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  1. #1
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2010

    So what happens long term?

    So lets say you have never done a cycle and your considering it. Lets say you do everything right. You dosage correctly, you PCT correctly and then you make gains and quit.

    So what happens long term? Does your "T" come back to normal levels?

    Do you crave another cycle?

    Is there any long term affects I need to be aware of? I mean at 45 years old I'm not sure what would be considered long term affects anyways but I would like to know what to expect?

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    1. Yes, your hormonal recovery/homeostasis will be fine after 1 proper cycle/PCT.
    2. You may crave it, that's entirely up to you.
    3. It's difficult to quantify the exact risks of long term use. But we do know that AAS abuse can possibly promote heart disease, accelerate the silent process of plaque deposition in the arteries, and also induce other changes in the cardiovascular system that can increase susceptibility to stroke or heart attack. This is why it is so important to closely monitor what your doing while "on", especially if you are suffering from prior health risk conditions.

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