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  1. #1
    DrivenGal is offline Female Member
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    Jul 2010

    To Var or Not to Var?

    I'm new to the forum and I've been doing as much research as I can within the past few weeks. I wanted get a few opinions.

    I'm 5'6" 31 year old female. I've been weight training for 10 years, I eat clean and am training for a figure competition. I am doing 2 shows. One is 13 weeks away and the 2nd is 15 weeks out. The show at 15 weeks is tested. I'm 150lbs now and show day I'll be 131lbs. I've been bulking and am getting ready to start my cutting. I have never tried AS before.

    I am interested in Anavar , as I have read it's the mildest and has the least side effects. I see conflicting information about the cycle times though. (8, 10, or 12) Based on my upcoming competitions, do I have enough time to get through a cycle and test clean for my show in 15 weeks?

    I want to start at the mildest dosage and do not want to stack with other AS. (5mg per day of Var). I have no idea how my body will react to it. Is this enough to produce results? If I increase the dosage and start seeing unwanted side effects, do I stop immediately or lower the dosage?

    I appreciate any help anyone can provide.

  2. #2
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    2.5mg 2x every day is a good start. You are right. The sides are very mild. Since the half life of var is about 8 hours, you should be clean in a few days. You can do the math...
    just taken 5mg
    8 hrs = 2.5 mg
    16 hrs = 1.25 mg
    24 hrs 0.6225 mg
    32 hrs = 0.31 mg
    40 hrs = 0.15 mg
    48 hrs = 0.075 mg

    and if you are splitting and only doing 2.5mg each time, then, of course, half that.

    welcome aboard!

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    A couple of ladies in the gym are on var and HGH. They just did a competition and they looked great. I would recommend var for 8 weeks max since it is liver toxic.

  4. #4
    sixey's Avatar
    sixey is offline Associate Member
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    just make sure that if your getting UG brand var that you are %100 positive the stuff is pure var and legit, especially since your a woman you dont want something that is cut with anything other than straight up anavar . or just get some human grade ($$$$)

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Detection time of Var is around 3 weeks. Don't go by the half life. The compound will still be present during testing.

  6. #6
    DrivenGal is offline Female Member
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    Thanks for all of your input. This helps. Does Var come in a 5mg tablet? I've only been told it's a 10mg tab.

  7. #7
    sixey's Avatar
    sixey is offline Associate Member
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    it usually comes in 5mg or 10mg if its HG, i know theres UG that go up to 50mg per pill

  8. #8
    428scj is offline Junior Member
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    Yes it does. I have seen 5, 10, and 50 mg tabs/capsules. The 5mg was human grade and the price reflected it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The price is high, but being female you are going to need a much lower does than use men. 5mg a day is typically just one pill. I would say do no more than an 8 week cycle. Since you're new you may even want to consider a 6 week cycle. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but at that dosage I wouldn't even be concerned about liver support. They give 5-6 times that to sickly people. I'm not sure about PCT, as you're female your body chemistry is very different from ours. Get reputable advice on this before starting and have everything on hand before starting a cycle.

    Half life is definitely misleading. All that means is the time it takes for your body to metabolize half the dose. Metabolizing the other half can take significantly longer, and traces could be detected for weeks afterward, as stated. If your competition is 15 weeks out and you do an 8 week cycle, you should still be good to go by competition time. There's always risk though, as different peoples' bodies metabolize things differently. All these years later we're still trying to figure out how Ben Johnson tested positive for a compound that should have been out of his system months before the Olympics. He could be lying, but at this point in time what does he really gain from it? He already admitted to taking steroids .

  10. #10
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Detection time of Var is around 3 weeks. Don't go by the half life. The compound will still be present during testing.
    Your right,,you need to go by DETECTION times,,which is approx 3 weeks.

  11. #11
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    One of the main potential side-effects for females taking var is 'var clit', I think every man on the planet would be taking var if a side was 'var dick'.
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 07-23-2010 at 05:22 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    That is true, but that's a potential side affect with a lot of steroids in women. The chances of such side affects at a does of only 5mg/day are pretty slim unless you are hyper sensitive to Anavar . Now at 30mg/day I'd be quite concerned about it. The reason many women chose to use Anavar is because the chances of masculine side affects are greatly reduced. I truly think you'll be okay, but as with anything keep an eye out for potential side affects. If anything surfaces discontinue use immediately.

  13. #13
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    var clit isn't considered a 'bad' side effect, is it? I thought it was only temporary while on cycle anyway?

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I tend to think of any side effect as bad. Enlargement of the clitorus is the result of too much testosterone in a woman's body. I believe because the testosterone aromatizes to estrogen, thus having an affect on the genitals, which in a woman are linked to estrogen like the testes are to testosterone in men. Our testes can shrink, their clitorus can grow. I believe that the reason Anavar doesn't typically exhibit such side affects in women is that it does not aromatize. However there is some other reaction that has an affect on testosterone, which will cause the body to up estrogen in an attempt to achieve balance. The dosage is key too. A side effect experienced with 30mg/day may not exhibit at all at only 5mg/day.

    Will it go away after the cylce? I can't say. I would definitely get advice on this from another woman who had experience with Anavar. I do know that things like amenphorea, the ceasation of a woman's menstral cycle, can result from BF% being too low, and will resume normalcy once BF% goes back above a certain limit (I think it's like 8-10%). However, this is a hormonal thing, so I can't say.

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