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  1. #1
    Zedik is offline Junior Member
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    switching from letro to aromasin

    I am in week 3 of testc @500 with dbol 40mg per week. I am using letro at 50mg per day for now to see if I can reduce the gyno I have on my left side. I am gonna start hcg at the end of the week.


    if i find that the letro is not doing anything for me or i cant handle any sides can i just transition to the aromasin without needing anything else?

    also, does letro get rid of all bloat? i have not gained any water weight so far and I am prone to bloating.

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    50mg of letro a day?!

    I hope that's a typo!

    You shouldn't have ANY bloat on letro, even at low doses.

    And if you want to discontinue the letro, taper off and start the aromasin to avoid any estrogen rebound.

  3. #3
    Zedik is offline Junior Member
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    50mg letro? i wouln't want to experience that, sorry its a typo.

    0.5mg currenlty, tomorrow will be day 5 on letro. I wonder how long it will take to see any benefits or if I am going to have to bump it a bit. I don't want to endure the joint pain but I want to try anything to reduce this lump i have.

  4. #4
    rbg is offline Junior Member
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    Normally you increase the dose of letro from 0.5mg upto 2.5mg in 0.5mg increments. For example: Day 1: 0.5mg. Day 2: 1.0mg. Day 3: 1.5mg, doing this upto 2.5mg on day 5.

    you stay on this 2.5mg dose once per day until the gyno has gone, and then continue to take this dose for another week. After then, you taper down the dose by 0.5mg per day until you're down to 0.5mg on the 5th day, and on this day begin taking your weaker anti estrogen, such as Tamoxifen .

    This is to prevent an estrogen rebound, as Letrozole shuts down estrogen, and will cause a rebound effect when you stop it without another milder anti E.

    I am on my tenth day of Letro, and my gyno has gone. It's very effective. It makes you feel a little sluggish and a bit foggy the first few days, and you feel like a dried prune, but after the first week at the right dose, you begin to feel much better.

    Good luck

  5. #5
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    letro works great keep us updated on how well its working for you.

  6. #6
    Zedik is offline Junior Member
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    I am increasing the dose as per C-bino's thread. I have researched alot and just decided to go for it, only one way to find out instead of asking a bunch of questions.
    I am drinking over a gallon of fluids a day to keep hydrated. I am taking dbol so I am doing my best to keep the stress of the kidneys. Plus my job is outdoors and I am in south texas wearing a military uniform all day long, sweating my little balls off.

    Ill keep you posted to see how its going. so far no side effects other than i have zero bloat. I havent gained any weight yet after two weeks, i am eating a clean diet so I am not sure where this is going.

    my dbol is over a year old so maybe its no good anymore.

    more to follow

  7. #7
    Zedik is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2010
    im up to 2.5mg as of today. 5th week of my cycle, no bloat and the tenderness of the lump has gone away. it seems like its a little smaller, not sure, will keep you informed.

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