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  1. #1
    wormwood's Avatar
    wormwood is offline Associate Member
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    Prop EOD injections vs ED (relative to site pain)

    If one were experiencing significant pain upon EOD injections, might this pain be diminished to any significant degree through switching to daily injections by virtue of cutting in half the volume of each dose?

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    How much are you injecting EOD?

  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by wormwood View Post
    If one were experiencing significant pain upon EOD injections, might this pain be diminished to any significant degree through switching to daily injections by virtue of cutting in half the volume of each dose?
    Yes, lowering the volume per site should effectively reduce the pain.

    In addition cutting it with some sterile oil can help.


  4. #4
    wormwood's Avatar
    wormwood is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    How much are you injecting EOD?
    I haven't started my cycle yet but I was planning 100 EOD. I only ask because I have only done two cycles previously and both were straight Test, but the time that I ran Enanth I experienced no pain, whereas the time that I ran Sust 250 I experienced significant pain. I'm thinking I might be sensitive to the prop so I was just kicking this question around in order to determine whether or not I should just pin ED instead.

  5. #5
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Yeah, you can half the dosage to ED to avoid pain.

    I would like to quote 'Big' on the prop pain discussion:
    "I find that not being a ***** helps a lot"

    Haha, sorry, I had to put that up.

  6. #6
    wormwood's Avatar
    wormwood is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Yeah, you can half the dosage to ED to avoid pain.

    I would like to quote 'Big' on the prop pain discussion:
    "I find that not being a ***** helps a lot"

    Haha, sorry, I had to put that up.

    lol. There's some truth in that. I just remember not even being able to walk right sometimes with the Sust and having to come up with excuses why for others. Sucked.

  7. #7
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BigResponse.jpg 
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ID:	108570

    Here it is....

  8. #8
    BennyLom's Avatar
    BennyLom is offline Associate Member
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    The pharmaceutical grade Test Prop I shot was very very smooth. In fact I felt nothing at all during injection or in the days that followed (and this was a 2ml shot to the quad). I'm now using Test E instead (also pharmaceutical grade) and it "feels" more for sure.
    I'm thinking "Test Prop pain" is a UGL thing, but what do I know about that...

  9. #9
    SnaX is offline Anabolic Member
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    Prop is what it is. Massaging the site after injection helps work the solution around. Also a hot compress in the evening, with an Ibuprofin. You can find Ibuprofin pain relievers at your local grocery store, in the pharmacy section next to the tampons.. ya big o' pusscake! Hehehe
    Nah, but the above methods should help, but your body should get used to the injections after a bit, and the shots wont be as sore.

  10. #10
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    I had this discussion with a friend of mine the other day, he prefers 50 mg ed over 100 eod because it gives him less pain and the injection site recovers quicker.

    He just started a cycle last week, 100 mg prop ed plus other compounds but he still only pins 50 mg per site.

  11. #11
    BigIce is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	BigResponse.jpg 
Views:	2164 
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ID:	108570

    Here it is....
    Bwahaha I want that one on for my living room wall

  12. #12
    Neevor's Avatar
    Neevor is offline Associate Member
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    Just don't inject in your legs. Solves the walking problem. I hate injecting in my thighs. I walk funny for days. I just finished a cycle of Tren and Prop and a couple times I did two injections just to see which was causing the pain. Turns out it was the tren. The prop was like a tiny bruise whereas the tren was fire-like pain for days sometimes. I ended up switching to ED for the last couple weeks just because I could feel my plasma levels swingin around and didnt like it. I did not notice any significant decrease in pain.

    I rotated all around my shoulders and my glutes and my pecs on occasion. I would do my front right delt, then front left, then left glute, then right glute, then rear right delt, then left rear delt, then pecs then mid delts etc. I find that the pain in my shoulders is much easier to deal with and effects my day less than the pain in my thighs making me walk like a gimp. Also, for some reason I almost never have pain when i inject in either my rear delts or my glutes so I prefer those sites over all others.

    I have to say that if you are complaining about pain with just sust or prop then you should try injecting win or tren and then you'll really understand why the vets giggle at the newbs who complain about prop pain. Whole nother level with the latter two in my experience. You'll wish for the days when you're muscle was just sore rather than so painful it woke you up when you roled funny in your sleep lol...

    Hope that helps

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