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  1. #1
    BIG NICE is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle

    Ideal Cycle for BIG NICE

    Help me choose which drug to chose to run when I feel the time is ready. Here is my background info...

    26 yrs old, 6'3", 220lb, 15%bf, training hard 2.5 years
    max d lift - 355x1, bench 290x1, squat 315x3

    Ran 3 previous cycles of Mdrol, with nolva pct. No AAS/injection experience.

    I want a beginner steroid that won't give me much water retention and something that is not likely to cause or worsen gyno symptoms. I have a small bump underneath my left nip and have been using liquid letro to treat it. I want steady gains that will stay with me. I want to recomp and add some size. Size is most important to me, but I def want it to be gradual and steady. Safety is a concern as well, as I don't want major sides.

    Here's the thing - In my profession, it really wouldn't look good if I reaaaally blew up fast. People were asking if I was juicing when I took Mdrol, and I know I may get a few questions, but I don't want it to be the pink elephant in the room. I want a drug that will help me put on size and maintain as much as possible, so that when I come off I don't look like someone popped me with a pin. I also don't want to use roids all the time, so I would be more of a moderate user. What is right for me, if anything at all in the near future? Thanks for the suggestions.

  2. #2
    BIG NICE is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    The Iron Jungle
    No one can throw in any suggestions?

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