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  1. #1
    solidgold604 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010

    dbol then winstrol

    Age: 22
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 178
    BF%: 9.8%
    Cycle Exp: 0
    PCT Knowledge: 0
    Training Exp: limited
    Diet: under control

    my buddy gave me a bottle of 100 25mg dbol pills and told me to take 2 a day. hesitant, the bottle remained untouched until i moved far away all by myself. with little else but a mediocre construction job, i got a gym pass and began taking them. 2 or 3 days into it i couldnt believe the energy. im 3 weeks into it and more than impressed and satified with the results and am very much looking forward to what else i can do.... all that being said i know how grossly uninformed i am. i asked questions later sort of thing but now ive been through like a million of these sites and have a pretty good idea of whats up... im sure im wasting my time but im gonna finish taking the dbol, which i should have been taking test with, can i still add test to it or is it to late??.. this wanna be bodybuilder at work called me an idiot for takin just dbol and gave me a bottle of 100 25mg winstrol pills and suggested i stop taking the dbols immediately and switch to those which i didnt, i started reading. my understanding is more now i can bulk up with the dbol then the winstrol cuts and adds more lean muscle. ive only gained 4 pounds and thats with 2 or 3 protein shakes on top of my daily meal intake in the past 3 weeks. but my strength and overall physique has never been better. im gonna start on stuff for the ol liver here now too lol but switching from one 17aa to another do i need to take nolvadex or watever inbetween even if there no symptoms of too much estrogen??? or have a more aggressive pct after its all said and done?? also with the amount of pills i have it would be about 14 weeks all together which seems pretty high so n e suggestions there??... theres more but im sure ill be ostracized for this so i really appreciate educated opinions that can help guide me a long. i did just stumble upon these things and im making due with what i have, ultimately, i see the potential power these things posess and its got me a little curious. luckily i got to this before i did irreparable damage but again any insight to those question would be much appreciated
    Last edited by solidgold604; 07-04-2010 at 04:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    You're too young and underdeveloped to even consider the use of steroids . Let alone, oral only is a very poor choice. Oral AAS only cycles are common amongst beginners and kids because they're afraid of needles.

    At this point in your development you should be studying how to properly structure your diet and training to maximize your growth. It's recommended that you reach or come close to your natural potential before using AAS. You have a long ways to go. What you gained with Dbol is mostly water retention and you will lose it not long after you quit.

  3. #3
    solidgold604 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    ill have to agree bossman. i read about how important proper developement is many times but i want results now. a solid base makes sense and id feel like an idiot if i was like 220 one month and back to normal the next so. i never really even considered needles, they dont bother me so itd be worth getting fimiliar with all that material in the future.... so do i just start slowing down with what im taking now until its down to zero??? and do i have to worry about nolvadex and that stuff or just worry about detoxing my liver???

  4. #4
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    So you are taking 50mg dbol ED for the past 3 weeks? And what do you mean "im gonna finish taking the dbol" , how long were you planning on taking it?

    And as far as "do i have to worry about nolvadex and that stuff" goes, the answer is yes. Dear god man.... you really have no idea what you are doing to yourself do you?

    You are still too young to be cycling, you are underweight for what you could acheive naturally at your height, so when you posted in your stats "Diet - under control" is incorrect.

  5. #5
    terraj's Avatar
    terraj is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think this guy and a lot of the young guys posting lately are trolls.

    No way someone can be that dumb, these days you have endless amounts of info on the web to guide and help you make informed decision.

    I guess the good thing is that it will reduce the chances of breeding for the dimmer of our species.

  6. #6
    solidgold604 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2010
    well i got 100 of them, 2 a day so thats 50 days and i was gonna start slowin down the last week or 2 thats how long i was planning on taking them. as far as worrying about that stuff goes i was wondering if its so unconceivable that my body could even itself out or something, i donno thats why i asked. to call a spade a spade i was given the dbol and limited instruction, i tried, liked it then dug a little more into it like i said before. stupid watever we all started somewhere. ill take the too young thing with a grain of salt. theres high school kids on here that get advice how to jab themselves not sayin u told them too but watever. when i say my diets under control i mean i have a shake in the morning, breakfast, a snack, lunch, snack with a shack, dinner and maybe another shake and its not junk food. i have a retardedly fast metabolism i stay inbetween 170-180 not matter how hard i try. i suppose i could pack on more but i cant afford a $400 a week grocery bill.... thanx n e how for not answering my questions and casting judgement

  7. #7
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    OP, it's not that anyone is trying to judge you, but if you could see this from a knowledgeable angle you would be scratching your head too. Even your last post telling us about your diet doesn't sound good. Nobody on here in high school gets any advise. The only way that happens is when we get LIED to about who the person really is.

    I suggest you see a doctor and run lab work to see what adverse effects this oral cycle has taken on you. Since you're on this forum already, do some research in the PCT section and gain some knowledge on it. All the information in the world is here, but you'll have to invest time and commitment to learn it. You're getting some criticism because you didn't take the time to learn the basics up front. Unfortunately, you could really hurt yourself when it comes to AAS, and NONE OF US want that.

  8. #8
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    You're too young and underdeveloped to even consider the use of steroids . Let alone, oral only is a very poor choice. Oral AAS only cycles are common amongst beginners and kids because they're afraid of needles.

    At this point in your development you should be studying how to properly structure your diet and training to maximize your growth. It's recommended that you reach or come close to your natural potential before using AAS. You have a long ways to go. What you gained with Dbol is mostly water retention and you will lose it not long after you quit.
    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    So you are taking 50mg dbol ED for the past 3 weeks? And what do you mean "im gonna finish taking the dbol" , how long were you planning on taking it?

    And as far as "do i have to worry about nolvadex and that stuff" goes, the answer is yes. Dear god man.... you really have no idea what you are doing to yourself do you?

    You are still too young to be cycling, you are underweight for what you could acheive naturally at your height, so when you posted in your stats "Diet - under control" is incorrect.
    Quote Originally Posted by terraj View Post
    I think this guy and a lot of the young guys posting lately are trolls.

    No way someone can be that dumb, these days you have endless amounts of info on the web to guide and help you make informed decision.

    I guess the good thing is that it will reduce the chances of breeding for the dimmer of our species.
    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    OP, it's not that anyone is trying to judge you, but if you could see this from a knowledgeable angle you would be scratching your head too. Even your last post telling us about your diet doesn't sound good. Nobody on here in high school gets any advise. The only way that happens is when we get LIED to about who the person really is.

    I suggest you see a doctor and run lab work to see what adverse effects this oral cycle has taken on you. Since you're on this forum already, do some research in the PCT section and gain some knowledge on it. All the information in the world is here, but you'll have to invest time and commitment to learn it. You're getting some criticism because you didn't take the time to learn the basics up front. Unfortunately, you could really hurt yourself when it comes to AAS, and NONE OF US want that.

    You got the best advice here, no need for anymore imput just listen to it,
    Best of luck

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