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  1. #1
    silverback11 is offline New Member
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    better test results???

    Just wondering which test gets the best results with d-bol?

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    Test is test..

    What are your stats?

    Years training
    Cycle history
    Planned pct???
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  3. #3
    papa-pump is offline Junior Member
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    test is test. its either short or long acting.
    i like sust, t4. blends of the test esters.

  4. #4
    silverback11 is offline New Member
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    Age 29
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    Cycle history -( not educated)first cycle was test p 200mg/week for 5 weeks no pct. second (still not educated) test p 100mg/wk 10 weeks with d-bol 25mg/ed 4 weeks still no pct (did have good results but of course lost them from no pct ) this was 9 years ago haven't done anything but pro-hormones since with pct i have educated myself quite a bit in 9 years.

    finally decided to go with test e 400mg/wk for 12 weeks, d-bol 25mg/ed weeks 1-4 then weeks 6-10 winny oral 50mg/ed with liver care throughout cycle. goal is speed and strength. i am open to suggestion
    Planned pct liquid tamox and liquid clomid

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Try Test E or any of the other long ester Test's then you can inject 2 x weekly

  6. #6
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Test Enanthate or Cypionate . 500Mg/Week for 12 weeks, split between 2 injections.

    Ie: 1 CC of Test 250 on Monday, 1 CC on Thursday.

    Or, I see you want to do 400/wk. That's fine too, some people react fine to that. The DBol seems a bit low to me. I'd bump that a bit, maybe up to 40mg/day for 4 weeks.. but again, it's different for everyone... you may be fine with 25mg.

  7. #7
    silverback11 is offline New Member
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Test Enanthate or Cypionate . 500Mg/Week for 12 weeks, split between 2 injections.

    Ie: 1 CC of Test 250 on Monday, 1 CC on Thursday.

    Or, I see you want to do 400/wk. That's fine too, some people react fine to that. The DBol seems a bit low to me. I'd bump that a bit, maybe up to 40mg/day for 4 weeks.. but again, it's different for everyone... you may be fine with 25mg.
    yeah i had good results with 25mg/ed of d-bol years ago and this would be the first time using since then so i wanted to keep it right about there. this is my first aas cycle since nine years ago everything else has been pro-hormone cycles since which haven't been bad but looking to get over a hump lol.

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