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  1. #1
    wickedmuscle's Avatar
    wickedmuscle is offline New Member
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    I was told you can only use DIANABOL twice anymore then 2 cycles your......:-(

    Guys i wanna clear something up...I was told dbol is extremely harsh on your kidneys and that anymore then two courses and they are pretty much history and that you have a 50% chance of kidney cancer or something like that. I took it for 3 weeks last year as a tester alongside test prope and have nearly finished my sus 250 and dbol course (dbol 5weeks30mg a day). I have now heard anapolin is absoloutley great and i wish it took that instead but i have a bad feeling i shouldnt take any more oral steroids again...whats your opinions?by the way just started cutting so i wont touch any tabs for a long while anyway

  2. #2
    ythrashin's Avatar
    ythrashin is offline Associate Member
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    Bullshit... just run orals for short periods of time and take something to help protect your LIVER.

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    It's false. Who told you this? I'm assuming a friend.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    With respect, you really need to do some research. You're at the right place though! Check out the steroid profiles, stickies and all the other info available here...

    jing jai

  5. #5
    wickedmuscle's Avatar
    wickedmuscle is offline New Member
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    yesssss im glad to hear its bullshit yeah a friend told me i have done alot of research trust me...its just easier if i just ask u guys straight out though you know no ****in around plus diff people tell ya diff things thanks for the heads up

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickedmuscle View Post
    yesssss im glad to hear its bullshit yeah a friend told me i have done alot of research trust me...its just easier if i just ask u guys straight out though you know no ****in around plus diff people tell ya diff things thanks for the heads up
    With friends like that who needs enemies lol

    With respect agin tho, if you did some more digging you can find these things out for yourself and lean a whole load more stuff along the way...

    jing jai

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    true. there is "some" liver damage. But liver regrows, and if you take care of your liver, you'll be fine.

  8. #8
    Dominator Human's Avatar
    Dominator Human is offline New Member
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    You will be fine if you limit your orals 6 or 7 weeks.

    Do some research on Milk Thistle and Liv-52 as these help protect the liver.

    One more thing. Anadrol can be real harsh on the liver and has some nasty sides that you should be aware of such as high BP and headaches that don't go away.

  9. #9
    rbg is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dominator Human View Post
    You will be fine if you limit your orals 6 or 7 weeks.

    Do some research on Milk Thistle and Liv-52 as these help protect the liver.

    One more thing. Anadrol can be real harsh on the liver and has some nasty sides that you should be aware of such as high BP and headaches that don't go away.
    as above.....x2 you can cycle orals 6 weeks on, and at least 3 weeks off. the longer the off period the better.

  10. #10
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    There's a lot of misinformation out there about the side effects of steroids . Kidney damage has always been one of them, but I'm not sure why. They tried to link Lyle Alzado's brain tumor to steroids in the media. I think that's why guys think they will give you cancer. There's never been any documented proof of this. If they give you cancer how are guys like Arnold, Louie, Franco, etc. still alive and healthy in their 50s and 60s? If steroids give you cancer we'd have a lot of dead guys around to prove it, and there just aren't any.

    It's like claiming that steroids caused a certain teenager to commit suicide. I feel terrible for that kid's family, but they neglected to tell everyone that he was on anti-depressants and that one potential side effect of those is suicide. Anyone who's had basic psyche will tell you that depressed people commit suicide when they start to come out of their deepest depression, not while in the depths of it. That's why there's a link between anti-depressants and suicide. In a sense the cure carries with it as a side effect the potential to kill you.

    Sadly, you fell victim to the massive effort to group steroids with drugs like heroine and cocaine. Legally they are classified like that, but in reality they are very, very far apart.

  11. #11
    sprinter911's Avatar
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    OP: False. I think we all agree on that.


  12. #12
    jojomcgo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    true. there is "some" liver damage. But liver regrows, and if you take care of your liver, you'll be fine.

    I think the word you mean is( regenerate )

  13. #13
    gymnerd's Avatar
    gymnerd is offline Senior Member
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    I think the only thing that would really stress your kidnees on cycle would be from high blood pressure? I did read somewhere that lower back pumps were from restricted blood flow in the kidnees? IDK but if thats the case its not good for you.

    Honestly IMO AAS are not good for you, will they kill you most likely not IF you are smart but if you dont have a real good reason to use then dont simple as that. If you are tottaly commited to this for life then do whats ya gotta but other than that I dont see the point just to put on a few pounds and go to the beach?

  14. #14
    wickedmuscle's Avatar
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    i do have a good reason i put on just over 55lbs naturally busting my ass at the gym for over 3 and a half years then i found it extremely hard to make any gains and was sick of seeing the people around me (gear users with barely any gym experience) get massive, bigger then me faster. Im almost certain ive put on what my body can naturally. I do continue to research this shit alot including taking opinions from you guys. My goal is to have an ultimate physique so i wont stop till i get it...

  15. #15
    gymnerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wickedmuscle View Post
    i do have a good reason i put on just over 55lbs naturally busting my ass at the gym for over 3 and a half years then i found it extremely hard to make any gains and was sick of seeing the people around me (gear users with barely any gym experience) get massive, bigger then me faster. Im almost certain ive put on what my body can naturally. I do continue to research this shit alot including taking opinions from you guys. My goal is to have an ultimate physique so i wont stop till i get it...

    Dont take offence it was not personal just my feeling toward the subject. I am not for guys taking drugs just to put on some size in the gym I dont see the point? You obviously feel different only thing I will add is drugs tend to chnange the way you think and train.

    I started using in a small circle of guys we didnt know what we were doing most of us went on to compete in PL and various other things but in all honesty I was happy training natty when I hit the juice it wasnt long before I reallize I need it to stay up there and the yo yo effect screwed up my training and now yrs later my priorities are different but Im cant come off now, I shot my test levels to shit with AAS.

    BTW those guys will loose it just as quick as it came you watch, they dont know what there doing. consider this OK? If you cannot gain anymore natty now once you cycle gain a bit go OVER you genetic p[otential what makes you think you will keep those gains? You WILL loose them not instantly but eventually then what right back on you will go see? If you are OK with that then do what you must but please consider what I say its rthe way irt reallly is.
    Last edited by gymnerd; 08-01-2010 at 12:58 PM.

  16. #16
    wickedmuscle's Avatar
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    ok definatley yeah i get what your saying i just wasnt happy with my size and wanted more more more. I didnt know id eventually lose it i thought that was only if i stopped training just like u lose natural gains. Wish aas grew on trees lol.thanks for the advice

  17. #17
    Football_Bill's Avatar
    Football_Bill is offline Associate Member
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    1) Definetly look into getting some Liv52
    2) Chew the pills, less work for you kidney to do

  18. #18
    underworldmagic's Avatar
    underworldmagic is offline Associate Member
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    I'll second the liv.52.

    I get mine from here

    Ive heard alot of people say that liv 52 on ebay is fake, but ive had no probs. If you want to pay abit more and get it from a distributor, they are at .uk

  19. #19
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbg View Post
    as above.....x2 you can cycle orals 6 weeks on, and at least 3 weeks off. the longer the off period the better.
    rubbish, time on any cycle must be followed by time off + pct time, unless bloodwork indicates different

  20. #20
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    IMO, steroids should be legal. Quite frankly why does some holier-than-thou authority get to dictate what people can and cannot put into their bodies? Up until about 100 years ago Americans had the right to use any drug they wanted, including cocaine and heroin, which could be purchased either mail order or over the counter at the local pharmacy.

    The bottom line is that criminalizing drugs has only created more criminals, and more of a drug problem. How many billions if not trillions of dollars have been spent in the war on drugs? A war that has been ongoing for three decades. If that's a war, gentlemen, we've lost. The very concept ignores that the drug trade is plain and simple founded in economics. If there is a demand; there will be a supply. The only way that it could possibly be curbed would be to kill every drug user, drug dealer, smuggler, etc. If the idea of using drugs carried a certain death sentence then maybe you'd get people to stop, but probably there'd still be those that would use. Plus, are we really going to execute a guy for smoking a joint? I think not.

    To stop drug use and therefore addiction the social ills from which it is born and bred must be corrected. If that is not done then nothing else will work. By legalizing certain drugs like marijuana and taxing it the revenue that the government would make would be staggering. I don't think I favor legalizing harder drugs like cocaine, heroine, etc., but they should be decriminalized. The push should be to get people clean, not throw them in jail, which clogs up the justice system and costs the taxpayers tons of money.

    I see nothing wrong with doctors being able to prescribe steroids. No, I don't think health insurance should pay for them unless there is a legitimate medical condition, but what the hell everyone is already paying for them out of pocket anyway. This would ensure safe, legit product in the hands of consumers, and people would not be as terrified to tell their medical professionals about steroid use , and seek help/assistance.

    I mean seriously, tobacco and alcohol are legal, and always will be. Those two substances kill more people than all the other drugs combined and times ten every year. You can't legislate morality. It fails every time. Look at prohibition.

  21. #21
    underworldmagic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    IMO, steroids should be legal. Quite frankly why does some holier-than-thou authority get to dictate what people can and cannot put into their bodies? Up until about 100 years ago Americans had the right to use any drug they wanted, including cocaine and heroin, which could be purchased either mail order or over the counter at the local pharmacy.

    The bottom line is that criminalizing drugs has only created more criminals, and more of a drug problem. How many billions if not trillions of dollars have been spent in the war on drugs? A war that has been ongoing for three decades. If that's a war, gentlemen, we've lost. The very concept ignores that the drug trade is plain and simple founded in economics. If there is a demand; there will be a supply. The only way that it could possibly be curbed would be to kill every drug user, drug dealer, smuggler, etc. If the idea of using drugs carried a certain death sentence then maybe you'd get people to stop, but probably there'd still be those that would use. Plus, are we really going to execute a guy for smoking a joint? I think not.

    To stop drug use and therefore addiction the social ills from which it is born and bred must be corrected. If that is not done then nothing else will work. By legalizing certain drugs like marijuana and taxing it the revenue that the government would make would be staggering. I don't think I favor legalizing harder drugs like cocaine, heroine, etc., but they should be decriminalized. The push should be to get people clean, not throw them in jail, which clogs up the justice system and costs the taxpayers tons of money.

    I see nothing wrong with doctors being able to prescribe steroids. No, I don't think health insurance should pay for them unless there is a legitimate medical condition, but what the hell everyone is already paying for them out of pocket anyway. This would ensure safe, legit product in the hands of consumers, and people would not be as terrified to tell their medical professionals about steroid use , and seek help/assistance.

    I mean seriously, tobacco and alcohol are legal, and always will be. Those two substances kill more people than all the other drugs combined and times ten every year. You can't legislate morality. It fails every time. Look at prohibition.
    I agree with you mate, but seems like you posted in the wrong thread :-)

    P.S. Move to England, their legal here ;-)

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Really?! Except for the high taxes and weather I think I should do it! Plus if I could wrangle a way to get knighted I think it would be cool to have Sir as an official part of my name!

    Maybe I should plan a visit at least...

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