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  1. #1
    oneoflasttitans is offline New Member
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    Sep 2010

    First Cycle with test E

    I am a newbie to this site but have been studying up on AAS. I am going to get 20cc of Test enth and hope it runs at least 12 weeks.I have been training for atleast twelve years and feel my body is ready to be challenged. I am 35 years old and 6'6 and 280 lbs. My diet now is not as solid as I would like but I know when I cycle on it will clean up.I still need to think on this but so far I have ...

    Weeks 1-12 Test E@300 mg a week(mon and thurs.)
    pct=2 weeks after last pin .25 mg l-dex(arimidex ) with 100 mg clomid and 20 mg nolva for thirty days.

    It looks simple and I have read too about front loading cycle with letro and also read letro can be used through entire cycle.I know letro will be good incaase of nipple issues or gyno and I want to have that on hand. This is my first aas cycle and 300 mg seemed a good dose to see how it feels and learn for my first cycle. I am not starting as soon as I get test e because I feel I need to tighten down on my pct. Always hear pct is easiest part of cycle but I read hundreds of differing opinions and it seems like Russian roulette. Any advice from vets would be appreciated. Not looking for my hand to be held but just a little guidance as to I am still researching before I start cycle. I am a newbie but a smart newbie and will wait until I have knowledge to start a smart cycle. My source told me clomid 2 weeks after is sufficient but that seems too simple but at such a low dose I am not sure.

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Why are you using an AI (l-dex) durring your PCT? 100mg of clomid for 30 days seems excessive to me. i like week1/2/3/3= clomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 30/20/20/20. Do some research on AI's and read swifto's threads in the PCT section. Also go to the homepage and then read up on beginner cycles under the cycle heading. IMO test e at 300mg a week is a little low. Letro on hand is a good idea. running it durring cycle probably not such a good idea unless you have gyno. Whats your bodyfat/cycle experience?

  3. #3
    DKbuilder is offline Associate Member
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    What is your fat %?

  4. #4
    oneoflasttitans is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty51312 View Post
    Why are you using an AI (l-dex) durring your PCT? 100mg of clomid for 30 days seems excessive to me. i like week1/2/3/3= clomid 100/50/50/50 nolva 30/20/20/20. Do some research on AI's and read swifto's threads in the PCT section. Also go to the homepage and then read up on beginner cycles under the cycle heading. IMO test e at 300mg a week is a little low. Letro on hand is a good idea. running it durring cycle probably not such a good idea unless you have gyno. Whats your bodyfat/cycle experience?
    Bodyfat is about 25% and first time with aas but I stress again I am not starting until I am educated with pct and have it solidified. Still researching but like perspective from experienced individuals as opposed to reading an article or a thread from years ago. I don't have a pic yet but I am ectoo-meso. Very tall but wide and some extra weight on stomach. Your right about low dose as to this was my forst cycle and I didn't want to start at 500 per say but I guess once my pct is on track it wouldn't hurt. Just wanted to do test only as to test being base of cycle and wanted to see how I could improve on test only.

  5. #5
    oneoflasttitans is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DKbuilder View Post
    What is your fat %?
    about 25%

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    You need to work to get that bodyfat down for a while before you start a cycle below 16% Take a look at some sample cutting diets in the diet section. What your workout routine look like?

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