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  1. #1
    nba2005uk is offline Associate Member
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    Gear sorted. Need help with cycle layout

    Hey guys i am ready to start new cycle in 2 weeks today. Am looking for the best possible cycle. I have the following;
    30ml test cyp 200mg
    20ml tri tren 150mg
    200 dbols 10mg
    60 anavars 50mg
    60 proviron 50mg
    40 clomid 50mg
    60 nolva 20mg
    1 box hcg

    I am thinking of runnin 800mg test for 8 weeks, 350 tren for 7 weeks, and dbols for the first 2 weeks and last 2 weeks. The reason im not running my cycle long is because talking from personal experience i dont gain from weeks 7 onwards at all even with increased calories. I got anavar and proviron to try and experiment a bit as i tend to lose so many gains during pct. So i was thinking of runnin the anavar as a bridge from weeks 10-14(maybe longer) and proviron the same. The run pct from weeks 11-15. Then 3-4 weeks after that i will start my new cycle. My new routine will be 8 weeks on 10 weeks off.

    Really appreciate the help guys.

  2. #2
    VWbug66's Avatar
    VWbug66 is offline Senior Member
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    idk ur past cycles, but if ur experienced then i would run the test cyp, tri tren , and anavar ..

    but it depends on ur goals. You said u wanted to use dbol in the beginning and the end. why?

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    stats and cycle experience?

    If you want to run a short cycle, you might be better served by using short esters.

    I don't like your "bridge" idea either. It's not really a bridge at all, really, since you're going right from that into pct.

  4. #4
    nba2005uk is offline Associate Member
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    Ive ran 4 cycles my last cycle being test 800mg tren e 400mg but think the tren was overdosed. Reason for running dbol first 2 weeks and last 2 weeks is because my gains start to slow down a lot after 6 weeks so i use it as a sort of kickstart.

    With the bridge idea, i guess its not really a bridge but just a way to keep gains throughout pct leading up to my next cycle. I lose gains 3 weeks after my last jab all the way up to my next cycle so im going to try anavar at a average dose and see if it helps to keep some mass. It will overlap my pct then pct will continue 1 week past the anavar.

  5. #5
    D7M's Avatar
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    If you're loosing ALL your gains in pct, you should check your pct/diet/training/rest.

    I'm not saying all bridges are bad, but I just don't like the way you have it set up.

    If you're going to do a PCT, then do one and recover.

    But don't keep taking suppressive compounds throughout your pct.

  6. #6
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    sounds like a good cycle, but why do you feel that 400mgs tren was too much? do you mean the sides? i did 450mg and the gains were excellent. i totally agree with your views on gains tapering after about 8 weeks - ronnie rowland says the same thing, why not try an 8 week reload 2 week deload then repeat. its the most logical way of cycling imo and the most effective theoretically.

  7. #7
    nba2005uk is offline Associate Member
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    Stats 22 yrs, 6'1 210 12% bf.
    What would you recomend as a bridge? I will still be running pct a week after ive finished the anavar so recovery shouldnt be too bad as anavar will be a low enough dose. My pct has always been hcg nolva clomid, diet has always been up to key 5k+ calories. The only thing im unsure about is with my training. Ive heard lately to decrease the volume/intensity of your workouts off cycle because it can cause a lot of stress on your body with the sudden lack in test/gh levels etc. I always train the same off cycle as i do on cycle so maybe i need to lower my volume slightly off cycle as im always feeling drained almost like my body is constantly in catabolic mode lol

  8. #8
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I think you're kinda young to cycle, let alone try some convoluted bridge.

    If you're going to do it, then do a SOLID pct, and give yourself plenty of time to recover before you jump on another cycle.

  9. #9
    nba2005uk is offline Associate Member
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    D7M how would you run the cycle giving the gear i have?

  10. #10
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
    Knockout_Power is offline "Even sexier than Siggy"
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    keep this simple...

    week 1-12 test cyp 500/wk
    week 3-10 tri tren 375/wk

    the proper PCT... when compared to the tren , the Var or Pro will not show much gains.

    You should start the cyp a little earlier than tren so you dont get the quick shutdown the tren will give if your test isnt kicked in. You dont have enough tren to run a higher dosage for a long time so keep it to 8 weeks.

    hope this helps

  11. #11
    nba2005uk is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for the input. im running the var and proviron to maintain gains not to keep on gaining more. As for the dose i have already run 2 cycles over 500mg of test(last cycle being 800mg) so im going to run the same again. I NEVER gain over 7-8th week so im not going to run it over 8 weeks this time. I dont see the point running that extra 4 weeks when it will just slow down my recovery. I like your idea about the tren as tri tren has acetate in, but i tend to respond very quick to test im talking 7-10 pounds in the first week alone. Im going to run the test a week past the tren tho then start proviron to keep my sex drive alive lol.

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