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  1. #1
    sparky3009 is offline New Member
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    Recommendations for 1st cycle?

    Hey everyone. I've started doing a little research on steroids , but have a lot of questions.

    Lets start off with a little about me:
    I am a Soldier in the U.S. Army. I do PT every morning for 1.5 hours, and am going to start going to the gym for probably 2 hours after work every night once I decide what I want to do.

    I'm 21 years old
    185 lb
    Not sure what my BF % is, but it shouldn't be too high.

    I'm mainly looking to gain some permanent strength and size in my upper body. My chest is pretty tiny, and my arm's are really small. I can pump out about 50-60 push-ups in 2 minutes and maybe 10 consecutive pull-ups.

    I've been looking at different options out there. I can't seem to find what would be the best for me. I looked at D-Bol's, but that seems like more of a short-term thing. I also really don't want to lose my sex drive because I still want to be able to have sex with my girlfriend, which ruled out a few different types. I have no cardiovascular issues, so I would be willing to try something relatively extreme.

    I have no problem taking pills, and I'm not afraid of needles. So pretty much anything is alright. I've just never done this, and don't know anyone who has, so I don't know what I should take and what doses. I started some research at steroid .com, but I don't know what kind of results to expect from each product.

    I have time to get in a 12 week cycle before I get deployed, so does anyone have any suggestions on a cycle I should get on? I'm going to keep studying on this, but I don't know exactly what to look for.

  2. #2
    cobra305's Avatar
    cobra305 is offline Member
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    To young, to light, and you have done zero research. Learn to eat and train properly

  3. #3
    juicyfruit71's Avatar
    juicyfruit71 is offline Junior Member
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    Honestly bro, at 21 your natural test levels should be jacked, so you should wait a few, from what you're gonna "start going to the gym"...I think you should actually GO to the gym for a while before you even consider using aas. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but I'm sure that everyone here will tell you the same thing.

  4. #4
    ArmyMan04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicyfruit71 View Post
    Honestly bro, at 21 your natural test levels should be jacked, so you should wait a few, from what you're gonna "start going to the gym"...I think you should actually GO to the gym for a while before you even consider using aas. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but I'm sure that everyone here will tell you the same thing.
    Agreed. Give it a few good years with a sick diet (see diet section) will do you wonders. 6'2 @ 185??? You can do a lotttt more with that... AAS are not a quick fix... work hard and wait til you are at least 24 (3 years under your belt will be better than 0) Good Luck bro...
    Thanks for serving!

  5. #5
    sparky3009 is offline New Member
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    When I dropped out of college, I started going to the gym every Mon, Wed, Fri. If I didn't have anything going on during the weekends, I'd spend some time there Sat and Sun too. Then I started getting in trouble and was going to AA meetings all the time. Ended up in the army, started going to the gym again. Then quit going around last xmas. Not sure why, I just stopped going.

    I worked mainly on core and legs though. I did very little upper body. Even taking whey protein, I cant get over 190lb. Granted, I never stuck to a body building diet, which probably didn't help.

    What about the 'legal' stuff that steroid .com advertises? I'd have to do some research on the side affects of those, and whats best for long-term, but do those actually work well?

  6. #6
    juicyfruit71's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky3009 View Post
    I worked mainly on core and legs though. I did very little upper body. Even taking whey protein, I cant get over 190lb. Granted, I never stuck to a body building diet, which probably didn't help.

    What about the 'legal' stuff that advertises? I'd have to do some research on the side affects of those, and whats best for long-term, but do those actually work well?
    Seriously check out the diet section...eating properly is a way of life and probably the most important aspect of training...without it, you'll NEVER reach your goals, whether you're juicing or not.

    As far as the "legal" stuff...a lot of that is just like the illegal stuff and will shut you down just the same.

  7. #7
    AnonMouse is offline New Member
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    As much as I agree with all of the above. I think a minor cycle might not be bad. When I did my first cycle I had only been working out for a few months. Just the fact that I was using very expensive "supplements" got my ass to the gym and made me work like a fiend. I did not want to waste all the hard work and money it took to get the goods.

    With that said I am considering going back after being a couch potato for a while and I would not dream of taking juice until I 1)max out on natural diet and then 2) max out on diet plus supplements. Most people will reach a plateau with diet alone, no matter how good it is. Then it will reach another on supplements.
    Juice will get you over that plateau.

    If you are in the Army, I am willing to bet you do way too much cardio to build big muscles. To get huge I need to do nothing but eat and sleep. And I only work out heavy 3 maybe 4 days a week so my body can rest and rebuild. Everyday will get you lean but if bulk is your concern, my opinion is that you need to rip the holy *stuffing* out of your muscles and then let it rebuild with as much food as you can eat. Once you do this for a while and stop seeing results, then you will be truly amazed at what a good cycle can do.

    Hope I helped some.

  8. #8
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Diet should be your main concern. Once you get a good diet in check, you will be amazed at how much you accomplish naturally. Check out our diet section for help.

    Good luck and BE CAREFUL

  9. #9
    sparky3009 is offline New Member
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    Alright. I'll check out the diet section when I get off tomorrow. See what I need to do to get big without juice. Then when I get to Iraq I'll probably start juicing.

    By mini cycle, do you mean like a small dose of testosterone -cyp with like 20mg of nolvadex ? That is ontop of a good diet and protien supplement.

  10. #10
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky3009 View Post
    Alright. I'll check out the diet section when I get off tomorrow. See what I need to do to get big without juice. Then when I get to Iraq I'll probably start juicing.

    By mini cycle, do you mean like a small dose of testosterone-cyp with like 20mg of nolvadex? That is ontop of a good diet and protien supplement.
    You will wish you hadnt, your yrs away from taking steroids , dont mess yourself up by shutting down your own hormonal system, food is what you need.

  11. #11
    ArmyMan04 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnonMouse View Post
    If you are in the Army, I am willing to bet you do way too much cardio to build big muscles.
    I disagree with this statement.

  12. #12
    sparky3009 is offline New Member
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    I don't see how cardio would hinder muscle growth. We run 3 days a week, and each run is between 3 and 5 miles depending on how much MSC or MSE we do afterwards. If I were to juice though, I would still do at least the same amount of cardio.

  13. #13
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    What you need is surplus calories to cover your PT and the growth that you want.
    Then you need to start deadlifting like a MoFo.

  14. #14
    AnonMouse is offline New Member
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    ArmyMan & Sparky,
    Of course you can still build muscles with cardio. But to maximize potential you need lots of rest. I still do cardio but I am not interesting in being huge, just fit.
    When you lift weights you tear muscles and then they build back up. Cardio takes away energy and nutrients that could otherwise go to building muscle.
    There is a good bit on this in Beasts training log. Which is awesome reading by the way. By the post I assumed getting big was the primary concern.
    If you search around you will see I am not totally out in left field on this one.

  15. #15
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky3009 View Post
    I don't see how cardio would hinder muscle growth. We run 3 days a week, and each run is between 3 and 5 miles depending on how much MSC or MSE we do afterwards. If I were to juice though, I would still do at least the same amount of cardio.
    cardio + an already sub-standard diet = no muscle growth. what is your diet, in detail?

  16. #16
    AndriodLee is offline Associate Member
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    I was in the military

    I can't even understand why anyone in the military would want to jeopardize their future over some muscles. Do you even realize the benefits that are available to you with an honorable discharge you dummy? School, VA home loans, disability, job offers. Let's say you get one of those new jacked arms blown off by enemy fire. What the hell are you gunna do for medical care if they find steroids in your blood when they run tests on you?

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