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  1. #1
    liftw8t's Avatar
    liftw8t is offline Associate Member
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    Bulking Cycle Help

    Yo guys, I am in the process of putting together my 4th technical cycle (3rd stopped early in like a couple weeks due to personal issues and some sides which I got under control).

    -5'10" 1/2
    -191 lbs (just got done dieting for a show)
    -4% bf (not exaggerated, im lean and shredded)

    Cycle History: (In cronilogical order)

    July 2009 (8 wks)
    -Test E 400mg EW split into two shots, gains were 176 start (when on accurate scale which didnt come across till half way through cycle) end result 184 post PCT diet wasnt the best put together
    -Followed by a nice 4 week PCT consisting of Clomid 100/100/50/50 and Nolva 40/40/20/20, I did get sick like lethargic and a slight cold near end of PCT.

    January 2010 (8 wks)
    -Test E 500mg EW, Deca 250mg EW, and Tbol 30mg ED (1-4wk) gains were 186 start and end 202 post PCT was alot better and weight was fairly solid, appearance took a drastic change.
    -PCT same as first and still caught a cold half way in PCT which cause me drop some weight.

    May 2010 (3-4wks): This was a flop didnt really get to finish like I wanted
    - Test P 500mg EW, Tren Ace 200mg EW, shot EOD for both, gains were hard to gauge started shredding after previous cycle and dropped about 9lbs so start was 193 and came down to 186 but maintained muscle along the way and got bodyfat down. Trying not to count this cycle. In the end with lean diet i'm at my current weight and bodyfat

    Now I need help with proposed bulk, found that my body responded great to Tbol which is a DHT derived compound, Nors are hard to gauge because deca was low dose but I did gain good weight tho. So cycle looks something like this but I need help with dosage and what to take.

    8-10 weeks bulker November 2010
    -Sust 650 mg EW pinning 2 times a week unless I should go E3D at 250mg which I was cosidering.
    -Deca 400mg EW pinning 2 times a week
    -Tren E dosage i'm clueless I go with the least amount is always best when thinking about cycle.
    - Oral of some sort, thinking Tbol again, i hear Dbol but i'm gyno prone so and I hear its gyno in a bottle. plan to have caber and adex on deck at all times and run throughout cycle.

    *any input would be greatly appreciated, I apologize if this seems like alot of details or messy in any sort tried to clean up best I could any proposed cycle ideas you guys have would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Bossman's Avatar
    Bossman is offline Bossman - AR Monitor
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    The best time to add size is immediately after a cut. The rebound is amazing.

    I wouldn't use deca and tren in this cycle. Pick one or the other. 50mg ed is a good start for tren a. Have you tried anadrol ?

  3. #3
    liftw8t's Avatar
    liftw8t is offline Associate Member
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    Sending you a PM

  4. #4
    liftw8t's Avatar
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    liftw8t's Avatar
    liftw8t is offline Associate Member
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