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  1. #1
    DocPharm is offline New Member
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    Winni and cutting questions.

    I am about to start my first cutting cycle. I have cut my diet from 3500 calories/day down to 2200-2500/day and have upped my cardio to 30-40 min/ day on stepmill or eliptical or treadmill. My diet consists of a lot of baked chicken and grilled shrimp. Brown rice and oatmeal. Steamed peas, broccoli, and asparagus. I drink 2 glasses of unsweetend tea a day, the rest is water besides drinking a preworkout shake (1 M.R.) My question regards using winni to cut. I have never shot it or anything before. I have taken d'bol once for 4mos at 30mg/day just to help gain some strength.What dosages should I be shooting? How often should I shoot? What sites should I shoot at? I have 10ml bottle of winni and was planning on doing 6wks of dieting then starting the winni to completion of the bottle. I have 22g x 3/4" points. Do I shoot under skin or in muscle for cutting? Any help would be appreciated.

    My stats are
    14%BF as of last weeks test
    My goal is to cut down to 8-9%BF in 12-16wks

    I workout 5 days a wk
    M- chest
    Tues- back and biceps
    Wed - rest
    Thurs- Shoulders and tris
    Friday- Legs
    Sat- crossfit/circuit training
    I do cardio 4x a week (M,T, Th, F). 40min/day

  2. #2
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Ok. A winny only cycle is a terrible idea. And no steroid will melt fat off of you. Its all about diet and training. If you eat to bulk you can bulk on winny or test or deca or anavar or whatever. If you eat to cut you can do the same thing on any of those steroids . What winstrol does is make your muscles harder, and more dense. These effects are best seen when you start the winny cycle at 10% bodyfat or less. Your diet that you've posted really doesn't tell me much of anything. Start by setting up your diet in this manner

    BMR (base metabolic rate)
    TDEE (total daily energy expediture) if you dont' know these terms google them its not difficult to calculate

    meal one
    Macro's (cals/carbs/protien/fat)

    through meal 6-8 all the same
    then total the macro's for the day
    If you wanna cut i'd recommend a 300-500 calorie deficit per day with a ratio of 40%protien 45%carbs 15% fat. Post it up in the diet section and we'll get you where you wanna be naturaly
    Last edited by scotty51312; 10-14-2010 at 08:21 PM.

  3. #3
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    What dose per mil is your winny?
    your age?

  4. #4
    DocPharm is offline New Member
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    I am 24 years old. Winni is 50mg/mL Geneza product.

    As far as my diet goes I do not have the time to eat 8 times a day. I eat 5x a day and that is often difficult to do for me. I teach and coach so I am a busy guy. I am not 100% sure of my BMR, ect. I will give you exactly what I know. I have trained since 15yrs of age. Always for powerlifting. I blew my knee apart at 21yrs old playing baseball, so I cannot squat heavy enough for competitions anymore. I now for the past 3 years have trained just for bulking, always clean. I use Whey protein and a preworkout supplement (right now its 1M.R.)

    Here is my typical diet however. Hopefully somebody can lend me some advice.
    I know my bodyfat test is accurate, just did an accurate test last week to check. I have never really watched my diet that much, other then smashing protein for bulking.

    Meal 1- 7am

    1/2c Oatmeal w/ a tsp of natural honey
    50mg protein shake

    Meal 2- 10am snack
    Nature's valley oatmeal bar
    1/2 turkey and cheese sandwish on whole wheat

    Meal 3- noon
    6-8oz baked chicken breast
    1/2 can of peas, drained and cooked with pinch of salt and pepper

    Meal 4- 3pm

    6-8 med. shrimp grilled w. garlic
    1 small baked potato with pinch of salt and pepper
    5-7 asparagus spears sauted in 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

    Meal 5 - 7pm after gym

    50mg whey protein shake
    other half of my turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread.

    That is my typical daily meal plan. The vegetables change day to day: most often I eat broccoli, asparagus, and peas however. I do not fry and try to keep my salt minimal. I drink water, atleast 8-12oz glasses a day.

  5. #5
    DocPharm is offline New Member
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    Just calculated my BMR and TDEE

    BMR = 2087.16
    TDEE = 3236.4

  6. #6
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocPharm View Post
    I am 24 years old. Winni is 50mg/mL Geneza product.

    As far as my diet goes I do not have the time to eat 8 times a day. I eat 5x a day and that is often difficult to do for me. I teach and coach so I am a busy guy. I am not 100% sure of my BMR, ect. I will give you exactly what I know. I have trained since 15yrs of age. Always for powerlifting. I blew my knee apart at 21yrs old playing baseball, so I cannot squat heavy enough for competitions anymore. I now for the past 3 years have trained just for bulking, always clean. I use Whey protein and a preworkout supplement (right now its 1M.R.)
    A lot of us are busy people and make time to eat. Most of us do our cooking for the week on the weekend in bulk and put it in tupperwear

    Here is my typical diet however. Hopefully somebody can lend me some advice.
    I know my bodyfat test is accurate, just did an accurate test last week to check. I have never really watched my diet that much, other then smashing protein for bulking.

    Meal 1- 7am

    1/2c Oatmeal w/ a tsp of natural honey
    50mg protein shake
    if you can try drinking a 25 g whey protien shake as soon as you wake up to stop catabolism then after have your 1/2 cup of oatmeal, preferably without the honey. If you must throw some berries in there or sugar free maple syrup add 6-8 egg whites here. You can actually buy them in cartons already seperated they take about 2 minutes too cook the same as quick oats
    Meal 2- 10am snack
    Nature's valley oatmeal bar
    sugar is an issue with most of these kinds of bars
    1/2 turkey and cheese sandwish on whole wheat
    processed deli turkey is an inferior source of protien. Actual turkey breast would be ok though. This meal also looks high on carbs and low on protien

    Meal 3- noon
    6-8oz baked chicken breast
    1/2 can of peas, drained and cooked with pinch of salt and pepper
    peas are sugary just like carrots full of simple carbs. change this up for leafy greens or possibly some other fiberous veg this meal also needs complex carbs
    Meal 4- 3pm

    6-8 med. shrimp grilled w. garlic
    1 small baked potato with pinch of salt and pepper
    Change this to a sweet potato, its much lower on the GI scale and a great source of fiber and vitamin A
    5-7 asparagus spears sauted in 1/2 tsp extra virgin olive oil

    Meal 5 - 7pm after gym

    50mg whey protein shake
    other half of my turkey and cheese on whole wheat bread.
    Toss the turkey sand. Cheese is also extra saturated fat you dont need. PWO shakes need carbs to replenish glycogen stores. i like to split mine 25g of simple carbs and 25 g complex
    That is my typical daily meal plan. The vegetables change day to day: most often I eat broccoli, asparagus, and peas however. I do not fry and try to keep my salt minimal. I drink water, atleast 8-12oz glasses a day.

    You have now slow digesting protien before bed to prevent overnight catobolism

    Knowing your BMR (base metabolic rate) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and getting the macro's down for your meals and all day is the first step. U need to know your TDEE so you know how many calories you burn per day so you can set your daily intake 300-500 calories below that. Even eating a protien bar is better than missing meals in a diet plan. Winny isn't going to help you without having your diet dialed in perfect. Also its going to shut down your natural test production. You also risk sexual disfunction.

  7. #7
    DocPharm is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the tips on the dieting. I will make the changes that you have suggested. As far a slow digesting carb before bed, what do you suggest? Casein shake? I do not eat processed meat, I go 2 the deli and get sliced meat only. Standards smoked turkey breast is my favorite. As far as protein or snack bars, what is a good product that is low in sugar? I am on the go a lot and have to grab quck snacks between classes typically.

  8. #8
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Slow digesting protien not carbs Cassien is good. When i don't feel like mixing up cassien i eat 2 tbsp of natty peanutbutter and 1/2 cup of lowfat cottage cheese. There are lots of bars out there with decent stats. Bars should be a last resort real food and animal protiens are better. I like clif builder bars. 20g protien 20g carbs and organic.

  9. #9
    DocPharm is offline New Member
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    Thank you very much for the diet help. I will get my diet cleaned up and arranged as I need to. For now, I will put the winny back into the safe for later use.

  10. #10
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    Not a problem bro, while we work on that diet you can research more on cycles and how to use winny effectively in a safe beginner cycle later down the road

  11. #11
    sully169 is offline New Member
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    my question is why is natural peanut butter so much better than regular chunky peanut butter ... the macro nutrients are basically the same ... i understand the different type of sugars ... but the taste is such a drastic improvement

  12. #12
    scotty51312's Avatar
    scotty51312 is offline Transformation Challenge Trainer
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    Natty peanutbutter doesn't have added sugars Macro's are different in the aspect of carbs

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