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Thread: anavar or clen?

  1. #1
    renjr70's Avatar
    renjr70 is offline Junior Member
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    anavar or clen?

    So I'm new here and I've been reading up on fat loss. I'm interested in doing a cycle of either Anavar or Clen to drop some more BF before doing my first cycle.
    I'm 40 years old, 200lbs, 17.2% BF, Just looking for some advice on which would be a better option for me.

  2. #2
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sunny Australia!
    If you where to use anavar i would consider it a cycle as it is a AS.
    I think diet and cardio is your best option buddy.
    Clen is best for getting rid of fat to go sub 10 bf%
    Head down to the diet section and post your current diet and we can help you out on that front, as far as AAS goes it will not alone cut bf

  3. #3
    bjpennnn's Avatar
    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    what he said ^^ diet section

  4. #4
    teddykgb29 is offline Associate Member
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    diet and cardio, then maybe a thermogenic like clen or albuterol.

  5. #5
    bodybuilder's Avatar
    bodybuilder is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2010
    I agree i used to be at 18%bf. After spending a lot of time at the diet section and reading as much as i could there. I was able to get my diet in check and now I'm proud to say I'm down to 15%.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    I would not take any aas right now, go with clen or albuterol, with diet and cardio. That should be all you need for now.

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