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  1. #1
    Phosphor's Avatar
    Phosphor is offline Junior Member
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    Still doing research, but a few noob q's

    A little background: Ex Marine turned office shlub. I have had roughly 3 years experience training (with 6 aside off/on depending on lifes catastrophies). Never used anything besides over the counter andro when it was still legal and ECA stack.

    I saw the doctor a month back for a wierd symptom of where I would get a splitting headache in the exact same spot whenever I would push myself at the gym or getting down with the wifey. A week ago the symptoms dissapeared. This Monday I was cleared as far as this issue from a catscan and bloodwork taken - the doctor said it was a partially blocked nasal cavity from how my body is. If I get it again, I just take an antibiotic. Thankfully it wasn't an aneurysm waiting to happen or high blood pressure - BP is great. Other tests came back pretty good for kidneys, liver, etc. Aside from another blood test being done in a few weeks, I'm cleared for whatever.

    Stats: Age:36 (no, it won't fluctuate every other day on posts), Weight: 185, Height: 5'11", Bodyfat: N/A (need to lose some, but certainly not a chunk); Hair: Balding somewhat (so, prone to MPB). Good size arms, good legs, somewhat smaller chest in comparison. I have my diet down to a science now and have that part studied (but always learning something new). My eventual goal is 215lbs, 6-7%bf - I'm patient, but not insanely patient, hence these forums.

    I have been studying these forums for the past few weeks and will continue to do so until I feel very comfortable with a gameplan. I plan on possibly doing Ronnie's Slingshot at a later date, but need assistance deciding on what gameplan is best for now. My desire is to firstly make comfortable gains (better than what over-the-counter can do) but the thought of possibly having bigger titties than my wife irks me a bit. I know this much: the more risk, bigger gains, etc. I wouldn't mind a lower risk, lower gain if I could A) at least still make decent gains and B) if there are less gains, maybe keep the fat off. Since I have to goto the net for my shit (possible supplier moved), costs are somewhat of a joke for 10 weeks+ supply depending on stacks. Sex drive isn't an issue - I'm married with 4 kids (you do the math). If any weight gain of fat occurs, I will take care of that with cardio, diet, and clen .

    Anyways, the bottom line of what I desire for the first round - fairly/moderately safe (this time), cost effectiveness, still getting SOMETHING of a muscle weight gain (5-10lbs acceptable) for the cash spent, and possibly keeping fat somewhat in check. This laundry list may be a pipe dream - or are my goals totally screwed up? Should I be just doing Ronnie's Slingshot (or varient) to start (some possible big money, but maybe a free boob-job with it)? In the meantime, I will continue the daunting task of sifting through the 1000's of posts here. I plan on working my ass off in the gym before, during, and after the cycle. Compared to most of you guys on these forums, I feel like a total noob - but I gotta start somewhere. Peace out.

  2. #2
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Welcome to the board.... you seem like a smart guy.... glad to see someone looking for advice offering that much info about himself. I would love to give you an opinion but won't as I am not a knowledgeable as many on this board. Some very experienced user will chime in.

    With a post like this, you'll get your answers. Keep up the smart/hard work!

  3. #3
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    Refreshing to see someone with a first post thats looking to learn the art, rather than be told how to do it. Welcome to the board.

    For a first cycle, most of the board will recommend that you stick with a single compound. The reason being that if something goes wrong you don't have to guess which compound is causing the problem. Easy, right?

    Since this will be your first dance with the needle, you can't go wrong with good ole' testosterone enanthate . You'd be looking at a cycle in the 12-16 week range, as enanthate is the longest of the esthers and it takes the longest to kick in and stays active the longest. The gains are slow, but quality (diet permitting, of course.)

    You're also going to need a PCT regimen for after your cycle. The typical compounds for this are clomid and nolvadex . This information is available in more detail in the sticky's at the top and through the search function.

    Good luck, brotha.

  4. #4
    Phosphor's Avatar
    Phosphor is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you both for the kind words. I plan on having this as a lifestyle regarding the cycles and strict dieting. Since I am on the frugal side, I will make this count every time at the gym as well. I feel that if I don't do my own homework and utilize the resources that these forums represent, I am doing every one of you a disservice that would read my ramblings.

    I have been very focused on my gameplan for the PCT regimen of late, since it a very important process of the cycle that some tend to neglect due to ignorance. Still looking on which way to go, but within a short amount of time I should have the answer. The test-e interests me as long as you don't see me in the newspaper over the coming weeks for slapping around my ex wife. I read that with it, the more you use, the better fat reducing properties while increasing lean muscle mass (with the proper diet). Overall, the reported side-effects are not as scary as I would have initially thought. With this in mind, I should have realized that test-e should have been one of my top contenders of what I should cycle the first time and not stack it. I guess that's where the noob title comes into play. There is still a ton of reading I will be doing and will focus a bit more on that particular product. One thing that irks me is in the discription on this site, it gives a great cost factor - is this up-to-date? If so, I need to keep looking around because my online unamed source (that I have still yet to use) more than doubles this amount. The thought of going to another site that would sell me crap just sickens me - scammers need to have a middle eastern treatment done to them. Thank you nooomoto for your sagely advice. Peace out.
    Last edited by Phosphor; 06-26-2010 at 10:18 AM. Reason: a few clerical mistakes

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