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  1. #1
    MARINE-GRUNT is offline New Member
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    Jun 2010

    Question regarding genetics

    Is there any documented evidence that demonstrates a direct correlation between the starting physique of an individual and their genetic maxium? For instance, I myself am 6'0 205 and have what I've been told is an "Underwear Models" build.. Does that mean that I have a high propensity to grow much larger without AAS vs. someone with a lower starting point? I will admit i am on now, but have some experience using. I am 32, and did my fist cycle at age 23. Test and Deca are the only compounds I have used, and the only negative sides I've witness were "deca dick" (remedied by increasing test dosage), and a recent extavasation which was rather painful. I am just curious as to the relationship between what is God-given and genetic max. I hope I have been clear as to what I'm asking here, as I would hate to waste any of your guys' time. Thanks..

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I guess by what I have read.Some guys will just get bigger than others.Your pro bbs.Those guys are huge.Your average guy couldnt get that big.I guess its in their gynes.I hope this helped devil dog.

  3. #3
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Some peoples bodies just allow them to grow bigger than others. I believe that if everyone had the ability to get to the size of most pro BB's, to an extent, there wouldn't be as much fascination with them. Every body is different, and when your body says 'no more', then steroids or not, you aint getting any bigger.

    Genetics has to play a part in it. Steroids are no respector of persons. If two people who weigh the same, same height, same diet, same build took the exact same steroids, odds are, you will still have two different results. Steroids only work with what the body gives them.

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