hi Guys,

new to the forums, Hoping to learn a lot from everyone!

I need some advice please!

I am 27 years old. Im 1,7 m high and weighing in at about 76kg's at the moment.

I have been training constantly for a number of years, so my strength is good and I have a relatively good build ( if i do say so myself ).

Ive decided its time to try my first cycle. I am looking at a cutting cycle to get ripped before our the summer. ( I live in RSA )

This is what I have been advised so far, tell me what you guys think!!

Oxandroplex ( Anavar )

Monday to friday
30 mg a day ( split up at break,lunch, dinner )

OStanoplex ( Winstrol )

Monday, wednesday and Friday
30 mg a day ( taken in the mornings)

Ephadrine tabs

Monday to friday
30 mg , twice a day ( split up at breakfast and lunch)

With milk thistle everyday.

( I train at 17:30 in the after noon)

Is it recommended I stack this with a creatine mono hydrate?

And I am also going to load the protein in as I don't want to loose any muscle mass.

Thanks guys!