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  1. #1
    bugsysiegals is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Confidential Informant?? Advice Needed!!


    When I moved away for college (Florida) I became close friends with one of my neighbors in our apartment complex (also a college student). He was selling weed and cocaine at the time and ended up getting pulled over with a few ounces of coke in a rental car. He said he dumped it all in a Burger King cup of soda when he was pulled over. Even though the cops knew what it was he said it wasn't his and it was in the car when he rented it. I never really heard what happened since I moved away after college but he never served any time as far as I know and it never really crossed my mind again.

    I've remained in contact with him over the last 5 years and he always calls to find out where to download some music/dvds/etc. on the internet since I'm more computer savvy than him. He's been talking about steroids for the past few years and trying to get me to start cycling but I was never interested until recently. I told him I really didn't need them because I had a lot of pills that were similar to steroids which were legal when I bought them but are now illegal. He called me back a few months later, said people at work were asking what he was taking and wanted to know what I was taking since he didn't want to confess to taking steroids. I told him I was taking X-Tren .

    The last few months I've been in contact with him and have decided that if I'm going to take these pro-hormones, "designer steroids" in my book, I might as well step it up and take it to the next level. I started asking him about steroids and he said he could set me up with some even though he couldn't pronounce the name of what he was taking when asked. He gave me an online source and said it would be weird but just follow the directions (it asks if your associated with police, etc. before you can make an order). I checked out the website and did lots of research on it and seen many people saying how it was good to go. I called him again to ask his advice on what I should go with and he gave his recommendation and also wanted me to order him a few hundred Anavar tabs. I ended up ordering what I needed and wasn't comfortable sending steroids through the mail since there's cameras at the post office and I didn't want it coming back on me. He called me back and asked me if I ordered and I lied and said no I wasn't ready to do it yet and wasn't sure I wanted to anymore.

    This weekend I got super excited because I'm ready to start my cycle and called him for some stupid reason. I told him I placed an order a few weeks ago and just got my gear. He asked what I ordered and how much I got. I believe I told him most what I ordered except for the Anavar. He then asked me how long it took to come ... I said 2 weeks which was what he originally told me it would take. He asked how I paid for it and I told him I went to Walmart and sent money through MoneyGram. We continued to chat and he asked where I'd gotten my needles so I told him the website I bought from (the source he gave me also sells needles so this was weird). Then he asked me if I would sell him one of my vials. I told him I needed it all for my cycle. He asked how many CC's were in each vial and how much I'd need since his was different. We proceeded to chat and I asked him what size needles he used since he said he pins in the shoulder. He said he didn't know. He told me he'd been on cycle for the last 2 years straight without coming off and said his nuts weren't shrunk after I asked him if they were. He's never mentioned anything about PCT, anything else to take while on cycle, and seems generally uneducated about steroids which makes me question things.

    I got off the phone shortly after this with a very paranoid feeling like why was this guy asking so many questions? He gave me this source and yet was asking me questions that I think he should already know the answer to if he's been using and going through this source. If he was really using why wouldn't he know what size needles he's using? Why was he asking where I got needles, how I paid for gear, how much I had, if I'd sell some to him, etc.? I'm very freaked out by this last conversation and have since moved everything out of my house in case I get raided.

    I'm very worried about the police raiding and destroying my house which I'll have to cover the cost of damages even if I'm not caught with anything illegal. I'm also concerned they'll kill my dogs which are very nice and friendly. I'm also concerned with whether I can get in trouble from what I've said over the phone (even though I could be lieing) and the possible records for the MoneyGram for gear and online transaction for needles, etc. that the police can probably obtain with a warrant. Can I still get in any trouble or do they need to catch me red handed with actual steroids? Does anybody else find this very strange and think this guy could be a snitch or am I just over paranoid? Also, do you think the cops will bother coming to my house just for being a user and thinking I have these pills and steroids (We live in different states ... not sure if that matters)?

    How should I proceed from here? Do I call this guy back and tell him I was lieing to him? The police would already probably have the online records or will search for them anyways if he is a CI. Do I tell him I tried it but it hurt like hell so I got rid of them to a friend who uses? Do I ask him about being a snitch and that he got me paranoid so I moved everything out of the house so don't send the police to my house to kill my dog and tear up my house for nothing? Do I say nothing at all and stop talking to him completely?

    I really wish I wouldn't have made that call although perhaps I was already being watched and now am happy I got everything out of here ... really just want to do my first cycle here and worry about the weights rather than the police tearing up my house.........
    Last edited by bugsysiegals; 07-27-2010 at 09:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is this for real?? how old are you??

  3. #3
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Dude just cut ties with your "friend" And if you have that much drama about getting juice its not even worth doing.

  4. #4
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    He probably heard through the rumor mill that the site was legit but really had no idea if it was or not. He used you as a guninnea pig, so if you got beat, he wouldn't place an order. As far as not knowing anything about gear or pin sizes, pretty common with people. A lot more people then you think start injecting shit in their bodies with needles and gear they got from some guy at their gym. You are worrying too much.

  5. #5
    triax1980 is offline New Member
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    Go with your gut. About 10 yrs ago my friend got sacked by postal police in the post office picking up his gear. If it feels bad it is cut your ties

  6. #6
    spoken_truth's Avatar
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    i would say he aint an informant just cause you said he was in another state, and the fact that most the time the cops arent gonna set up a sting like that for a few vials of gear, the cost just aint work it for the police... best of luck man

  7. #7
    tiger909's Avatar
    tiger909 is offline Senior Member
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    lol x 10.... paranoid...remember to retain deniability..calculate everything

  8. #8
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Dude, you're being completely paranoid. Your friend was either just testing you by asking those questions, or he is lying about being on gear and he's trying to learn as much as he can from you. He isn't setting you up with the DEA over a single cycle for personal use. Nobody is going to "tear up your house and kill your dog". You must watch way too much TV (or smoke too much meth, which is a huge issue in itself).
    And just stop talking to this guy. He sounds like bad news.

  9. #9
    NMacFar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    He probably heard through the rumor mill that the site was legit but really had no idea if it was or not. He used you as a guninnea pig, so if you got beat, he wouldn't place an order. As far as not knowing anything about gear or pin sizes, pretty common with people. A lot more people then you think start injecting shit in their bodies with needles and gear they got from some guy at their gym. You are worrying too much.

  10. #10
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I would not trust a guy who had 4 oz. of cocaine in his possession and it was discovered by the cops and 'nothing came of it'.

    I have no idea what is going on with that guy but I would not say anything more incriminating information to him. I would never do a transaction with him.

    To me, more paranoia and jail free > less paranoia and handcuffs.

    A 4oz. coke bust is a valuable potential flip as it will lead to multi kilo guy. Who the hell knows what is going on with him? But what do you gain by trusting him and talking about incriminating stuff with him?

  11. #11
    bugsysiegals is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 33 and yes this is for real. I did get my gear and everything was legit. He could be an informant in Florida after getting busted but i didnt know if police would coordinate with local authorities where i live to raid me. I never cared much about his getting busted since i wasnt doing anything illegal at the time. I became good friends with him and honestly forgot about the whole incident until he started makin me paranoid with the 20 questions.

    The only reason i said about tearing my house up and killing my dogs was because i had my moms house raided when i was in high school and using and selling weed to various friends. They wanted to shoot my moms poodle at the time and tore the house upside down looking for weed. Didn't find anything. Now i have 2 pitbulls and a great dane and can only imagine they would rather be aggressive cowboys and shoot them rather than ask for them to be kenneled.

    You're right its not worth giving him any additional incriminating information. The only reason i talked to him was because hes been saying hes been using for years and is the only person i know who uses. I wanted to know where to get powder to mix my own gear or where to buy and get all my questions answered. I wont be telling him any additional info but still wonder would they actually raid me or just write it off. The city i live in is small and they have nothing better to do but look like theyve done something good if u ask me.

    Ive got a good source, learned what i need to know to do a good cycle and be safe from reading the forums for months and now just need to keep my mouth shut and do my thing. Just wondering if anybody thought the police may do a raid and what i should say if anything to this friend, who may be a snitch, to make sure the police dont raid me.
    Last edited by bugsysiegals; 07-28-2010 at 09:07 AM.

  12. #12
    Lavadude's Avatar
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    No offense bro but you are an idiot. You should've done some research b4 buying anything! Since you are 33 you prob have low test levels. Why didn't you consult an HRT specialist in your area? If you have insurance it is prob covered. Have you already started cycling? If so, then you need to wait a little while b4 having your bloodwork done. Not sure how long, someone on here can prob tell you. No matter what you need to throw all that illegal crap away! Immediately. While your friend is deff not an informant he sounds like a loser and you need to cut ties with him anyway. If he was busted by local leo then they could care less about what is going on in another state because they have no juristiction there. If he was busted by federal leo then that's a diff matter. Either way they would've gotten whatever info they could from him right away and are likely not still in contact with him.

    Ask yourself this, "Is getting bigger really worth going to jail over?" If you had toured any jails/prisons like I have then you would deff say no. They smell like piss, crap and bo. And no offense but from your demeanor, I would say that you would deff lose your manhood the first day/night of your incarceration. The dudes in prison are for the most part hardcore evil mean mfer's. Jail is not quite as bad, while it still smells the same, you prob would not lose your manhood there (no guarantees though). I hope you take my advice.

  13. #13
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavadude View Post
    No offense bro but you are an idiot. You should've done some research b4 buying anything! Since you are 33 you prob have low test levels. Why didn't you consult an HRT specialist in your area? If you have insurance it is prob covered. Have you already started cycling? If so, then you need to wait a little while b4 having your bloodwork done. Not sure how long, someone on here can prob tell you. No matter what you need to throw all that illegal crap away! Immediately. While your friend is deff not an informant he sounds like a loser and you need to cut ties with him anyway. If he was busted by local leo then they could care less about what is going on in another state because they have no juristiction there. If he was busted by federal leo then that's a diff matter. Either way they would've gotten whatever info they could from him right away and are likely not still in contact with him.

    Ask yourself this, "Is getting bigger really worth going to jail over?" If you had toured any jails/prisons like I have then you would deff say no. They smell like piss, crap and bo. And no offense but from your demeanor, I would say that you would deff lose your manhood the first day/night of your incarceration. The dudes in prison are for the most part hardcore evil mean mfer's. Jail is not quite as bad, while it still smells the same, you prob would not lose your manhood there (no guarantees though). I hope you take my advice.
    Dude, WTF are you rambling about? Do you realize where you are? You're on an AAS board full of guys who use illegally 24/7 and you're telling this guy that he should throw out his gear, why?

  14. #14
    Lavadude's Avatar
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    It's obvious the worrying is getting to him and he can't handle it. All I'm saying is why not go legal if he can?

  15. #15
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    This whole thread is retarded, and I am not trying to be mean. Seriously.... it makes no sense.... OP, have you ever heard the term "Entrapment" look it up. You are paranoid... as already stated. Your so called friend wanted to order gear but didn't want to get ripped off and used you, to test the water.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lavadude View Post
    No offense bro but you are an idiot. You should've done some research b4 buying anything! Since you are 33 you prob have low test levels. Why didn't you consult an HRT specialist in your area? If you have insurance it is prob covered. Have you already started cycling? If so, then you need to wait a little while b4 having your bloodwork done. Not sure how long, someone on here can prob tell you. No matter what you need to throw all that illegal crap away! Immediately. While your friend is deff not an informant he sounds like a loser and you need to cut ties with him anyway. If he was busted by local leo then they could care less about what is going on in another state because they have no juristiction there. If he was busted by federal leo then that's a diff matter. Either way they would've gotten whatever info they could from him right away and are likely not still in contact with him.

    Ask yourself this, "Is getting bigger really worth going to jail over?" If you had toured any jails/prisons like I have then you would deff say no. They smell like piss, crap and bo. And no offense but from your demeanor, I would say that you would deff lose your manhood the first day/night of your incarceration. The dudes in prison are for the most part hardcore evil mean mfer's. Jail is not quite as bad, while it still smells the same, you prob would not lose your manhood there (no guarantees though). I hope you take my advice.
    ^^ WTF? You need to go sit in the corner and think about what you just said.

  16. #16
    Damienm05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavadude View Post
    No offense bro but you are an idiot. You should've done some research b4 buying anything! Since you are 33 you prob have low test levels. Why didn't you consult an HRT specialist in your area? If you have insurance it is prob covered. Have you already started cycling? If so, then you need to wait a little while b4 having your bloodwork done. Not sure how long, someone on here can prob tell you. No matter what you need to throw all that illegal crap away! Immediately. While your friend is deff not an informant he sounds like a loser and you need to cut ties with him anyway. If he was busted by local leo then they could care less about what is going on in another state because they have no juristiction there. If he was busted by federal leo then that's a diff matter. Either way they would've gotten whatever info they could from him right away and are likely not still in contact with him.

    Ask yourself this, "Is getting bigger really worth going to jail over?" If you had toured any jails/prisons like I have then you would deff say no. They smell like piss, crap and bo. And no offense but from your demeanor, I would say that you would deff lose your manhood the first day/night of your incarceration. The dudes in prison are for the most part hardcore evil mean mfer's. Jail is not quite as bad, while it still smells the same, you prob would not lose your manhood there (no guarantees though). I hope you take my advice.
    Dickish post. Haha.

  17. #17
    jojomcgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertuzzi View Post
    This whole thread is retarded, and I am not trying to be mean. Seriously.... it makes no sense.... OP, have you ever heard the term "Entrapment" look it up. You are paranoid... as already stated. Your so called friend wanted to order gear but didn't want to get ripped off and used you, to test the water.

    ^^ WTF? You need to go sit in the corner and think about what you just said.

    LOL good stuff... i award you no points ,every one is now a little more stupid for reading this..

  18. #18
    bugsysiegals is offline Junior Member
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    First of all I did months worth of research before buying my gear and all the ancillaries to go along with it and my PCT. Will an HRT specialist give me a legal script for steroids ? If so, I'm sure I could go there after a few weeks of PCT and have low enough levels?

    "And no offense but from your demeanor, I would say that you would deff lose your manhood the first day/night of your incarceration" ... seriously ... you know nothing about me from what I've said here. I'm 5'8" 185 pounds 10% BF been lifting for 8 years black belt in Taekwondo and just got into MMA fighting with a friend who's pretty big into it in our area. I'm not saying I can whip anyones ass cause anyone can get their ass kicked on any given day but what you said was just ridiculous and unfounded. Also, my gear is good to go pharma grade and no way would i throw it out.

    As for entrapment, I've heard of it and I think it applies to police only? Since he's not an official police officer I didn't think that applies to him.

    I've got the gear I need and it's in a safe place where I can do my cycle without worry .... I just wanted to know if I should be at all concerned with getting raided, busted even if I had no steroids but they had receipts and conversations, or if I should just let it go. I found stories of people getting raided who werent selling and only used so I'm just concerned and wanted opinions from people who may know of others with similar situations.
    Last edited by bugsysiegals; 07-28-2010 at 12:56 PM.

  19. #19
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Either way your 'friend' is a dick. If he is not connected to any cops and was using you to find out if the place delivered it's still a punk move. Pick up some var for me (and if it gets confiscated or whatever it's on your dime lol) f him.

    I don't think you have anything to worry about re: getting raided but I would not talk to that guy about anything anymore, if i were you i would be natural, decided against using any aas, scared of needles or having your balls shrink or whatever in any further communications with him. WTF about asking you to get stuff for him and having you ship it to him when he has supposedly been using said source for 2 yrs? If he's your buddy why didn't he just send some stuff to you?

    He's a shady ass punk IMO.

  20. #20
    crionics is offline New Member
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    I don't think emtrapment applies if you are offered an opportunity and take it.

  21. #21
    poppz's Avatar
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    lol...rule # 1,,dont mess with ...cut your buddy loose,sounds like bad news

  22. #22
    Lavadude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bugsysiegals View Post
    First of all I did months worth of research before buying my gear and all the ancillaries to go along with it and my PCT. Will an HRT specialist give me a legal script for steroids? If so, I'm sure I could go there after a few weeks of PCT and have low enough levels?
    Okay, that whole statement is an oxymoron. In your first sentence, you claim to have done months worth of research but you then follow up by asking about HRT. If you had done months of research you would've learned about HRT and wouldn't be asking me about it. HRT stands for Hormone Replacement Therapy. In some cases men start Andropause in their late twenties-early thirties. Look up the symptoms and if you have them find an HRT specialist and have them do your bloodwork to test for total test and free test. Since you are over 30 there is a possibility that you would be a candidate for the therapy. The bloodwork will tell you everything you need to know. If your test is in the low range your Dr. will inform you of your options. A possible treatement is an injectable form of test known as cyp but there are several diff types. There are other threads here that go into depth with this issue. HRT is 100% legal so you may want to consider it versus ordering online from some foreign supplier and not knowing exactly what you are getting. With a legit prescription here in the US you know exactly what is going into your body. That is extremely important to me.

  23. #23
    Baseball_Player85's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    He probably heard through the rumor mill that the site was legit but really had no idea if it was or not. He used you as a guninnea pig, so if you got beat, he wouldn't place an order. As far as not knowing anything about gear or pin sizes, pretty common with people. A lot more people then you think start injecting shit in their bodies with needles and gear they got from some guy at their gym. You are worrying too much.

    This guy nailed it!

  24. #24
    yesican is offline New Member
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    ^^^ agreed

  25. #25
    wormwood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baseball_Player85 View Post
    This guy nailed it!

  26. #26
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    Is this thread still gong???

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