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Thread: gynoooo?

  1. #1
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    so i ended a cycle of mdrol30mg a day + test e 500mg a week used liquid clomid and got pretty bad gyno in my left nipple when coming off the shit, ive used anadrol 50 in the passed with zero gyno not even slight puffiness that damn test e ****ed my chest up lol, anyone think if i use anadrol again at 50mg a day it will make my gyno worse since its already started? lol

  2. #2
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    What are your symptoms exactly?
    What is your body fat?
    Full stats?

    Won't know for sure unless you give me specific symptoms or photos with various angles. Have you considered any treatment options?

  3. #3
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    well both nipples got slight puffiness but i think thats gonna go away the part that bothers me is the hard lump in my left nipple and that its really sore it hurts to even touch and twice as puffy as my right nipple

  4. #4
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    and body fat is probably around 8%

  5. #5
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Sounds like Gyno. Start on Tamox 10mg ED and address accordingly from there.

  6. #6
    Dr.Roidz is offline Banned - peachass!
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    I would start at 40mg/day and decrease once sensitivity subsides. I'm sure it was the combination but Ill bet the superdrol was the culprit more then the test. A lot of people experience delayed onset gyno running that stuff.

  7. #7
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i got arrested and lost my clomid and alllllllll my gear and related stuff the other day so im getting more and definately using tamoxifen instead of clomid =P do you think starting anadrol 50 will start up the gyno again at 50mg a day if i didnt have problems on it before?

  8. #8
    Dr.Roidz is offline Banned - peachass!
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    Your hormones are imbalanced right now. I would wait until this flare up subsides at the very least.

  9. #9
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    yea for sure im waiting till two weeks in november to start my next cycle, i just dont know if this will make me more sensitive later on now that its started

  10. #10
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Utilize methods to prevent the onset of ERSE's now that you know you are prone. 40mg ED may be excessive and lower estrogen a bit too much. My opinion still stands, start low if you can get away with successful treatment, increase dosages accordingly if necessary.

  11. #11
    Dr.Roidz is offline Banned - peachass!
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    Tamoxifen does not lower estrogen. Gyno needs to be nipped in the butt now not. 40mg is higher than 10mg obviously but excessive? not really. people running letro is excessive.

  12. #12
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    So your telling me the antiestrogenic effects of Nolva does not contribute to keeping estrogen levels low?

  13. #13
    1230981 is offline Junior Member
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    haha i was actually considering using letro during cycle cuz alot of people i know use it to get rid of estrogen sides, and ill probably start at 10-20mg tamox ive never used it before i wanna make sure i dont get any eye problems trying to combat gyno which can be surgically removed while the eye problems can be permanent (from what i hear)

  14. #14
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1230981 View Post
    haha i was actually considering using letro during cycle cuz alot of people i know use it to get rid of estrogen sides, and ill probably start at 10-20mg tamox ive never used it before i wanna make sure i dont get any eye problems trying to combat gyno which can be surgically removed while the eye problems can be permanent (from what i hear)
    Letro as a last resort. It's side effects outweigh the benefits in most cases regardless of dosages being used in most individuals. Why risk danger with one compound when goals can be achieved with another without ill related side effects? If all else fails, Letro or surgery.

  15. #15
    Dr.Roidz is offline Banned - peachass!
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    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    So your telling me the antiestrogenic effects of Nolva does not contribute to keeping estrogen levels low?
    Thats exactly what I am saying. It blocks estogen from binding to the receptor through competitive inhibition in certain tissues. Tamoxifen is an estrogen itself it does nothing to lower systemic estrogen levels.

    Why do I feel like you already know this?

  16. #16
    BGC123 is offline Junior Member
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    Don't mean to hijack this but are you guys saying that letro or nolva can cause eye problems?

  17. #17
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BGC123 View Post
    Don't mean to hijack this but are you guys saying that letro or nolva can cause eye problems?
    Nolva (and other SERMs) have been known to cause vision problems. But its usually only a concern at high doses for extended periods of time (like when used to fight breast cancer).

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