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  1. #1
    jay229 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2010

    Single shot of Test / HPTA

    hey guys,

    theres a long story behind my situation, but to save us the agony - i would prefer to just get to the point. first, i am not a steroid user AT ALL. I went to my doctor complaining of a low libido. it wasnt terrible, but could be better. so he ran a testosterone test, and it came back borderline low.

    the doc asked i would be interested in TRT therapy. i didnt know much about it, so i said 'ok why not'. so right then and there he injects me with 300 MG of testosterone. He wanted to see me in 2 weeks for another shot, then start me on some gel treatment.

    later when i got home, i read that TRT is **FOR LIFE**. not something i am comfortable commiting too.

    anyway on to my concern (sorry i tried to keep this short). Can anyone please tell me, if that one mega shot of 300 MG of testosterone is going to mess up my HPTA? and if yes, would it be permenent?? am freaking that this one shot, may screw me up for good!

    I would really appreciate any advice of thoughts you may have.
    1 - Will this one shot ruin my HPTA for good?
    2 - Will things just go back to normal with time?
    3 - Do I need some sort of Clomid to get things working again?

    Its only been 1 weeks since my injction. and the dr says i'd ahve to wait till october to see what my 'normal labs' would be after that injection. i really dont want to wait that long to find out that my HPTA is messed up, cuz if it is, i rather fix it NOW then later.

    any insight you can provide would be great - because im a huge worry-wort, and cant get a moment of peace without answers.

    btw i asked my doctor, and he didnt even know what HPTA was, he was clueless.. which REALLY is disturbing, as he shouild know this before just injecting me with this crap!

    i went to my family doc, and she thought i was crazy. worried yes. crazy.. not yet! but nobody seems to get or understand my concern... Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    chuckt12345's Avatar
    chuckt12345 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No you will not be ruined for life. Most TRT docs try and run about a 4 to 6 month course and then gradually ween you off or give a pct. Sometimes this helps restore your test levels to normal. It does not have to be a forever deal. I would however try a doc whos more familiar with TRT if your concerned

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    You won't be messed up for life from one shot.

    But if you legitimately have low test levels, you should seriously consider TRT.

    yah, it's for life, but it's not that bad,

    and you'll probably feel a TON better.

    How old are you?

  4. #4
    jay229 is offline New Member
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    i'm 30. i hit the gym, i make gains, no real signs of low - t, cept the libido.

    i am not 100% sold that I do have low-t. my first test, i did june 1st in the morning, and it came back completely normal. a month later i got it a 2nd time, just to be sure and it came back low. but that was done at 5pm. and i know t lowers during the day.

    because of the fluxation, i would prefer to get a good base line before i jump to any treatments like TRT. but for now i'd have to wait till october. if in fact i do have low-t, and i have no other choice, i'll start it.. but i'm not there yet...

    so just to reiterate, no damage to my HPTA? no clomid etc? just wait this out.

    thanks for the fast replies.. i really ment what i said, nobody in my life understands- and just need the facts straight.

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    There shouldnt be any damage from one shot.

    If you have low testosterone naturally, you should consider TRT or other options, such as SERM treatment for 5-6 weeks, then get BW done again.

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