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  1. #1
    double chicken's Avatar
    double chicken is offline Associate Member
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    D-bol Water Weight

    I have done a couple Test cycles.
    I am 32, 210 lbs, 12% bf, 6'4"

    I am considering starting my next cycle with D-bol (it would be standard D-Bol and Test E cycle). However I dont want to put on water weight. Is it possible to take D-bol and not put on water weight if i keep a low sodium diet and do cardio -OR- am i gauranteed to put on a little water weight?

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    I have done a couple Test cycles.
    I am 32, 210 lbs, 12% bf, 6'4"

    I am considering starting my next cycle with D-bol (it would be standard D-Bol and Test E cycle). However I dont want to put on water weight. Is it possible to take D-bol and not put on water weight if i keep a low sodium diet and do cardio -OR- am i gauranteed to put on a little water weight?
    test puts on water weight.. Dbol is only slightly worse then test at this.. take arimidex along with it to prevent water logging

  3. #3
    Asura is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    I have done a couple Test cycles.
    I am 32, 210 lbs, 12% bf, 6'4"

    I am considering starting my next cycle with D-bol (it would be standard D-Bol and Test E cycle). However I dont want to put on water weight. Is it possible to take D-bol and not put on water weight if i keep a low sodium diet and do cardio -OR- am i gauranteed to put on a little water weight?
    Dont do alot of mg for dbol ...alot of people report that 15-40 mg works well. Me personally I am doing 30 mg ed 4 weeks...many people report if you go past 35 mg ed you get signs of gyno.

    Dont doubt dbol...its very strong.

  4. #4
    GymHero's Avatar
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  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    I have done a couple Test cycles.
    I am 32, 210 lbs, 12% bf, 6'4"

    I am considering starting my next cycle with D-bol (it would be standard D-Bol and Test E cycle). However I dont want to put on water weight. Is it possible to take D-bol and not put on water weight if i keep a low sodium diet and do cardio -OR- am i gauranteed to put on a little water weight?
    If you made good progress off your last Test only cycles, then I see no reason to add another compound. Keep it simple, add compounds or alter dosages if absolutely needed.

    As stated earlier, if you are worried about water, there are methods to prevent an excessive breakout of this.

    If the Dbol is the real deal, then yes you are guaranteed water weight, whether it be on the high side or low side. Same goes for Test or many other compounds for that matter.

  6. #6
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    I agree that if what you're doing works there's no need to change it. A lot of people only look to the high side and say that "if this works, then even more would be better", but they don't consider that it might also be worse or just the same, but with higher risk and more side effects.

    The water gain comes with the territory with any compound that will aromatize. Estrogen causes water retention, think about women during that time of the month. So your choices are to take and AI, like Armidex, or add in some Winstrol which is famous for reducing water weight and drying you out. Be careful with the Winstrol though as it puts your joints and connective tissues at a disadvantage while your muscles become stronger, which can be a formula for disaster.

    Another option would be to run a cutting cycle with Anavar , or a test/Anavar cycle to reduce BF. The Anavar will dry you out somewhat, and it does not aromatize, but you may still need an AI, depending on the dose of test you choose to run.

  7. #7
    double chicken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TKO Performance View Post
    I agree that if what you're doing works there's no need to change it. A lot of people only look to the high side and say that "if this works, then even more would be better", but they don't consider that it might also be worse or just the same, but with higher risk and more side effects.

    The water gain comes with the territory with any compound that will aromatize. Estrogen causes water retention, think about women during that time of the month. So your choices are to take and AI, like Armidex, or add in some Winstrol which is famous for reducing water weight and drying you out. Be careful with the Winstrol though as it puts your joints and connective tissues at a disadvantage while your muscles become stronger, which can be a formula for disaster.

    Another option would be to run a cutting cycle with Anavar, or a test/Anavar cycle to reduce BF. The Anavar will dry you out somewhat, and it does not aromatize, but you may still need an AI, depending on the dose of test you choose to run.
    you are probably right. I just hate waiting 6 weeks for the Test to kick in and start working. But perhaps I will be more patient and just stick to the Test.

  8. #8
    Neevor's Avatar
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    Well you have two other options for not waiting so long.

    A) You could front load like two grams of the Enth or Cyp or whatever you are running in the first week. That would bring your plasma levels up fast. (not my first pick)

    B) You could run Prop instead. You'd feel the effects in the first week. This would be my preferance

  9. #9
    dec11's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    I have done a couple Test cycles.
    I am 32, 210 lbs, 12% bf, 6'4"

    I am considering starting my next cycle with D-bol (it would be standard D-Bol and Test E cycle). However I dont want to put on water weight. Is it possible to take D-bol and not put on water weight if i keep a low sodium diet and do cardio -OR- am i gauranteed to put on a little water weight?
    proof is in the pudding, you'll have to try and see, i knw some who put on very little water with dbol and others who ended up resembling a beached whale. keep dose moderate, good results can be had with as little as 20-30mg, dbol is one of those compounds tht seems to increase mainly only sides rather than gains when dosages are steeply upped

  10. #10
    baseline_9's Avatar
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    I think a lot of water retention could be reduced through good clean diet

    AI best option if needed

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