Test e @ 450 wk for 10wks
hemadrol 50/50/50/75/75/75
going to split my hemadrol pills and repack since they come in 50mg. I'm a cheap bastard so I always take the cheaper route so long as it doesn't effect outcome.
I have some test e 300 left over from my last cycles so I'm just going to use it up.
Going to run Hawthorne and milk thistle pre and on cycle.
Pct will probably be nolva solo depending on how I feel I may run clomid. Adex on hand but not going to use it this cycle.
This will be the most test I've used on cycle. I like to take babysteps.
Goals: strength, endurance, size, hairy chest would be cool too.
Prior cycle most recent back; goals have been mostly performance.
test e 300, bold cyp 450. 2009 to 2010
test c 300. 2008
test c 250. 2008
eMax Lmg. 2005