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  1. #1
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    New Member advice

    Cycle questions.

    Hi there i was hoping to pick some brains about a cycle i am planning on doing.I probably wont be doing this cycle for about a year but i would like to prep for it and be ready when the time comes
    Im 29 years old 5'10 248lbs i am currently 18% BF.I have done one previous cycle 8 years ago consisting of
    D-bols(dont remember quantity in mg i remember it being 4-5 a day for about 4 weeks Pinky orange Triangles if that hepls with MG)
    400mg/week Test cyp shot tues/sat
    300mg/week Vet Deca mixed with my cyp

    I didnt have a PCT regimin back then as i knew little about such things but was very lucky to have no signs of gyno
    Prior to doing this cycle i trained 5 days a week for roughly 5 years. I had always been very active and was on basically any sports team i could be on.
    A few years after my cycle work got to be too much and i had to stop weight training.Now with a new job and alot more time I am back in the gym and couldnt feel better.

    My Diet consists of very clean foods with lots of vegtables(I have a large organic garden in my back yard) My diet does need work as im still not eating 6 times a day
    But my meal choices are high protien and depending on the need for energy i change it up duing the day with low GI and MED GI carbs sometimes with a high GI carb.
    Ive been trying to carboload during and after my workouts with a bottle of garotade.

    I believe my body type is endomesomorph i have very broad shoulders enough so that ive gained the nickname "Shoulders"

    Here is the proposed cycle

    1-4 D-bol 35-40mg/ED Spread out throughout the day for even levels
    1-12 Test Enth or Cyp @ 500-600mg/week Pinned Mon morning Thursday Evening
    1-12 Deca 400mg/week pinned with Test
    1-12 Nolvadaex 10mg/ED

    PCT since ive never done this i was going to try clomid

    1 100mg
    2-11 100mg/ED
    12-21 50mg/ED

    The first time through with the d-bols i didnt have any sides so i wasnt sure about taking Liv52 as ive seen it talked about alot with orals.

    Also Vet Deca vs Reg is there a difference.
    Last edited by Rizdizzle; 07-31-2010 at 11:04 AM. Reason: Changed opening value for PCT day 1 to 100mg

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Once you get your BF down and get back into training consistently, I'd go with your cycle as planned, excluding the Deca . This being your 2nd cycle, I see no reason to add in 3 compounds already.

    No need to start off with 300mg of Clomid. This protocol is outdated. That amount serves no upper hand in comparison to your normal 100mg or 50mg.

    What are your goals with this cycle?

  3. #3
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    cycle looks fine...basic cycle...i havent seen much of a difference in the vet deca and human..

  4. #4
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you for the replies. As far as goals my current goals include dropping the rest of the weight and preping my body(Joints/Tendons) for the more extreme loads placed on them when pushing more weight.

    I also need a little work on my diet plan its very close i watched Milos Sarcev "Secret of the Pro's" on Nutrition. Alot of the information i knew but its been awhile since ive applied them in my life but it was a great refresher
    and feel i can pull it all together with the right preparation and pre-planing.

    As far as my cycle goals i would like str and size.

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Strength and size can come from Enanthate alone assuming proper diet, training, and recovery are in check along with a solid PCT.

    This might help in regards to diet:
    Dave Palumbo

  6. #6
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    I too would think about droping the deca I see your plan is to wait a year. How long have you been back in the gym and I would hope you plan to drop your body fat % before your cycle starts. That will help to control any negative side effects. IMHO I would think about switching out the nolva during cycle for an AI and add your nolva to pct with your clomid

    Peace and G/L

  7. #7
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you Hawaiian i will for sure have a look at that.

    Its been a month now ive been back at it. Im no where near ready to start a cycle and yes BF % reduction is already in motion. 30-45 mins of cardio+situps at 5am before work then i hit the gym pretty hard in the evenings. With the diet in place and my routine the weight has been melting off. Im actually quite surprised how fast everything comes together when you have all your P's and Q's in order.

    Also can i ask why you guys recommend dropping the Deca . Hawaiian said that mixing 3 compounds on 2nd cycle isnt needed. Is that because of the effectiveness for the next time?

  8. #8
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    I say 3 compounds isn't needed on a 2nd cycle because your body is so new to these hormones being introduced, that they WILL respond to 1-2 compounds at the very most. I'm a huge advocate of starting as low as you can with less compounds if you can get away with results and reach your goals. This will allow you to slowly work your way up over the years and attain better long term results.

    I believe stacking a new compound after each cycle is unwise, assuming they are making gains off every previous cycle.

  9. #9
    bjohnson1968 is offline Member
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    I think you can loose the deca for the simple fact you haven't cycled in 8 yrs and only did the one cycle then. I think you should provided your diet and workout routine is in checke make great gains from the dbol test cycle. Just my opinion though bro

    Peace and G/L

  10. #10
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    B.C Canada
    Thank you for the info gents. I will try this when the time comes

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