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  1. #1
    dbolkid is offline Junior Member
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    will i lose my dbol gains if i take winny?

    i am currently taking 25mg of dbol a day for about 4 weeks , if i stop and take 40mg ed of winny tabs will i lose my dbol gains?

  2. #2
    TheDfromGC's Avatar
    TheDfromGC is offline Anabolic Member
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    you will definately lose some if not the majority of them being its water weight, thats just how it goes with dbol , try and keep ur diet strict and hopefully u will not lose too much....Ð

  3. #3
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yes, you will lose your gains. Generally this will all be water, however any muscle that you have amassed over those 4 weeks is yours to keep.

    Also, in regards to the d-bol then winny route.. I am always against two 17-aa substances back-to-back. If you insist on doing this I strongly suggest ALA, Milk Thistle, Tyler's liver detox, cranberry extract, etc.

    I do strongly recommend that you give your liver a break before taking Winstrol .

  4. #4
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    You will lose the water you have gained, but you would eventually lose this without the winny anyway.


  5. #5
    ALEXBILLY's Avatar
    ALEXBILLY is offline Junior Member
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    i would think you would use d-ball to jump start into something else [deca ,test] etc. it would be a waste of money to me.....billy
    Last edited by ALEXBILLY; 03-03-2003 at 09:06 PM.

  6. #6
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    what would happen if you run Dbol and winny together ? Dbol 50mg per day for 10 days and winny for 4 weeks ?

  7. #7
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by needbigguns
    what would happen if you run Dbol and winny together ? Dbol 50mg per day for 10 days and winny for 4 weeks ?
    Well first of all you can forget that cut look that winny gives you if you take dbol with it and probably any fat that you might have lost with winny. Wheres the test?

  8. #8
    jinos's Avatar
    jinos is offline Member
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    First off, is that all you're taking? Where's the test? Like Polska said. Two orals are really gonna mess with your liver bro. If you're afraid of injections, you're not ready for AS. And yes you will lose most of it. If not more. Just get some test and poke yourself.

  9. #9
    fhorst's Avatar
    fhorst is offline Associate Member
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    I know the feeling on the board about D-bol only. say it's no good, bad for liver, fake gains etc.

    Arnie did D-Bol only............ do I need to say more?

    Sure, some will be water, but if you use Nolva during the cycle, it won't be much.
    Sure, you'll be stressing your liver, but if you go drunk for a few night's it;s worse for your liver......
    and if it would be that bad, NO ONE should use it as a jumpstart also.

    Winnie won't keep your gains.
    If you have a problem with needles, start with ANDRIOL , it will give you almost the same gains as test injections and won't be hard on your liver.
    (it will hard on your cash it's about 55 to 60 euro's for 60 caps/40mg, and you need to take 8 to 9 caps per day.)

    To keep it more safe, use Oxandrolone 25 mg per day together with the andriol.
    BUT Oxandrolone is expensive also.

    Good orals are expensive

    For the price of the Andriol/Oxandrolone stack you could also use real HGH (but that involves pins/needles again)

  10. #10
    needbigguns's Avatar
    needbigguns is offline Once Human and Inferior - Now Beast-Like and Superior
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    Quote Originally Posted by jinos
    First off, is that all you're taking? Where's the test? Like Polska said. Two orals are really gonna mess with your liver bro. If you're afraid of injections, you're not ready for AS. And yes you will lose most of it. If not more. Just get some test and poke yourself.
    Im on sust and deca week 8 asif im scared of injections how old do you think i am, iv cycled before sust and deca this is my second cycle.
    I thort i may experiment running dbol 50mg a day for 10 days when i start winstrol , maybe winstrol would still cut n harden me n gaining an extra 1 or 2 lb from the short course of a high mg dosage. May add clen too yet in pct but only low doses.

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