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  1. #1
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    My first cycle - Give me your thoughts please!

    Hello everyone!


    Age: 27
    Weight: 187 (This is after 4 weeks of the cycle, i'm up 10lbs)

    What I'm taking-- (I'm taking these in .5 cc doses each twice a week to equal 1cc/week for each)

    1cc - Sustanon 250
    1cc - Nandrolone Decanoate 200

    How does this dosage sound to you guys? Should i do any more or less?

    I've been doing these for about 4 weeks now, strength has definitely increased (ie: bench went up from 205max to 230max), weight has increased about 10lbs. I've been lifting 5x a week splitting my muscle groups up. I've heard that i should possibly do a 1 day on one day off workout? Any benefit to that?

    Diet, i eat really clean but i'm having a hard time getting enough calories i think. I think my problem is that i'm trying to eat too clean. For my height and weight while taking steroids , i had read something about trying to get in 5000 calories.. does that sound about right?

    I'm doing this cycle with a buddy of mine who's done them before, he has mentioned getting equipoise to switch to right after this cycle, what do you guys think about that? Since i'm new to this and i like message forums, i figured it would try and get some outside opinions aside from my buddy.

    Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!

    Couple more things, i've been working out consistently for several years.. I've just always had been tall and lean and gaining mass has been hard for me, i'd like to try and get up to about 205-210.

    If you have any questions for me that i didn't answer that might help you answer some of my questions, just let me know!
    Last edited by jrun; 10-21-2010 at 08:30 PM.

  2. #2
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Sup with nobody listing concentrations of gear?

    Your volume (1cc) is just a coefficient man.

  3. #3
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    You'll have to excuse my ignorance there man, i've never dealt with injectables or fluid amounts.. I thought that 1cc was just what it was called? haha.. What exactly is it that you are looking for so i can try and figure it out.

  4. #4
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Looks like you can afford to up your calories being that you are using what most would consider bulking compounds anyhow. Your deca probably wont kick in full force till a bit later - Your appetite will probably increase. It sounds like yiou aren't counting calories anyway so just listen to your appetite and eat more.

    I don't understand what you are trying to do with the EQ. You want to run the EQ immediately after your test/deca cycle?

  5. #5
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrun View Post
    You'll have to excuse my ignorance there man, i've never dealt with injectables or fluid amounts.. I thought that 1cc was just what it was called? haha.. What exactly is it that you are looking for so i can try and figure it out.
    Concentrations of the gear. Because of the name, your testosterone is most likely 250mg of gear per every 1cc but you don't list how concentrated your deca is.

    Check your vial or ampule. It will probably say the concentration. (xxxmg / ml)

    FYI 1ml = 1cc

  6. #6
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    Hey man, thank you for responding! Here is what we've got.

    Sustanon -250
    Nandrolone Decanoate - 200

    PCT - We hava Arimidex but i don't have the # for that one for the dosage you were looking for.

    To be honest, he mentioned equipose just cause he said he'd done it before and said it was awesome. So i imagine we were going to do the sustanon/deca cycle, do a pct and then do the equipoise cycle..

    We also have some Anadrol 50, not really sure what we're going to do with that yet.

  7. #7
    zaneisgreat's Avatar
    zaneisgreat is offline Associate Member
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    ooo. I wouldn't use the arimidex for pct. You should really look into using S.E.R.M.s

    Look into picking up some nolvadex and clomid. Running these two for PCT is pretty common these days and is HIGHLY field tested for keeping gains. Arimidex for PCT is better than nothing but you'll have a lot of troubles keeping your gains with only arimidex.

    Stay away from anadrol imo. It is one of the harshest oral steroids .

  8. #8
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the heads up on the Arimidex man! I'll def bring up the nolvadex and clomid to my buddy. The Anadrol we have is in a vial, so would that make it much different than the anadrol oral version?

    Also, so now that you know its sustanon 250, and deca 200.. Does the dosage i'm taking sound low-med-high to you? Do you think i should change anything about the dosage thruout the cycle? Lastly, how long do you think i should stay on this cycle? haha.. sorry for the 20 questions!

  9. #9
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    Also, how long should the PCT cycle be? Do you essentially start that immediately afterwards or is there a gap between it?

    Thanks again for any responses!

  10. #10
    HrdGainer80 is offline New Member
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    I think you should have done a lot more research before you started taking hormones.... These are all things that have stickies. Start doing some reading before you end up doing permanent damage.

  11. #11
    boxin23's Avatar
    boxin23 is offline Member
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    ok so here is some diet help as far as the 5000 cals go....

    you need to figure out your BMR and then get your TDEE and that will tell you how much you need to eat. This was the single most important thing i ran into when learning how to eat.

    you were 6-2" and 175 starting out....which means there is a lot of room to grow on just eating. I promise if you figure out the above formula and learn how to eat you will get bigger......

    oh yeah....use the harris benedict formula for men....and google...later. GL... boxin

  12. #12
    OldManRiver's Avatar
    OldManRiver is offline Junior Member
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    I think this is a scary post.... over the next couple days please try and read as much of the stickies on this site as possible. I personally would never have done aas without knowing about everything I was taking. Never listen to what others say, do research and make your own choices. Don't let someone else tell you what compounds you should take. Do as much research as possible asap, and be a little smarter next time you start injecting yourself with aas.

  13. #13
    gymbob's Avatar
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    i have yet to begin my first cycle but i read for years, as far as your pct if you read around youll find you want to start the clomid/nolva around when the half life of your gear runs out. i dont know what those are but test is two weeks, so two weeks after last shot youd start your SERMs, taper them down a bit. just read and read and read. im convinced hcg is the way to go for pct thats what ill be running, not sure yet if ill do hcg right thru or at the end, either way it will get the boys up and running quicker then clomid and nolva alone... but then again i have no actual exp, just reading, im firing up first cycle this weekend after some BW

  14. #14
    vk2 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymbob View Post
    i have yet to begin my first cycle but i read for years, as far as your pct if you read around youll find you want to start the clomid/nolva around when the half life of your gear runs out. i dont know what those are but test is two weeks, so two weeks after last shot youd start your SERMs, taper them down a bit. just read and read and read. im convinced hcg is the way to go for pct thats what ill be running, not sure yet if ill do hcg right thru or at the end, either way it will get the boys up and running quicker then clomid and nolva alone... but then again i have no actual exp, just reading, im firing up first cycle this weekend after some BW
    hcg + clomid + nolva?

  15. #15
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Jrun, got to dig, man. You should have been armed with this knowledge BEFORE you jabbed! I don't want you to hurt yourself. READ READ READ!!!

  16. #16
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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    Thank you so much everyone for the help, and the tough love calling me out for not doing all my reading before hand. Since i trust my friend that has been hooking me up with this, i've just been kinda of following his lead. He played football in college and used it off and on ever since.. so i just kinda trusted him. Mistake made.

    i def should of read up on it more, i completely agree with all of you.. I've been reading all the stickies for the last couple days now trying to educate myself.

    THAT being said though, here i am, roughly 4 weeks into this cycle. Here is what we've been doing.

    1cc - sustanon 250 /week (1/2 cc on Saturday - 1/2 cc on Wednesday)
    1cc - deca 200 /week (1/2 cc on Saturday - 1/2 cc on Wednesday)

    One thing i still haven't been able to figure out still is the dosage levels, 1cc of sus250, would that equal 250mg /week? So i would say i'm doing 250mg of sust and 200mg of deca a week? Is that how that works out?

    Can you guys give me some of your opinions on my dosage and what you think i should be at or switch to? As of right now i've put on about 11lbs in this roughly 4 weeks. Do you guys think for my dosage levels i'm gaining appropriately or less?

    Thanks for taking the time to help me out, much appreciated.

  17. #17
    jrun is offline Junior Member
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