex over letro since letro is a bit too powerful for regular cycle use.

    2) Angel of Death, why are you running more deca than sus? You need at least equal amounts of test and deca if you want to keep your sex drive intact. Ever heard of "Deca Dick".....?

    3) im guessing since your running sus and deca you are bulking correct? If so, then suck it up and deal with water retention for a bit, its only there for a bit until your cycle is over, and it'll help your joints during heavy lifting. Don't understand why you picked some of the top aromatizing compounds if you're afraid of a little water retention.....

    My advice, do some more'll help avoid some these situations. Good luck bro. Keep us posted.
    Last edited by Shredded1; 06-24-2010 at 06:03 PM.

  8. #8
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    AOD, is your post accurate with respect to your weekly sust in take?

    What are your stats and cycle history, and why the low dose? I hear you that you're not looking for cycle tips but it really stands out.

    As far as the bloat goes, what is your diet like; are you, by chance, consuming a lot of sodium? What is your cardio routine like currently?

  9. #9
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jordann View Post
    If you don't want bloat you shouldn't have run deca. Surely you knew going into it that that water retention is guarenteed with this compound.
    bro i dont mean to be rude but I understood the risks prior to the cycle, CLEARLY i chose to do the cycle despite the possible "horrible bloat side effect". im just looking for any tips in lessening arent helpful

  10. #10
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    AOD, is your post accurate with respect to your weekly sust in take?

    What are your stats and cycle history, and why the low dose? I hear you that you're not looking for cycle tips but it really stands out.

    As far as the bloat goes, what is your diet like; are you, by chance, consuming a lot of sodium? What is your cardio routine like currently?
    Ive used prohohormones and M1T in the past. I have a 10 week cycle of test e 500mgs/wk under my belt. However I discovered test gives me bad sides. The "myth" about having to use more test then deca is exactly that, a myth. Once again im not trying to get into it. Im halfway through and my penis works just fine if not better than usual. (This isnt just to you that im ranting this is for everyone)

    I do about 20 minutes of cardio 3-4 times a week but I also play flag football and hockey a few times a week. I feel like I do enough cardio

  11. #11
    j4ever41's Avatar
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    what is your overall carb and sodium intake? can be prolactin with the deca !

  12. #12
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    I guess I can try to lower the sodium I dont keep track of exactly what I eat but I have a general guideline I follow. I dont take in particularly high sodium though....and I didnt think id have to worry about prolactin with 300mgs of deca but I could be wrong

  13. #13
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    do water pills work? what even is a water pill? what about the sauna
    I prefer winstrol since deca also gives progesteronic sides to me bloat and only thing that makes minor gyno symptoms. Works like ....winstrol!

  14. #14
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Okay, I hear you bro.. I'm just saying that normal test production exceeds the amount of sust you're putting in by a long shot.. For example, my bloodwork from a couple weeks ago told me I'm putting out 461 naturally.. I know you're doing the deca as well but just a thought... not trying to beat a dead horse; I know you're not interested in talking about this..

    So for the bloat, what about the diet? Are you consuming too much sodium? Are you perhaps eating a lot of fast food or processed foods? Try uppping your cardio to 30 mins and to 4-5 x/wk.. . that may help. Are you drinking enough water?

  15. #15
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    bro im not sure exactly what the 461 represents but it isnt milligrams. I was told the normal WEEKLY test production of a healthy male is at most 75mgs/wk of testosterone ...are you telling me you naturally have 500mgs a week?

  16. #16
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    and thats not a bad idea im gonna try to drink a shitload of water. do you know anything about water pills? i heard they help?

  17. #17
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    and thats not a bad idea im gonna try to drink a shitload of water. do you know anything about water pills? i heard they help?
    As someone said before take care of your natrium kalium etc. minerals, salts, the whole bunch included when loads of water is being consumed, that sure helps and cardio makes me a pretty boy putting water deposits moving especially if you're reloading it along that

    And ofcourse winnie helps on all possible problems except joints, hairloss related to mechanism that winstrol causes, inpure products effect to liver but ofc you have monitored your bloodwork during to gain information about yourself and keep healthy. Ok ok, i got pretty big obsession for that one combined with something i don't want to mention because it might be bad example to someone without explaining the whole combo and how to keep your liver and kidneys alive and so on. Would be plain irresponsible to mention using anadrol and winstrol together combined to deca for example thats why i wont tell.

  18. #18
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    and thats not a bad idea im gonna try to drink a shitload of water. do you know anything about water pills? i heard they help?
    I know water pills are diuretics or that cause the kidneys to get rid of the body's unneeded water and sodium through the urine. I know you can get them via perscription but not sure if you can get them otc.. There's products like taraxatone that reduce water retention.

    461 ng/dl which represents nanograms per decilitre. So no, I'm not saying I'm producing 461 mg per week (I wish).. But it does equate (I'm pretty sure) from about 50-100mg per week, which is only a bit less than what you're administering with the sust, also, sust has different esters so your blood levels aren't steady (assuming you're taking that 125mg/wk in one dose).

  19. #19
    Shredded1 is offline Total ★FAKE★ Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of death View Post
    bro i dont mean to be rude but I understood the risks prior to the cycle, CLEARLY i chose to do the cycle despite the possible "horrible bloat side effect". im just looking for any tips in lessening arent helpful
    He isn't helpful? Try you're not very smart, what he's saying is true, why would you bitch about the water bloat when you know full well it would happen? You're bulking not cutting (I hope with those compounds), water retention is going to happen. I know you want to lessen it but why? Estrogen while bulking can help gains, taking an AI might lessen them along with water retention. And you really aren't taking that high of dosages to see large amounts of water retention.

    IMO get your diet in check. You say it is, but make it BETTER.

  20. #20
    anabolix112's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    He isn't helpful? Try you're not very smart, what he's saying is true, why would you bitch about the water bloat when you know full well it would happen? You're bulking not cutting (I hope with those compounds), water retention is going to happen. I know you want to lessen it but why? Estrogen while bulking can help gains, taking an AI might lessen them along with water retention. And you really aren't taking that high of dosages to see large amounts of water retention.

    IMO get your diet in check. You say it is, but make it BETTER.
    Phew. This thread got saved by true expert as you can see from CAPITAL letters and the fancy picture. Now, lets delete all other replies, truth has been told by mr skinny pirate with sexy abs (VISIBLE)!

  21. #21
    Angel of death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    He isn't helpful? Try you're not very smart, what he's saying is true, why would you bitch about the water bloat when you know full well it would happen? You're bulking not cutting (I hope with those compounds), water retention is going to happen. I know you want to lessen it but why? Estrogen while bulking can help gains, taking an AI might lessen them along with water retention. And you really aren't taking that high of dosages to see large amounts of water retention.

    IMO get your diet in check. You say it is, but make it BETTER.

    Yo what is with you newbies coming in here thinking you're all geniuses and providing good hard facts about SHIT IM NOT TALKING ABOUT. Did I whine in this thread? Did I say "omg im imjecting deca and im BLOATED! I didnt see it coming!!!!!" Nah....I simply asked for advice to make the bloat perhaps a little less pronounced. You get that? We good now?

  22. #22
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Some people have luck running wistrol with deca . I would run aromasin too.

  23. #23
    ottomaddox's Avatar
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    This is not true. As long as you run a TRT's dose of test with your deca you'll be fine. There are so many threads dedicated to this subject if you Search and the consensus says:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    The big problem here is not so much the people that have done the research and are commenting, but those that are just parroting back what they have read with no real clue what they are talking about. My favorite is that you MUST take more Test than Deca in a Test / Deca cycle. These people are dangerous IMO and this is where a lot of the problems with the publics view of steroids stems from, idiots giving advice !!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Shredded1 View Post
    2) Angel of Death, why are you running more deca than sus? You need at least equal amounts of test and deca if you want to keep your sex drive intact. Ever heard of "Deca Dick".....?

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