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  1. #1
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    questions about gyno surgery

    This might not be the right forum but I figure posters in this forum might have more info than the others. I have gyno with large hard lumps under my nipples and have had it for some time. I have decided to try to get my insurance to pay for surgery to have it removed. I saw my doctor today and complained about pain behind my nipples over the past 3 weeks and that I frequently wake up at night from lying on my stomach and my chest pressing against the mattress causing me enough pain to wake me up (this is made up stuff trying to build a case to have my insurance pay for it). I have an appt. at a breast care center for a mamogram lol next week.

    Any advice about things to report as symptoms or whatever to try to get my insurance co. cover surgery to have the gyno removed?

    I'm also kind of concerned about the fat area around the hard lumpy areas, will they remove that with lypo or not?

    Another concern- will there be any skin sagging after the surgery and if so is there anything that can be done to minimize that?

    Finally, I'm assuming going in through the nipples is best to minimize any visible scarring, yes?

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I have the mamogram lol scheduled for monday morning.

    having tits sucks haha

  2. #2
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    You had it since puberty, its painful, and its getting worse (pain wise and size wise).
    They should lipo the fatty areas around after they take out what they need.
    Yeah, you can't even tell an incision was made.

  3. #3
    TRT2010's Avatar
    TRT2010 is offline Member
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    i am going to do the same thing eventually.. i have had mine sence puberty and documented and mine actually does hurt at night time thats why i went to my AAC to get on treatment, but as many doctors notes and documentation u have will help your case with your insurance. if the deny ur claim keep trying.. dont give up

  4. #4
    Canadream's Avatar
    Canadream is offline Associate Member
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    Keep the tensor bandage on as long as you can after the surgery

  5. #5
    Harry Manback's Avatar
    Harry Manback is offline Junior Member
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    Right, it's going to be difficult to have insurance cover the procedure as in their eyes, they see it as a cosmetic procedure only. I also have prepubescent gyno, and have thought about trying to have my insurance cover the cost. It really hit me when my doctor told me that no amount of exercising will get rid of it. He also told me to make it seem like it's psychologically effecting my day to day. So essentially make a solid note of how many ways it's negatively effecting your life.

    You mention having it for some time, to me suggesting that it's not from childhood. Is it AAS related?

  6. #6
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    It's from puberty.

  7. #7
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    So I had the mamogram and they told me I just have fat there, no gyno, and they don't know what's causing the pain (i made up having pain). I can't see how there is only fat there because I can feel some hard stuff all around my nipples under my skin. Def NOT fat. The nurse told me to check with my doc to see if any meds I'm on are causing the pain but that's a wash since I made up the pain.

    I have seen pics of dudes with gyno and I def have it. Even when I was really thin I had prominent tits. And with the hard masses under my nipple area I can't believe it is just fat. I am kind of at a loss as to what to do at this point. I can't understand why the breast care center would lie about my findings but also can not understand how hard stuff that feels like cartilage can be classified as fat. Any suggestions? Other than just go to a plastic surgeon?

  8. #8
    boyka's Avatar
    boyka is offline Associate Member
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    Maybe it's fat. Fat cells are also lumps, and the big ones( if you have it) can be felt while touching. I have some small lumps in my abdomen area, chest and near bicep (yes i can feel them). When i was leaner i had no fat lumps, so for sure when i lean out again they will be gone.
    Whats your BF? Maybe fat loss will do the trick.

  9. #9
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Got a call today. They said my Primary Care Dr wants me to have a physical examination by a specialist at the breast care center. My PCP is very thorough. I'm gonna complain up and down and not drop this with my pcp, he's great a getting me tests and stuff when I need them, he doesn't hesitate at all. I'm hopin I can get this done via ins. Otherwise I emailed a hospital in Brazil where rich people get plastic surgery done as it's much cheaper and I have a couple of condo's there anyway but free is better.

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