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  1. #1
    mediocre45 is offline Junior Member
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    Post Your Specific Strength Gains

    Amazed at how few threads there are out there on here and other sites that discuss strength gains.

    List your cycle and strength gains, preferably in the Big 3 lifts (squat, bench, deadlift).

    My current #'s are: 450+/350/580ish @ 225 lbs (3 cycles under my belt)
    What would be average gains starting from these numbers on a test/dbol /deca cycle, in your opinion (yes I know this is highly dependent on a number of factors).
    Test 1-12 @ 600 mg/week
    Deca 1-10 @ 400 mg/week
    Dbol: 1-4/5 40 ED

  2. #2
    higgy is offline Associate Member
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    1 cycle test e and deca
    1 cycle m drol

    these are my numbers from my m drol cycle, not the biggest numbers but I'm proud
    bench before 190/10reps/4sets
    bench after 235/8 reps/3 sets

    squat before 255/8reps/5sets
    squat after 290/10reps/5sets

    deadlift before 225/12reps/4sets
    deadlift after 315/10reps/4sets

  3. #3
    Big n' Swoll is offline New Member
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    I hate to say it but it doesn't look like you were ready to cycle, not to be rude but my cousin who is 16 has better stats than that with 2 years lifting experience.(not sure because you didn't list bf.)

  4. #4
    Aodha's Avatar
    Aodha is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big n' Swoll View Post
    I hate to say it but it doesn't look like you were ready to cycle, not to be rude but my cousin who is 16 has better stats than that with 2 years lifting experience.(not sure because you didn't list bf.)
    What the... Who is this kid? "Yeah my cousin is only 16 and he is so much stronger than you..." Oh, not to be rude bigswoll but you should change your name to bigdork. Does anyone else find this random and irrelevant? I mean ok, maybe he wasn't quite ready to cycle...but why turn this into "my dad could beat your dad up."

  5. #5
    Affliction357's Avatar
    Affliction357 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aodha View Post
    What the... Who is this kid? "Yeah my cousin is only 16 and he is so much stronger than you..." Oh, not to be rude bigswoll but you should change your name to bigdork. Does anyone else find this random and irrelevant? I mean ok, maybe he wasn't quite ready to cycle...but why turn this into "my dad could beat your dad up."
    Bigdork? haha.This guys wakes up every morning and takes 2 insulin shots,some d-bol,and HGH stacked with Mas,and then and then eats a bowl of cereal with Bud light as milk.Im pretty sure Big n' Swoll is the best name for him...

  6. #6
    Big n' Swoll is offline New Member
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    exaggerating a little.... that is you my my friend, I don't really want to take insulin .

  7. #7
    spidartanks is offline Junior Member
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    I'm on day 12 of my FIRST cycle of test e and dbols - test hasnt kicked in yet,
    but today i did 4 plates a side for squats 405lbs for 3... i did 385 a couple weeks ago but today i felt STRONG! i'll post more as gains come!

  8. #8
    EatingMyWheaties is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mediocre45 View Post
    My current #'s are: 450+/350/580ish @ 225 lbs (3 cycles under my belt)
    What would be average gains starting from these numbers on a test/dbol /deca cycle, in your opinion (yes I know this is highly dependent on a number of factors).
    Test 1-12 @ 600 mg/week
    Deca 1-10 @ 400 mg/week
    Dbol: 1-4/5 40 ED
    I have had a reasonable amount of luck running Sust 250 (12wks 500-750mgs a wk) EQ (500mgs a wk 12wks) Deca (500mgs a 8wks)
    Pre Cycle I was repping out 265 on bench 3x5. Ended cycle doing 300 3x5 easy. Squats was like a 80lb increase, (I didnt work legs as much as upper body) and Deadlift I honestly cant remember I want to say I got about 70lbs more in that cycle.

    This is a really broad question and depending on what your lifting for the results can vary a lot. I dont compete in BB or Power Lifting so my work ethic is probably not at the same level as some of the guys on here that literally work out for a living. I am sure their gains would be significantly different, not to mention my diet on a scale of 1-10 (10 =perfect) was probably about a 6. Like I said very broad question and really its not jsut the gear the DIET is really what can make or break your cycle. Just my 2 cents

  9. #9
    mediocre45 is offline Junior Member
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    Bignretarded: Are you referring to my stats lol? Cuz I know a guy who has a friend that is twice as strong as your cousins friend.

    I'll post my estimated strength gains as well, although there are a lot of circumstances affecting the results, so take it with salt.

    First cycle: Test 600 mg/week 1-12, dbol 50 mg ED, deca 100-200 mg/week...I was JUST getting back into lifting again and partly did this cycle to get back to my old self quickly, which probably was a waste. Hindsight is 20/20. Was doing mostly BB so the only thing I remember was bench, and these are estimated: 250-290.

    2nd cycle: cutter around 600 mg test/week, no clue on numbers.

    3rd cycle: cutter with 65 mg var ED, 650 mg test/week. The spring before I was hitting about: 430/320/550 @ 245 lbs and fat. I went on an extreme low carb cut and was down to about 410/315/500 @ 220 lbs and was doing an extremely high volume PL routine (big mistake lol). AFTER cycle I am: 225 lbs >12% bf with numbers posted in first post of this thread.

    Before the cycle I listed for next year, I'd like to be at: 500/365/600 or so @ 220 lb weight class. Really not sure what I'd like to be at after this cycle, probably: 565/415/675 @ 242 weight class.

  10. #10
    mediocre45 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatingMyWheaties View Post
    This is a really broad question and depending on what your lifting for the results can vary a lot. I dont compete in BB or Power Lifting so my work ethic is probably not at the same level as some of the guys on here that literally work out for a living. I am sure their gains would be significantly different, not to mention my diet on a scale of 1-10 (10 =perfect) was probably about a 6. Like I said very broad question and really its not jsut the gear the DIET is really what can make or break your cycle. Just my 2 cents
    Agreed. You got pretty good gains even though you weren't 100% on training/diet. I think it's highly dependent on the routine, your experience, definitely diet, and a number of other factors when it comes to KEEPING the gains you've attained while on. I believe I am getting very good at this aspect of cycling. When you finally reach the point where you know how your body responds to supplements, training, diet, and roids, it is an amazing feeling.

  11. #11
    higgy is offline Associate Member
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    Big n swole is prob some young punk who thinks they know everything about everything. These are my numbers after just getting back in the gym after a car accident. I'm so sorry I don't compare to your cousin.

  12. #12
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    my test only cycle i jumped from

    flat dumbell bench 90lbs each hand for 6 reps to 120lbs each hand for 6 reps
    squats 315x1 to 405x1
    deadlift 405x1 to 506x1
    seated barbell press from 180x8 to 225x6

  13. #13
    Big n' Swoll is offline New Member
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    Sorry guys I din't mean to start trouble or sound like a smart ass. I had a bad day yesterday and vented on here and on the phone:sorry!

  14. #14
    MonteCarlo is offline New Member
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    big gains^
    Last edited by MonteCarlo; 05-01-2012 at 02:29 AM.

  15. #15
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro if you are making gains.And you are happy.So be it.Keep up the good work.

  16. #16
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I'm taking 500mg test cyp/week and 80-100mg of var a day and my strength gains are going up like 5lbs every 1-2 weeks on dumbbell exercises, on top of additional rep capability and 10lbs every 1-2 weeks on non dumbbell exercises along with the ability to push out extra reps as well. I'm also using 3 crushed fina pellets trans-dermal with DMSO as I was going to throw them out. The guy who runs the nutrition shop I frequent told me that the body can not adsorb tren this way so I think it may have zero effect in my cycle.

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