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  1. #41
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  2. #42
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    Asking for a ban is a tad bit dramatic.

  3. #43
    tappeast's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Funniest thing I've ever read on here.
    Definately ment to be funny, shamefull maybe....but funny was the intent.

    DAYUMMM!!!! I've been gone at work all day and just get home to find myself on the grill for banning? Haaa!! Cmon, it's not that serious.

    I very much appreciate Hawaiian's advice. We had a couple rough spots no doubt, but he pulled through for me and I appreciate that.

    Is there NO PLACE for asking specific information about my cycle?? Really??? WHY NOT?

    I would be very willing to offer my advice to those who asked if I was as well informed as some of you. Its rediculous to come to a board with "SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS" and always get routed away with the research line.

    again...I say....with what research I do have under my belt, I continue to find sooo many different opinions that it is hard to decifer where to go with the information.

    In my research I FIND MORE "DO YOUR RESEARCH LINES" on countless threads.

    Man, i'm an on the job type guy....I learn through hands on experience/ information from others/ RESEARCH.

    I am an F/A-18 mechanic......If you asked my how to rig the Aileron System on an F/A-18...I would be more than willing to break it down for you...and then ALSO, POINT YOU IN THE DIRECTION OF RESOURCES that will help you get the job done. I would certainly NOT say go read up on it and get the job done.


    I do appreciate what this board has to offer as a new AAS user...and as you can read in my previous posts listed earlier in this thread I have been back and forth on what to take, what will work for my specific goals, etc...

    No need for me to do any explaining...but, just felt like it I guess.....

  4. #44
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    I understand what you are saying. In all fairness though, when we get similar questions asked 50 times a day, SOMETIMES a simple search can provide the answers you are looking for. A lot of us dont like to "spoon feed" people their answers just because that person does not want to take the time to look it up on their own. Now, that is not always the case, but a lot of the times it is.

    We are not trying to pass your question off to the side for the mere sake of not answering it. If we see that a persons question has more of a 'personal' feel to it, then of course we are more than willing to help answer the best we can.

    Just dont take it personal (or impersonal) if some of our responses are to have you search out the answer.

  5. #45
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    I am an F/A-18 mechanic......If you asked my how to rig the Aileron System on an F/A-18...I would be more than willing to break it down for you...and then ALSO, POINT YOU IN THE DIRECTION OF RESOURCES that will help you get the job done. I would certainly NOT say go read up on it and get the job done.
    What you fail to realize is the difference between a machine and your body. You do something wrong with the machine and it's just a simple reworking to fix. You do something wrong with the substances you're putting in your body and it could do irreversible damage.

    The learning hands on is not tge best route to take on everything. Why take the chance to damage yourself when others in the past have already done that dirty work and are trying to advise you away from doing the same. You came on here looking for advise but refuse to change anything. Why would you waste your time even posting?

  6. #46
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    Naw....I mean, I get it. And sifting through countless newbies questions I understand that too. I wish I could just talk to people on here directly sometimes, that way they know where i'm coming from.

    either way..... I'm a member of a few boards...non-AAS related.... and this is by far the most "DO your research ridden forum out there"

    It just becomes frustrating.

    Its hard for me to repeatedly get the "DO YOUR RESEARCH" line....when I know.... I am far different when asked something I am a subject matter expert of.

  7. #47
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  8. #48
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    Do any of the other forums you are a part of have 100,000+ members asking the same questions several times a day. A very select few have the patience to stay in the q&a here and they get bombarded daily with people asking questions that somebody else asked three threads down. I only come in here every now and then because my patience is not my virtue. But I do have a ton of respect for the members who stick it out.

  9. #49
    G4R is offline Anabolic Voice of Reason
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    For us, its like running a library dedicated to steroid use . Sure, we at the help desk are more than happy to help answer questions people may have, but if everyone stops looking for the answers in the books (the site) and keeps asking us the same questions, it gets frustrating after a while.

    But, again, its nothing personal.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    What you fail to realize is the difference between a machine and your body. You do something wrong with the machine and it's just a simple reworking to fix. You do something wrong with the substances you're putting in your body and it could do irreversible damage.

    I see what you did there. Agreed. But, I hope you understand it was just a simple analogy off the top of my head. I get what your saying too man.

    Do you get what i'm saying when "someone asks for help" it can be frustrating to said person...getting rerouted to the research find more topics with questions being asked and ALSO...getting routed to the RESEARCH pipeline.

    At 1:30 in the morning when asking a it sooo hard to just answer a question rather than pulling your own "dick move" and saying .... do your research?

    cmon man...i'm not trying to get slapped in the face for asking...I just want to know.

  11. #51
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    I can see where you are coming from aswell. I was a new member asking questions once too. We just like to see people put in the effort. Like g4r said, it's nothing personal.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by tappeast View Post
    Do you get what i'm saying when "someone asks for help" it can be frustrating to said person...getting rerouted to the research find more topics with questions being asked and ALSO...getting routed to the RESEARCH pipeline.

    At 1:30 in the morning when asking a it sooo hard to just answer a question rather than pulling your own "dick move" and saying .... do your research?

    cmon man...i'm not trying to get slapped in the face for asking...I just want to know.
    I haven't been a member here for long but what I do understand is that being a part of this board as a new member is about proving you belong here which means showing you are using the information in a (relatively) intelligent manner and being respectful of other memebers (especially those who have been her a while or those who have earned their stripes in the bodybuilding/powerlifting/athletic arena).

    One of the things that you did here that upset most people reading this thread was HawaiianPride is a respected member of this board and you're responses to his help were not very respectful,

    Quote Originally Posted by tappeast View Post
    f*cking research this, whatever. EVERYONE on here says that. I UNDERSTAND. But, I don't have time to research to the extent that you guys will see me as an equal AAS theologist.

    I'm tired of that research line. I have read through this website...and its endless..with A MILLION different opinions. eff that.
    especially considering he was the one trying to help you.

    As far as the "do your research" comments go, aside from the point that G4R made about people asking over and over about the same things while the answers are veritably at their fingertips if they just take 30 minutes to look around, the over all feel on this board seems to be a "think for yourself" attitude. People who don't ever read anything except what other people tell them aren't respected here.

    Also, unlike other boards, the information that the members here have in their brains isnt something you can just go out and read a book about (unlike your other forums, I'm thinking). Its not like we are talking about how to do a sit up or how to just eat healthy. Anyone who knows what they are talking about on here has put in hundreds of hours finding, accumulating, and then reading over and over the information you are looking to just whip out of them.

    Many of us have spent years learning and researching these topics to make sure we understand fully what is happening to our bodies. Reading, and rereading medical journal articles, meticulously planning and taking daily notes and journaling ourselves (Some of the vets have 20+ years of experience in the muscle building world. You can't buy that kind of education.) Then to have someone come in and tell them that THEY don't have TIME to put the work into the subject that many have spent a good part of their lives thinking about on a daily basis, shows a huge amount of disrespect for the people you are asking for help. For the kind of life they lead and the work they have had to put into it day in and day out to be in a position to just spout out the kind of info you want of the top of their head.

    I think the main reason KnockoutPower is throwin up the ban hammers is because of the blatant disrespect shown to Hawaiian and the calous manner in which you view the information we, as a community collectively have and the work it took to get that information into our brains.

    I'm still a relative newbie here so excuse me if I'm out of turn here but I think that should bring some clarity to why you are being crucified by some of the members.

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