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  1. #1
    Tommy Gunn is offline Member
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    May 2005

    Ronnie, can you please help me?

    Ronnie, I've read a lot of your posts and threads over the years, you're VERY knowledgeable. I need your help.

    I'm a 30 year old white male who's been lifting on/off for 16 years. I'm 6' 270 with some body fat and a little gut on me but pretty jacked. I'm on 200 mg test cyp weekly prescribed by doc because I have naturally low testosterone and also on 3 IU HGH nightly prescribed by doc because I have adult growth hormone deficiency. My goal is just to get big and strong (pretty simple, huh? LOL). I never have competed in powerlifting or bodybuilding and never will (although I LOVE both sports).

    I will be doing a routine where I train a body part once every 7 days. Here it is:

    3 days a week weightlifting routine (Mon, Weds, Fri):

    *I do all exercises with reps of 8-10 keeping the same weight each set with a weight that I can do atleast 8 reps but can't do for more than 10 reps. I progress the weights when I can do all sets with 10 reps. All sets listed are work sets to failure (I stop when I complete a rep and know I can't get the next rep). I warm up properly and stretch out before, during, and after working out. I do warm up sets when needed. I don't have a specific rest time between sets. I just move on to the next set when I feel I'm ready. After my workout I drink a PWO shake consisting of 50 g whey protein and 100 g dextrose.


    1. Wide grip lat pulldowns to the front 4x8-10
    2. Bent over two arm db rows to chest with elbows flared 4x8-10 (as seen here except I will do them with db instead of bb:
    3. Seated db curls 3x8-10
    4. 4 way neck machine (front, left, right, back) 3x8-10 all 4 sides


    1. Sled hack squat machine 4x8-10
    2. Lying leg curls 4x8-10
    3. Standing calf raises 4x8-10
    4. Lying crunch machine 3x8-10


    1. Flat db bench press 3x8-10
    2. Incline db bench press 3x8-10
    3. Seated db lateral raises 4x8-10
    4. Tricep pushdowns 3x8-10

    2 questions:

    1. How does this routine look?

    2. Can you build a big, strong body by training a body part only once every 7 days?
    Last edited by Tommy Gunn; 08-03-2010 at 01:43 PM.

  2. #2
    chrisx's Avatar
    chrisx is offline New Member
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    Houston, Tx
    Ronnie has his own thread. Ask him there..

    You'll want to read this!

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