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  1. #1
    DDinSD is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010

    Tons of questions new to all this.

    Ok so here it goes. I am a 30 year old guy that has wanted his entire life to be able to gain lean muscle mass. I have tried every suppliment that I can but spent many long hours in the gym and to no avail. I am 5 foot 4 inches tall and weigh a pathedic 145 pounds. I have been doing some research on how to get started but the main question I have is where do I get started. Can some please help me out here? I want to start my first cycle ASAP. Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    You can try every supplement in the world, and it will get you nowhere without a proper diet/training regimen.

    You don't need steroids , you need to work on what you eat.

    Post your diet in the nutrition section for critique.

  3. #3
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    You can try every supplement in the world, and it will get you nowhere without a proper diet/training regimen.
    this includes steroids .. You will read all the stuff about people putting on 20lbs when they have no idea what they are doing, but what those studies don't tell you is that it was all water retention and they lose it once they get off the juice.. Do what HP said and we can start from there.. just tell us what your average daile diet is and what your work out programs is with reps how many sets etc..

  4. #4
    DDinSD is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input gents but I have been seen by a dietition and have tried working with a personal trainer that is how I got to my current 145. When I started working on this about 5 years ago I weighed about 110 pounds. So, I guess I am just looking in the wrong place for answers. Thank you anyway


  5. #5
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Well another hard headed individual.

  6. #6
    DDinSD is offline New Member
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    I just find it very peculiar that some of the guys on this site are so quick to judge and tell others to not use aas when they know all to well that we are only looking for advice from experienced users. Most if not all of the senior members on Jere would not have the mass they currently do if it wasn't for aas. So why is it that you are so quick to tell other that they should not run a cycle or even offer them the proper advice? Some of these "newbees" are going to run off and run a cycle anyway not thinking about how dngerous it could be to their health, when all they needed was to talk to someone that could have pointed them in the right direction.

  7. #7
    danimal79's Avatar
    danimal79 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDinSD View Post
    Thanks for the input gents but I have been seen by a dietition and have tried working with a personal trainer that is how I got to my current 145. When I started working on this about 5 years ago I weighed about 110 pounds. So, I guess I am just looking in the wrong place for answers. Thank you anyway

    you say you've "tried everything...but to no avail" - what are you talking about? you gained 35lbs, bro. at only 5'4 that's a success! granted you could've been MORE successful, but (unless you're bullshitting) your gains should be more than enough to show you that you're on the right path.

    tweak your diet/training for now, and hold off on ALL designer supplements until you've seen the power of a PROPER diet. if you do it all at once, you'll attribute your success to the supps., when in reality your new diet/training would have been responsible for 95% of your results.

    diet > steroids

  8. #8
    Rizdizzle is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DDinSD View Post
    I just find it very peculiar that some of the guys on this site are so quick to judge and tell others to not use aas when they know all to well that we are only looking for advice from experienced users. Most if not all of the senior members on Jere would not have the mass they currently do if it wasn't for aas. So why is it that you are so quick to tell other that they should not run a cycle or even offer them the proper advice? Some of these "newbees" are going to run off and run a cycle anyway not thinking about how dngerous it could be to their health, when all they needed was to talk to someone that could have pointed them in the right direction.
    AAS isnt a quick fix to anything period.

    99% of new members i have noticed all want the "Quick Fix" Giving them advice on how to do AAS is iresponsible the mods and members all know this.

    If your body isnt ready for AAS then you will be doing MUCH more harm to your body then good.

    If they are telling you you should start in the diet section that doesnt mean you shouldnt ever do AAS they are just pointing you in the right direction to create a base for your future.

  9. #9
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    Not all dieticians are created equal either. You need someone who understand sports nutrition, and muscle building in particular. A lot of dieticians are simply weight loss oriented. The difference could not be greater.

    FYI, supplements require no proof of results. So trying every supplement is a waste of time and money. Stick to the ones known to work like creatine, glutamine, and NO Shotgun. I prefer Isopure for protein, but there are other good ones too.

    Post training routine too. Many, myself included, have wasted many years with a bad routine and improper advice. Again, you need to know how to build muscle, not just get lean and be a better athlete. All trainers do not understand this.

    Honestly, your terse reply indicates that you are not ready for steroids . It's obvious that you're looking for a quick fix. If you weren't you'd take the time to listen to the advice being given and take a couple of months, or even a year to see if it works before simply crying steroids, steroids, steroids! Steroids are not some wonder drug to be taken irresponsibly and on a whim. These are serious drugs, with real side effects if not taken properly, some life altering. Advice will always be given here, but first the prerequisites asked for by the responding members need to be met. You're in the right place, but you have to be willing to ask the right questions and provide information when asked.

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