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  1. #1
    3bigpipes is offline New Member
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    how do you know if you're in the muscle?

    How do I know if I actually reach the muscle while I'm injecting the gear? Do you feel something different, or does it hurt more, less? I've been shooting for 2 weeks ( 25g 1 inch in delts, 23g 1.5 in in glutes ) winstrol every day ( 4 days now ) and sust 250 every 5 th day for 2 weeks. the sust doesn't hurt that much, but the V is killing me, to the point where I can't lift my arm the next day. Could this be cause I'm not reaching the muscle or is this normal, or something else? What happens to the gear if it doesn't actually get shot up in the muscle?

    thanks guys. I've gained 20 pounds since I started the sust ( 173 to 195 lbs). I now need to start cutting down ( to big in the face) so I'll run the V for 40 days.

  2. #2
    strollin's Avatar
    strollin is offline Associate Member
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    Your delt is muscle you can't miss it. Your whole shoulder is a ball of muscle. I've never used whinny so I don't know if it's supposed to hurt. Why aren't you drinking it? From what I've read its the best way to go. No needles! If you need a site to go to for injections p.m. me and I'll let you know a good one.

  3. #3
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    winny can hurt can test propinate.

    You know your in the muscle, because when you aspirate , you see air bubbles. Also, and this may simply be just me however,

    I feel the piercing of the skin...then as soon as i'm through the skin, I push slightly harder; easing the needle in, and I can feel it getting a tiny bit harder to push into the muscle...granted I do everything slow, controled, and very sterile

    There is also another way...I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!! (put the needle in your ass, and move your leg....if it hurts, your in the muscle )

    DO NOT DO THAT, it is a joke!!!

    Seriously, the shoulder is a big ball of muscle...hard to miss....espeacially with a 1' dart

    Glute, 1.5 is fine for that also...your not missing it...I mean think about it...

    how fat can ones ass be? Well i promise you dont have an inch and a half of fat over the muscle...well you might but i doubt it..

    So it has to go somewhere...well what's next muscle and veins...if you aspirate and see air...your in the right spot.




  4. #4
    Ozzy's Avatar
    Ozzy is offline Senior Member
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    You don't need to know
    Originally posted by KunipshunFit

    There is also another way...I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!! (put the needle in your ass, and move your leg....if it hurts, your in the muscle )

    DO NOT DO THAT, it is a joke!!!
    Your a piece of work bro

  5. #5
    KunipshunFit's Avatar
    KunipshunFit is offline Lounge Lizard
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    HELL - I got the last col
    i'm a piece of something alright...LOL

  6. #6
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    There is also another way...I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!! (put the needle in your ass, and move your leg....if it hurts, your in the muscle )

    DO NOT DO THAT, it is a joke!!!

    im speechless.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Stick to quads, easy to look at it and figure where the blubber is and where the solid "meat" is


  8. #8
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    bro i'd up the sust by 250mg every week...250mg isn't enough..your test levels are going to be major out of wak...are you runing the winny in the beggining of your cycle, since you said you were in the 2nd week of sust i assume you are....winny can hurt, drink it if it becomes a problem i have shot and drank on seperate cycles and i like drinking it much during my cycles i'm a walking pin cushion, so every little shot adds are reaching the muscle, i use a 25gauge in my shoulder...your cool bro as far as that goes..i don't know about your cycle though...put up your cycle, since your in week 2 it might be able to be changed for the better...later bro..Madmax...

  9. #9
    painintheazz's Avatar
    painintheazz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Red Ketchup
    Stick to quads, easy to look at it and figure where the blubber is and where the solid "meat" is

    Quads are my favorite.


  10. #10
    redrumkev is offline Associate Member
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    no flame - but u gained 20 lbs on sust in 2 weeks - every 5th day inject -so what you have used 1 gram? You might want to have a scaleologist check the reading on your scale!

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