Currently running a light pre contest cycle consisting of:
weeks 1-8: test enanthante 250mg/week
weeks 6-12: winstrol 50mg/ED
weeks 8-12: test prop 250mg/week
clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off

My problem started yesterday which is week 6. So as of right now I am running test e 250mg/week and I just started winni at 50mg/ED. But for some strange reason once I started the Winni (4 days ago) I noticed increased water retention. How is this possible? Winni doesn't convert to estrogen! And I didn't change my diet what so ever. Would perhaps adding 10mg/day of nolvadex help?

And yes I understand that the dose of test I'm running is very low, but this is my second cycle (first was just a standard 400mg/week test for 10 weeks with dbol at 25mg for first 4 weeks) and my goal during contest prep was to
maintain so I don't think I needed alot of test.

Any help is appreciated