I'm 16 days out From my first and not exactly as cut as I want to be at. I was thinking of taking t3 for 2 weeks 25/25/50/50/75/75/100/100/100/100/100/75/50/50 and end it 3 days before the contest. Was wondering if I would see results from only 2 weeks use and if so how much bf can I loose?

I'm currently taking
prop 100mg eod
Tren ace 100mg eod
Winny 50mg Ed
Ephedrine/cafein to cut

The last week I will cut test to 25mg eod to get rid of any boosting and increase the tren to 150mg eod.. (what do you guys think of this as well? Good idea?)

Let me know .. I am currently 5'7" 187lb and 7%bf