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  1. #1
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Next Cycle Recommendation?

    Hey folks im back. ok so the last cycle was a short one and i stayed on top of my game.

    did test/deca for 9 weeks. looked something like this:

    Current Stats:
    Ht: 5.75"
    Wt: 168.4 lbs
    Bf: 13 %

    wk 1-4 deca 300 and test 400
    wk 5-8 deca 400 and test 500
    wk 9 test 500
    wk 10
    wk 11 PCT

    I gained almost 14 lbs...lost only 2.2 lbs post pct...i had to eat like hell to gain this weight. plus the gains werent eye popping like i was expecting...modest to say the most...the gains came VERY slowly and very conservatively

    anyway my next cycle i would like to gain (28 lbs) and keep 25lbs post pct. So i wanted to do a stronger cycle PLUS i have DBOL this time.

    My diet is gonna be top notch. as far as dosages, what do u guys reccommend for test/deca/dbol cycle?

    keeping my goal 25 lbs in mind and how much i put on in my last cycle. what do u guys reccommend for this cycle?

    once again: my goal is to gain 28lbs and retain 25 lbs post pct
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-27-2010 at 01:36 AM.

  2. #2
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    The dosages shouldn't have to change that much at all, the diet is what is going to be the key. What does your "top notch" diet look like?

  3. #3
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G4R View Post
    The dosages shouldn't have to change that much at all, the diet is what is going to be the key. What does your "top notch" diet look like?
    5-6 meals/ per day

    protien sources: protien shake (30g/serving), chicken breasts, eggs, fish, Lean Steak, Lean Ground Beef
    Carbs: sprouted bread, Brown Rice, 100% whole grain Oatmeal
    Fats: Olive oil, and Avocados
    Fruits: oranges, and apples

    This is all i will be eating. all my meals are goin to be variations of these food items.
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-27-2010 at 01:45 AM.

  4. #4
    MasterMind1975 is offline New Member
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    Diet looks good mate. 25 lbs is a lot though very little chance that is going to be lean tissued. But enough of that... I would say next cycle:

    weeks 1-12 test 500mg
    weeks 1-10 deca 400mg
    weeks 1-5 Dbol 40mg

    Nice, simple and eat lots of that good food you listed above and you can't go wrong

    good luck and enjoy the gains

  5. #5
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MasterMind1975 View Post
    Diet looks good mate. 25 lbs is a lot though very little chance that is going to be lean tissued. But enough of that... I would say next cycle:

    weeks 1-12 test 500mg
    weeks 1-10 deca 400mg
    weeks 1-5 Dbol 40mg

    Nice, simple and eat lots of that good food you listed above and you can't go wrong

    good luck and enjoy the gains
    Skepticism Aside. i was also thinking about a pyramid. I have read a lot about it and according to the litrature it has been said that what ever works for u, works for u. Some people have done great on pyramids and some consider it futile and i wanted to try it myself. just to see how it works out for me:

    This cycle was recommended to me by BBer:

    wk Test Deca DBol (HCGx2)/wk(1-12)
    1 250 200 40 mgs
    2 500 400 40 mgs
    3 500 400 40 mgs
    4 750 600 40 mgs
    5 750 600
    6 1000 600
    7 1000 600
    8 750 600
    9 500 400
    10 500 400
    11 250 200
    12 250
    14 PCT (nolva/clomid)

    what do u think? i know people say pyramidding is a waste or an 80s fad. but i have already tried the traditional way. i just want to see how this goes. And i get to test with different dosages to find my sweet spot. i mite not even taper down and keep it consistant after week 8 @ 750 and 600. I dont think this will KILL ME. but i dont want to dismiss it because people say so. i really want to see it for myself this once. u gotta experiment to see what works best for u in my opinion
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-27-2010 at 04:31 AM.

  6. #6
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    The reason we are against pyramiding is that your blood levels will be constantly fluctuating.. You need to keep blood levels as even as possible...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  7. #7
    brnxbomers is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    The reason we are against pyramiding is that your blood levels will be constantly fluctuating.. You need to keep blood levels as even as possible...
    ok well does that mean ill keel over and get a heart attack at 26??? I definately hear u on the blood level issue but as long as the risks are not fatal. which i have yet to hear of. i dont see any real problems plus its only 10-12 weeks long. thats all im sayin. Pyramids are 'old/bad' news seems to be based off anecdotal info. if u can site someone who suffered ill from this it would sound more convincing to me. Better yet have u ever tried a pyramid?

    ANYWAY, i still continue to research and will decide accordingly...the wk 1-11 deca 400 and wk 1-12 test 500 with dbol @ 40 mgs/wk (wk 1-5) sounds good too.
    Last edited by brnxbomers; 07-27-2010 at 12:47 PM.

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