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Thread: Tren Ace

  1. #1
    maximustoday is offline Junior Member
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    Tren Ace

    What are some distinctive characteristics of Tren A to tell if it's real? I just started including tren ace into my current cycle and I hear about increased fat burning, night sweats, insomnia, acne, etc. as sides and i'm just ending my 2nd week on it and I haven't noticed any of this at all. Current cycle consists of 50mg anadrol ED, 600mg test e EW, and 75mg tren a EOD. I do spot injections rotating between delts, pecs, inner and outer bicep heads and I haven't run into the "tren cough" at all. Everyone is saying that I definately grew and I've had comments that say I look like I can lift a house, but to be honest, I just haven't really noticed any changes. My lifts have been a tiny bit stronger, but not by much and nothing too impressive.

    I should note that I do my own homebrews and cook up my own gear with powder from china. Here are a few things I noticed with the tren i made:

    - It's noticeably darker than test en and cyp and slightly darker than deca , almost like a golden color instead of yellow
    - It has a very strong odor to it, more so than anything else I've made. I swear I even smell it when I take a piss, but it might be in my head
    - Before I filter with a whatman, the oil is very cloudy, but becomes clear post-filtering

    Does any of this sound like it could be real? Also, is anyone familiar with any labs that do cheap testing to check gear anonymously?

  2. #2
    maximustoday is offline Junior Member
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    I forgot to mention that immediately after this cycle was started, I got suspiciously sick out of nowhere. Mild congestion, headaches and an overall feeling of walking death. It's toned down quite a bit after a few days, but still not 100% gone yet. Not sure if it's a coincidence or a side effect???

  3. #3
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Give it more time.

    Some people had no ill side effects from Tren , some can't handle it.

    People respond different, it's just the way it is.

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by maximustoday View Post
    I forgot to mention that immediately after this cycle was started, I got suspiciously sick out of nowhere. Mild congestion, headaches and an overall feeling of walking death. It's toned down quite a bit after a few days, but still not 100% gone yet. Not sure if it's a coincidence or a side effect???
    It's your body responding to the exogenous compounds being introduced into your system. It's normal.

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Yeah everone reacts different.I sweat during the day.Just hours after I inject.Temper.Well my wife gets on my nerves.But I dont say much.Beacuse she might throw something at me.When I aint lookin

  6. #6
    Far from massive's Avatar
    Far from massive is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You could always take a little of the powder and check the melting point 94-97 c or 201.2-206.6f

    How is that for cheap LOL

  7. #7
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    Often times I can taste the tren smell after I inject. The two big tells for me is increase blood presure/red face and I sweat a lot easier. I made some stew yesterday and enjoyed it on the sofa while while playing some halo. The intense effort needed in walking down a set of stairs and spooning stew into a bowl resulted in a brow wipe. The stew was awsome and I suck at halo

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Give it a little more time, but you should start getting some sides within the next week or so, but everyone's different. Be glad that you haven't had the cough...In past experiences, mine has been brutal at times. Keep us posted.
    One more thing, you said that people tell you that "you look like you can lift a house"....Remember, we're always the last ones to see our true progress, and more often than not, we always want more.
    The test will take a few more weeks to kick in....If you don't feel anything from the Tren within a week i'd be suspicious.....

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