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  1. #1
    DerrikT's Avatar
    DerrikT is offline Junior Member
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    Nolvadex, Tamoxifen Citrate - Daily dose while on cycle

    I have read the sticky threads about this but couldn't find the answer I was looking for but I'm sure loads of you have experience with what i'm asking

    I am planning to start my first cycle in a few weeks. I have some Tamoxifen Citrate to take for estrogen control. I would like to know how much dosage people would recommend taking daily and broken up into how many times a day?

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
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    10mg is what people usually recommend and something i certainly would on cycle... Nolva is known for causing symptoms of depression in people.

    Also you should only start to take the nolvadex if the cycle causes nipple soreness... A sign of developing gyno. This effect is seen more in older people usually mid 30s and above as the older you get, the more likely that if you take a steroid into your body a higher percentage of it will convert to estrogen, or the estrogen sides show in cycles that are prone to producing estrogen, etc tren .

    Also another note, What does your cycle look like?

  3. #3
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    What are your stats?
    bf% (this can play a role in estrogen development)
    training exp

    Tamoxifen does not control your estrogen. It's a serm, which blocks the estrogen receptor site but does not change the amount of estrogen in your system. An AI (aromotace inhibitor) may be a better choice. An AI stops the conversion of test into estrogen. This will reduce bloating caused by an increase in estrogen.

  4. #4
    DerrikT's Avatar
    DerrikT is offline Junior Member
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    26 years old
    182cm tall
    86kg (peaked at 89kg)
    I don't have an accurate measurement for body fat but I just have a small amount of fat around the stomach preventing a full 10 pack to be visible
    Been training hard all my life - max effort in the gym and train most days
    Feel I have reached my absolute peak naturally
    Done other supps and pro hormones but it's time to step up

    I read across the net that Tamoxifen is the best for using on cycle but of course I have no experience of this, I just read about a number of these drugs and thought Tamoxifen would be best.

    My planned cycle is as follows:

    wks 1-5 - 75mg Anavar / day
    wks 1-10 - 500mg Primoteston / week, 417mg Primobolan / week (sun / wed)
    wks 11-12 - 417mg Primobolan / week (sun / wed)

    The main aims are:

    Fat loss
    Strength gain
    Some mass (size) gain

    But i'm not worried about specifics so i'm happy to give it a go and see what happens

    Now i've given stats and cycle info i'd appreciate feedback and perhaps answers to the following?

    Should I mix the Primobolan and Primoteston initially or should I keep them separate and withdraw them into the same syringe just before injecting?

    Should I inject 2ml of a higher concentrated dose or 3ml of a lower concentrated dose, what is likely to hurt less? (I'm pretty worried about the injecting but know I can overcome it)

    When is the best time of day to inject?

    Thanks again for your support

  5. #5
    DerrikT's Avatar
    DerrikT is offline Junior Member
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    Click Drug Name to View Profile:


    (Tamoxifen Citrate)

    Nolvadex and Gynocomastia

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I would save the nolva for your pct and go with an ai on cycle like liquidex or exemestane.

  7. #7
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by DerrikT View Post

    I am planning to start my first cycle in a few weeks.
    Quote Originally Posted by DerrikT View Post

    26 years old
    182cm tall
    86kg (peaked at 89kg)

    My planned cycle is as follows:

    wks 1-5 - 75mg Anavar / day
    wks 1-10 - 500mg Primoteston / week, 417mg Primobolan / week (sun / wed)
    wks 11-12 - 417mg Primobolan / week (sun / wed)

    The main aims are:

    Fat loss
    Strength gain
    Some mass (size) gain

    Well, first off, that is a little too much for a first cycle. Please read this:

    Second, you say you are wanting to lose fat. What have you changed your diet to, to accomplish that goal since steroids are not going to burn fat? How much cardio are you doing?

    Third, you want to put on some muscle mass. Now, I am only speaking for myself, but I have a horrible time trying to burn fat and add size at the same time. I usually will go through a cutting DIET (note that I said diet, not cycle) for many months, combined with some cardio if I need to drop a little BF. Afterwards, I will move into a lean muscle mass diet to add some size.

    After all I have posted here, please show me what your diet looks like at this moment.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by charliemurphy229 View Post
    I would save the nolva for your pct and go with an ai on cycle like liquidex or exemestane.
    Noted, anyone else have a view on this?

    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Well, first off, that is a little too much for a first cycle
    I have maxed out my training, diet and use of supps. I have done 3 cycles on prohormone with full PCT and i've read around the subject alot. So although I'm a newbie with roids, I haven't jumped in prematurely. That said, perhaps the suggested cycle could be too much for my body to take as a first cycle and I could drop the Primobolan and do the whole thing as a second cycle rather than the other way round.

    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Second, you say you are wanting to lose fat. What have you changed your diet to
    When I say lose fat, i'm talking about going from looking robotic to not looking human, i've tried hard and I don't think I can naturally lose the last remaining fat on my stomach especially like you say whilst just maintaining muscle mass as well. I changed my diet to this (but it's not really maintainable for my 6/7 day / week sports training):

    Protein shake with 2 raw eggs and 4 spoons of low carb natural greek yogurt
    Fish with Veg
    50g peanuts
    Protein shake
    Protein shake
    Large salad with feta and parmegano cheese, avocado, extra virgin olive oil and ground flax seeds
    Protein shake

    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    How much cardio are you doing?
    I'm trying to keep the cardio down to things that don't raise my heart rate too high to promote fat burning over muscle burning but it's difficult when one has a very active lifestyle and a lot of training. As soon as I do high rate cardio, the weight falls off, lose 15kg in 1 month

    I am interested to see how steroids will effect the above

  9. #9
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Quote Originally Posted by DerrikT View Post

    I am interested to see how steroids will effect the above
    Well, thats the thing. Like I said, the steroids will not burn fat. So, again, like I said, you must turn to your diet and cardio for that.

    Adding muscle mass, yet again, even with steroids, if your diet is not set up for adding muscle mass, then you are prob going to be dissapointed even with the steroids.

    The reason I stress diet so much is because it the biggest factor in any body goal you have. Steroids can only work with what you supply your body with. If you dont give your body the correct food for your goals, then any steroid you use is only going to be able to work with what you are giving them.

    I know you want to try steroids to see how they can help, and I understand you are active, and detailed diets can be hard to stay with when you have a lot going on in your life, but, if you want to acheive the goals you have set in your mind, you have to find a way to get that diet in there. Thats just the way it is.

  10. #10
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    What would you suggest in terms of diet for adding muscle mass whilst staying trim?

    The diet above cuts fast but I need to be careful I'm getting enough cals and not just burning all the protein i'm getting. It's not suitable for the amount of training i'm doing. It would be suitable if I were training temp for physique alone but I have to consider that being fit for sports comps is more important.

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